

Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/10

From Sonic Retro

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The following is a listing of the English-language voice files in Sonic Heroes. These files are located in dvdroot\bgm\SH_VOICE_E.afs.

Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/10
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Filename (.ahx) Character Contents Notes
trn01_e00_sd Shadow “This is quite an engineering feat.”
trn01_e00_sn Sonic “What a view!”
trn01_e00_tl Tails “Look at those canyons!”
trn01_e00_vc Vector “They spared no expense here.”
trn01_e01_ch Charmy “It's makin' me dizzy! Heh-heh!”
trn01_e01_es Espio “Feels like we're going in circles.”
trn01_e01_vc Vector “What a complicated setup!”
trn01_e02_am Amy “Don't worry about them! Let's keep moving!”
trn01_e02_bg Big “Looks like a rhino's heading this way!”
trn01_e02_ch Charmy “Look out for that rhino!”
trn01_e02_om Omega “Armored train approaching!”
trn01_e02_rg Rouge “Don't worry about them. Just keep moving!”
trn01_e02_sn Sonic “You wanna race?”
trn01_e02_tl Tails “That's an armored train!”
trn01_e02_vc Vector “Keep movin' boys!”
trn01_e03_bg Big “Look ouut!”
trn01_e03_cr Cream “The rail's gone!”
trn01_e03_es Espio “They destroyed the rail!”
trn01_e03_kn Knuckles “They're pulling out all the tricks!”
trn01_e03_rg Rouge “The rail disappeared!”
trn01_e03_sd Shadow “No worries.”
trn01_e03_tl Tails “The rail!”
trn01_e03_vc Vector “They must be really desperate!”
trn01_e04_am Amy “This train looks tacky.”
trn01_e04_rg Rouge “Phew, what an ugly train.”
trn01_e04_sn Sonic “What's up with that train?”
trn01_e04_vc Vector “They must be carrying something important!”
trn01_e05_am Amy “Ah! Look out!”
trn01_e05_ch Charmy “Train!”
trn01_e05_rg Rouge “Watch out!”
trn01_e05_tl Tails “Look out!”
trn01_e06_rg Rouge “What's with these trains?”
trn01_e06_sd Shadow “Get ready. Here they come.”
trn01_e06_sn Sonic “No time to waste here. Let's go!”
trn01_e06_tl Tails “Wow, look at all those armored trains!”
trn01_e07_ch Charmy “If they can't come over here, then I guess I'm on my own!”
trn01_e08_ch Charmy “Wonder if that switch did anything? Maybe I should check!”
trn01_h00_am Amy “I wonder if we can change the direction of that lighted rail with a switch? Let's look for it.”
trn01_h00_bg Big “Maybe we can change the direction of that lighted rail with a switch. Look around, okay?”
trn01_h00_ch Charmy “I think we can change the direction of that lighted rail with a switch. Let's look for it!”
trn01_h00_cr Cream “I think we can change the direction of that lighted rail we were just on with a switch. We should look for it!”
trn01_h00_es Espio “The direction of that lighted rail we were just on can be changed with a switch. Let's find it.”
trn01_h00_kn Knuckles “I think we can change the direction of that lighted rail with a switch. Let's find the switch.”
trn01_h00_om Omega “The direction of that lighted rail can be changed with a switch. Look for the switch.”
trn01_h00_rg Rouge “Do you think we can change the direction of the lighted rail we were just grinding on? Let's look for a switch.”
trn01_h00_sd Shadow “The direction of the lighted rail can be changed with a switch. Let's find it.”
trn01_h00_sn Sonic “Looks like we can change the direction of that lighted rail we were just on with a switch! Let's find the switch.”
trn01_h00_tl Tails “We can change the direction of that lighted rail with a switch! Let's go find the switch.”
trn01_h00_vc Vector “Hey, I think that rail might be connected to somewhere else! Maybe we can change the direction with a switch.”
trn01_h01_am Amy “This looks like a special job for Big.”
trn01_h01_bg Big “Okey-dokey!”
trn01_h01_ch Charmy “The capsule is tough! Vector, it's all yours!”
trn01_h01_cr Cream “Mr. Big, we need your help to destroy the capsule for us.”
trn01_h01_es Espio “We must let Vector handle this capsule.”
trn01_h01_kn Knuckles “I'll handle the capsule.”
trn01_h01_om Omega “I'll take care of it. You won't be able to destroy it by yourselves.”
trn01_h01_rg Rouge “The capsule looks pretty solid. Let's leave it to Omega.”
trn01_h01_sd Shadow “The capsule is solid. Let's have Omega handle it.”
trn01_h01_sn Sonic “I can't break this capsule; It's too hard! What'ya say, Knuckles?”
trn01_h01_tl Tails “That capsule looks pretty tough! This might be a job for Knuckles!”
trn01_h01_vc Vector “Step aside, boys, and let me handle this one.”
trn01_h02_am Amy “How are we gonna open this door?”
trn01_h02_bg Big “This door must be broken. It won't open!”
trn01_h02_ch Charmy “There's no switch to this door. That's strange!”
trn01_h02_cr Cream “That's funny. There's no switch to open the door.”
trn01_h02_es Espio “There's no switch for the door. What should we do?”
trn01_h02_kn Knuckles “This door won't open with a switch.”
trn01_h02_om Omega “This door does not retract. The only way in is by destroying it.”
trn01_h02_rg Rouge “I don't see a switch to open this door anywhere.”
trn01_h02_sd Shadow “This isn't a kind of door that opens with a switch.”
trn01_h02_sn Sonic “This doesn't seem to be the kind of door that opens with a switch.”
trn01_h02_tl Tails “I don't see any switch to open this door anywhere.”
trn01_h02_vc Vector “What? There's no switch for the door? What kind of door is this?”
trn01_h03_am Amy “Big, use your body press to destroy that duct on the floor.”
trn01_h03_bg Big “Maybe I could destroy that duct on the floor with my belly.”
trn01_h03_ch Charmy “Wonder what that duct on the floor is?”
trn01_h03_cr Cream “Maybe you could break that duct on the floor with your body press, Mr. Big.”
trn01_h03_es Espio “Looks like we can go down through that duct.”
trn01_h03_kn Knuckles “We can destroy the duct on the floor and go down from there.”
trn01_h03_om Omega “Destroy the duct on the floor and go down from there.”
trn01_h03_rg Rouge “We can destroy the duct on the floor and go down from there!”
trn01_h03_sd Shadow “Looks like we can go down from that duct on the floor.”
trn01_h03_sn Sonic “Looks like we can go down through that duct.”
trn01_h03_tl Tails “Looks like we can go down using that duct on the floor.”
trn01_h03_vc Vector “Can't we go down using that duct on the floor?”
trn01_h04_am Amy “Did you know that we can maneuver right and left while airborne?”
trn01_h04_bg Big “We can move right or left in the air, right?”
trn01_h04_ch Charmy “We can move left or right while airborne, ya know?”
trn01_h04_cr Cream “Did you all notice? We can move right and left in the air!”
trn01_h04_es Espio “Slight maneuver ability, left and right while airborne.”
trn01_h04_kn Knuckles “While airborne we can move slightly left or right.”
trn01_h04_om Omega “We're able to slightly move right and left, even while airborne.”
trn01_h04_rg Rouge “Did you know that we can maneuver right and left while airborne?”
trn01_h04_sd Shadow “Did you know we can move left or right while airborne?”
trn01_h04_sn Sonic “Check it out! We can move right and left while airborne!”
trn01_h04_tl Tails “Did you know that we can maneuver right and left while airborne?”
trn01_h04_vc Vector “Did you know we can slightly right and left, even when airborne?”
trn01_h05_ch Charmy “I know they're here somewhere!”
trn01_h05_es Espio “I sense them around here...”
trn01_h05_vc Vector “This place looks suspicious!”
trn01_m00_eg Eggman (over radio) “Infiltrate the terminal station located in the middle of this base. This is a difficult mission.”
trn01_m01_eg Eggman (over radio) “Infiltrate the terminal station located in the middle of this base. This time the clock's ticking away, so don't waste any time!”
trn01_w00_am Amy “I sense Chocola and Froggy may be in Eggman's base.”
trn01_w00_bg Big “Betcha good fishin' 'round here.”
trn01_w00_ch Charmy “Let's catch a ride on the train!”
trn01_w00_cr Cream “Look at that canyon!”
trn01_w00_es Espio “I wonder if we get there by just following the rails...”
trn01_w00_kn Knuckles “I can't believe someone would build such a thing.”
trn01_w00_om Omega “Shadow was unleashed as I was. Just who is he?”
trn01_w00_rg Rouge “I wonder what caused Shadow to lose his memory?”
trn01_w00_sd Shadow “I wonder what the Doctor meant?”
trn01_w00_sn Sonic “Don't fall off that rail.”
trn01_w00_tl Tails “What a base. Eggman must be around here somewhere.”
trn01_w00_vc Vector “Wonder how big the terminal station is.”
trn02_e00_am Amy “Let's see what they got!”
trn02_e00_bg Big “Look at all those canons!”
trn02_e00_ch Charmy “Is this the end of the trail?”
trn02_e00_cr Cream “Sure looks dangerous!”
trn02_e00_es Espio “We finally made it.”
trn02_e00_kn Knuckles “I guess we're heading in the right direction.”
trn02_e00_om Omega “Prepare to infiltrate.”
trn02_e00_rg Rouge “Here we go.”
trn02_e00_sd Shadow “It's starting to look like a base.”
trn02_e00_sn Sonic “It's because we're getting closer to the center.”
trn02_e00_tl Tails “It's getting creepier around here.”
trn02_e00_vc Vector “Can't be! This is only the beginning!”
trn02_e01_am Amy “Aah!”
trn02_e01_ch Charmy “Oh no! Here comes the train!”
trn02_e01_cr Cream “Everyone, watch out ahead!”
trn02_e01_rg Rouge “Aahh!”
trn02_e01_sd Shadow “Look out ahead!”
trn02_e01_sn Sonic “Whoa!!”
trn02_e01_tl Tails “Sonic, look out!”
trn02_e01_vc Vector “Whow!”
trn02_e02_ch Charmy “What's that?”
trn02_e02_es Espio “Hmmn?”
trn02_e02_vc Vector “Is that the terminal?”
trn02_e03_ch Charmy “Whoa, this is super fast!”
trn02_e03_es Espio “Can this be a high-speed transport tunnel?”
trn02_e03_kn Knuckles “A tunnel?”
trn02_e03_om Omega “This is a high-speed transport tunnel.”
trn02_e03_rg Rouge “What's this?”
trn02_e03_sd Shadow “We have to get to the other side of the train. Let's go!”
trn02_e03_sn Sonic “If we stay ahead of the trains, we'll be okay.”
trn02_e03_tl Tails “I wonder how long this thing is?”
trn02_e03_vc Vector “We're almost to the terminal!”
trn02_e04_ch Charmy “O-kay-O-kay!”
trn02_e04_es Espio “Are you alright?”
trn02_e04_kn Knuckles “Alright!”
trn02_e04_om Omega “Roger.”
trn02_e04_rg Rouge “Okay.”
trn02_e04_sd Shadow “Jump to the car ahead as we destroy them.”
trn02_e04_sn Sonic “Let's jump to the car ahead as we destroy 'em!”
trn02_e04_tl Tails “Okay!”
trn02_e04_vc Vector “Leap to the car ahead as we destroy them!”
trn02_e05_es Espio “That must be the train's engine core.”
trn02_e05_kn Knuckles “Got it!”
trn02_e05_om Omega “Leave it to me.”
trn02_e05_rg Rouge “That must be the engine car.”
trn02_e05_sn Sonic “We found it! Now Knuckles, destroy that engine core!”
trn02_e05_vc Vector “Let me try takin' it out!”
trn02_e06_ch Charmy “Alright!”
trn02_e06_es Espio “You got it.”
trn02_e06_kn Knuckles “I'm right behind you!”
trn02_e06_om Omega “Affirmative.”
trn02_e06_rg Rouge “Okay.”
trn02_e06_sd Shadow “Keep moving!”
trn02_e06_sn Sonic “That's it! Let's keep moving!”
trn02_e06_tl Tails “Okay!”
trn02_e06_vc Vector “Just as planned! Okay, let's go!”
trn02_e07_am Amy “This must be the internal mechanism of that giant cannon.”
trn02_e07_ch Charmy “All right! This looks fun!”
trn02_e07_cr Cream “The middle part is where you put in the cannonballs right?”
trn02_e07_es Espio “This has to be the giant cannon's internal mechanism.”
trn02_e07_kn Knuckles “Hey, come on now! Don't do it Sonic!”
trn02_e07_rg Rouge “It looks fun. Let's get in!”
trn02_e07_sd Shadow “This must be the drive for that giant cannon.”
trn02_e07_sn Sonic “Hey, let's try firing that thing.”
trn02_e07_tl Tails “This must the giant cannon's internal mechanism we saw before!”
trn02_e07_vc Vector “Don't touch anything Charmy!”
trn02_e08_bg Big “It's moving!”
trn02_e08_ch Charmy “Hey, it's moving!”
trn02_e08_cr Cream “This is making me nervous!”
trn02_e08_es Espio “I wonder where this cannon is going to take us.”
trn02_e08_kn Knuckles “Hey, which way is the cannon facing? Hey!”
trn02_e08_om Omega “Activation initiated.”
trn02_e08_rg Rouge “Which way is the cannon facing?”
trn02_e08_sn Sonic “Here we gooo!”
trn02_e08_tl Tails “It's moving!”
trn02_e08_vc Vector “We'll find out shortly.”
trn02_e09_am Amy (empty) (empty)
trn02_e09_bg Big “Wow, that was scary.”
trn02_e09_ch Charmy “That was awesome! Can we do it again?”
trn02_e09_cr Cream “Yes it was.”
trn02_e09_es Espio “It shot us quite a distance.”
trn02_e09_kn Knuckles “*exhale* I think my heart stopped.”
trn02_e09_rg Rouge “Yeah, but a bit scary.”
trn02_e09_sd Shadow “That cannon sure came in handy.”
trn02_e09_sn Sonic “Wow! That's what I can a flight!”
trn02_e09_tl Tails “Phew!”
trn02_e09_vc Vector “Charmy! This isn't a roller coaster ride!”
trn02_e10_kn Knuckles “That must be Eggman's base, straight ahead of us!”
trn02_e10_om Omega “Here we come, Eggman.”
trn02_e10_rg Rouge “We're finally here.”
trn02_e10_sd Shadow “That must be the base's control tower.”
trn02_e10_sn Sonic “Alright, here we go!”
trn02_e11_ch Charmy “We found the capsule!”
trn02_e11_es Espio “This must be the secret weapon capsule.”
trn02_e11_vc Vector “Now let's get to work, boys!”
trn02_m00_eg Eggman (over radio) “Capsules developed by Eggman are located throughout the base. Destroy them.”
trn02_m01_eg Eggman (over radio) “Destroy all the capsules on the base.”
trn02_w00_am Amy “Eggman must be hiding in a big base like this.”
trn02_w00_bg Big “I feel Froggy is near.”
trn02_w00_ch Charmy “Capsule, capsule, we will crush you!”
trn02_w00_cr Cream “I'm so worried about Chocola.”
trn02_w00_es Espio “Is this a weapons base? Maybe it's just a transport deck.”
trn02_w00_kn Knuckles “Wonder where Eggman's secret weapon is...”
trn02_w00_om Omega “I'll demolish this base.”
trn02_w00_rg Rouge “The capsules on this base are the same ones we saw Shadow in.”
trn02_w00_sd Shadow “Are you at the rear of this base, Doctor?”
trn02_w00_sn Sonic “Eggman, nothing can stop me from destroying your secret weapon.”
trn02_w00_tl Tails “The sun is setting. Hope we make it there on time.”
trn02_w00_vc Vector “Why would someone build such a base here?”
tut00_h00_oc Omochao “Hello! I'm Omochao! In this stage, you can practice different types of action!”
tut00_h01_oc Omochao “Listen to me carefully, and you will learn a lot!”
tut00_h03_oc Omochao “Okay, are you ready to start?”
tut00_h04_oc Omochao “First, I'll explain the formations. Each formation is different depending on who the leader is.”
tut00_h05ps_oc Omochao “Press the Triangle button or the Circle button to change the leader and try different formations.”
tut00_h05xb_oc Omochao “Press the Y button or the B button to change leaders and try different formations.”
tut00_h05_oc Omochao “Press the Y button or the X button to change leaders and try different formations.”
tut00_h06_oc Omochao “Do you see the blue, yellow and red symbols in the top-right corner of the screen?”
tut00_h07_oc Omochao “The blue symbol means the leader is speed type.”
tut00_h08_oc Omochao “The yellow symbol means the leader is fly type.”
tut00_h09_oc Omochao “The red symbol means leader is power type.”
tut00_h10_oc Omochao “The character symbol at the bottom indicates the current leader.”
tut00_h11_oc Omochao “Next, I'll tell you about the formation signals. These signals tell you which formation is most effective from that point.”
tut00_h12_oc Omochao “When the signal is blue, speed type leader is recommended. When the signal is red, power type leader is recommended.”
tut00_h13_oc Omochao “This is the formation change gate.”
tut00_h14_oc Omochao “The leader automatically changes when you go through this gate.”
tut00_h15_oc Omochao “You're in speed formation when the character in the blue symbol is the leader.”
tut00_h16_oc Omochao “This formation features really fast speed!”
tut00_h17_oc Omochao “Now I'll explain the Homing Attack to you.”
tut00_h18_oc Omochao “The Homing Attack comes in really handy, and is used often in the speed formation. So be sure to master this technique!
tut00_h19ps_oc Omochao “Press the X button to jump, then press the X button again while you're in mid-jump! That's how to use the Homing Attack!”
tut00_h19xb_oc Omochao “Press the A button to jump, then press the A button again while you're in mid-jump! That's how to use the homing attack!”
tut00_h19_oc Omochao “Press the A button to jump, then press the A button again while you're in mid-jump! That's how to use the homing attack!”
tut00_h20_oc Omochao “Now, let's try it with that spring!”
tut00_h21_oc Omochao “Now, let's talk about rings!”
tut00_h22_oc Omochao “These things lined up here are what we call rings!”
tut00_h23_oc Omochao “It's important to always have at least one ring with you so you don't lose a life when you take on damage!”
tut00_h24_oc Omochao “So don't forget to pick up rings!”
tut00_h25_oc Omochao “These are the bad guys! Let's get 'em!”
tut00_h26_oc Omochao “Let's try attacking them using the Homing Attack!”
tut00_h27_oc Omochao “Since Homing Attack automatically targets the enemies for you, it's really easy to attack them!”
tut00_h28_oc Omochao “Good job!”
tut00_h29_oc Omochao “The Homing Attack also automatically targets springs and item boxes too! Use this technique to jump to different places.”
tut00_h30_oc Omochao “Next, let me explain Rocket Accel to you. It's way cool!”
tut00_h31_oc Omochao “Rocket Accel is an attack where you use your teammates to bounce off of to accelerate!”
tut00_h32_oc Omochao “It's a little complicated, so listen carefully!”
tut00_h33ps_oc Omochao “Press the Square button to bring everyone together.”
tut00_h33xb_oc Omochao “Press the X button to bring everyone together.”
tut00_h33_oc Omochao “Press the B button to bring everyone together.”
tut00_h34ps_oc Omochao “Once everyone is together, let go of the Square button. That's how to attack using Rocket Accel!”
tut00_h34xb_oc Omochao “Once everyone is together, let go of the X button. That's how to attack using Rocket Accel!”
tut00_h34_oc Omochao “Once everyone is together, let go of the B button. That's how to attack using Rocket Accel!”
tut00_h35ps_oc Omochao “If you release the Square button before everyone is together, you'll do a completely different attack. So be careful!
tut00_h35xb_oc Omochao “If you let the X button go before everyone is together, you'll do a completely different attack! So be careful!
tut00_h35_oc Omochao “If you release the B button before everyone is together, you'll do a completely different attack! So be careful!
tut00_h36_oc Omochao “Now, let's try it!”
tut00_h37_oc Omochao “Now, let's talk about the level up feature.”
tut00_h38_oc Omochao “That 'thing' is called a Power Core, and it's used to level up your character.”
tut00_h39_oc Omochao “A blue power core increases the speed-type character's level. A yellow power core increases the fly-type character's level.”
tut00_h40_oc Omochao “And a red power core increases the power-type character's level.
tut00_h41_oc Omochao “Sometimes you can even get power cores by defeating enemies!”
tut00_h42_oc Omochao “Let's destroy those guys and get the power cores!”
tut00_h43_oc Omochao “You can check to see which attacks have been leveled up later.”
tut00_h44_oc Omochao “Next, I'll explain the fly formation to you!”
tut00_h45_oc Omochao “When the character in the yellow symbol is the leader, you're in fly formation!”
tut00_h46_oc Omochao “This formation allows you to fly!”
tut00_h47ps_oc Omochao “Press the X button again while jumping to ascend!”
tut00_h47xb_oc Omochao “Press the A button again, while jumping, to ascend!”
tut00_h47_oc Omochao “Press the A button again while jumping to ascend!”
tut00_h48_oc Omochao “Now you can reach high places!”
tut00_h49_oc Omochao “Let's try flying off that cliff now!”
tut00_h50_oc Omochao “Make sure to keep an eye on the gauge in the top right corner of the screen when flying.”
tut00_h51_oc Omochao “When the gauge is empty, you'll drop!”
tut00_h52_oc Omochao “Pay attention to the gauge, and try flying over there!”
tut00_h53_oc Omochao “Next, I'll explain Thunder Shoot to you.”
tut00_h54ps_oc Omochao “Try Thunder Shoot by pressing the Square button while in fly formation! This let's you shoot your teammates at the enemies like balls!”
tut00_h54xb_oc Omochao “Try Thunder Shoot by pressing the X button while in fly formation! This let's you shoot your teammates at the enemies like balls!”
tut00_h54_oc Omochao “Try Thunder Shoot by pressing the B button while in fly formation! This let's you shoot your teammates at the enemies like balls!”
tut00_h55_oc Omochao “Thunder Shoot comes in handy when you want to shock your opponents, or when you need to aim for high places.”
tut00_h56_oc Omochao “I'll now explain the last formation, called the power formation.”
tut00_h57_oc Omochao “First, change the leader to the character in the red symbol.”
tut00_h58_oc Omochao “When the character in the red symbol is the leader, you're in power formation!”
tut00_h59_oc Omochao “The power formation is useful to crush the enemies and rocks with powerful attacks!”
tut00_h60ps_oc Omochao “Try pressing the Square button and destroy those big rocks and containers over there!”
tut00_h60xb_oc Omochao “Try pressing the X button and destroy those big rocks and containers over there!”
tut00_h60_oc Omochao “Try pressing the B button and destroy those big rocks and containers over there!”
tut00_h61_oc Omochao “Wow! You're a quick learner! Excellent!”
tut00_h62_oc Omochao “Okay! Now let's try destroying all of those enemies over there!”
tut00_h63ps_oc Omochao “You may have already noticed this, but if you press the Square button at the right time, while in the power formation, you'll do all sorts of combo attacks!”
tut00_h63xb_oc Omochao “You may have already noticed this, but if you press the X button at the right time while in the power formation, you'll do all sorts of combo attacks!”
tut00_h63_oc Omochao “You may have already noticed this, but if you press the B button at the right time while in the power formation, you'll do all sorts of combo attacks!”
tut00_h64ps_oc Omochao “Press the Square button while jumping from here to do a special attack!”
tut00_h64xb_oc Omochao “Press the X button while jumping from here to do a special attack!”
tut00_h64_oc Omochao “Press the B button while jumping from here to do a special attack!”
tut00_h65_oc Omochao “You wanna try some more?”
tut00_h66_oc Omochao “Now for the very last special attack: Team Blast!”
tut00_h67ps_oc Omochao “When the gauge in the top right corner is full, then you can attack using Team Blast, by pressing the R1 button!”
tut00_h67xb_oc Omochao “When the gauge in the top right corner is full, then you can attack using Team Blast, by pressing the Z button!”
tut00_h67_oc Omochao “When the gauge in the top right corner is full, then you can attack using Team Blast, by pressing the Z button!”
tut00_h68_oc Omochao “This is the ultimate attack to use when you're in a pinch!”
tut00_h69_oc Omochao “Let's give it a try and wipe those guys out!”
tut00_h70_oc Omochao “The gauge for Team Blast is energized by collecting items, rings, defeating enemies, or by using formation action!”
tut00_h71_oc Omochao “That's all! You did great!”
tut00_h72_oc Omochao “I knew you would do just fine!”
tut00_h73_oc Omochao “Touch that Goal Ring over there to clear the stage!”
tut00_h74_oc Omochao “Come back anytime if you need to practice! Good luck!”
tut01_h00_oc Omochao “Let's try it by changing the leader to the character in the blue symbol.”
tut01_h01_oc Omochao “First, change the leader to the character in the yellow symbol.”
Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/10
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Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
Move to Sega Retro
Number Systems (or scrap) | Assembly Hacking Guide | 68000 Instruction Set | 68000 ASM-to-Hex Code Reference | SMPS Music Hacking Guide | Mega Drive technical information