

Sonic Adventure 2/Model Files

From Sonic Retro

SCHG: Sonic Adventure 2

This is a list of each character's model data from each version of Sonic Adventure 2. Due to differences in the way drop shadows work between the Dreamcast release and the Battle versions, all characters use the lowest-poly model for drop shadows in Battle, while the Dreamcast version uses only a select few parts that are positioned by an invisible "model" found only in the Dreamcast version's model packages for each character.

Main Character models

Sonic Model IDs

  • Sonic's model package from SA2: The Trial lacks proper models for the Magic Gloves, Sonic Wind, the Chaos Control warp effect from Sonic vs. Shadow 2, and the Light Dash afterimage. Instead, his Light Dash afterimage uses the LoD2 model in SA2: The Trial when the Light Shoes are enabled.
ID Description
0 Model Root
1 Model Root 2
2 Model Root 3
3 Head (Complete)
4 Right eye
5 Left eye
6 Jumpball
7 Drop Shadow (Head, DC Only)
8 Head (Complete)
9 Right Foot Toe
10 Left Foot Toe
11 Right Foot Heel
12 Left Foot Heel
13 Light Shoes (Right)
14 Light Shoes (Left)
15 Right Hand
16 Left Hand
17 Right Arm
18 Left Arm
19 Jumpball (Effect)
20 Homing Attack Trail
21 Head (Without muzzle)
22 Muzzle
23 Right hand
24 Left hand
25 Flame Ring
26 Bounce Bracelet
27 Magic Gloves
28 Chaos Control Warp Effect (Ring)
29 Sonic Wind
30 Light Dash Effect
31 LoD1 Root Model
32 LoD1 Root Model 2
33 LoD1 Root Model 3
34 LoD1 Head (Complete)
35 LoD1 Right Eye
36 LoD1 Left Eye
37 LoD1 Head (Complete)
38 LoD1 Right Shoe Toe
39 LoD1 Left Shoe Toe
40 LoD1 Right Shoe Heel
41 LoD1 Left Shoe Heel
42 LoD1 Right Hand
43 LoD1 Left Hand
44 LoD1 Right Arm
45 LoD1 Left Arm
46 LoD1 Right Hand
47 LoD1 Left Hand
48 LoD2 Root Model
49 LoD2 Root Model 2
50 LoD2 Root Model 3
51 LoD2 Head (Complete)
52 LoD2 Right Eye
53 LoD2 Left Eye
54 LoD2 Head (Complete)
55 LoD2 Right Shoe Toe
56 LoD2 Left Shoe Toe
57 LoD2 Right Shoe Heel
58 LoD2 Left Shoe Heel
59 LoD2 Right Hand
60 LoD2 Left Hand
61 LoD2 Right Arm
62 LoD2 Left Arm
63 LoD2 Right Hand
64 LoD2 Left Hand
391 Head (Without muzzle, PSO/Holiday Sonic costumes only)
392 Head (Without muzzle, PSO/Holiday Sonic costumes only)
393 LoD2 Head (Without muzzle, PSO/Holiday Sonic costumes only)
394 Headset (PSO Sonic costume only)

Shadow Model IDs

ID Description
65 Model Root
66 Model Root 2
67 Model Root 3
68 Head (Complete)
69 Right Eye
70 Left Eye
71 Jumpball
72 Drop Shadow (Head, DC Only)
73 Head (Complete)
74 Right Foot Toe
75 Left Foot Toe
76 Right Foot Heel
77 Left Foot Heel
78 Air Shoes (Right)
79 Air Shoes (Left)
80 Right Hand
81 Left Hand
82 Right Arm
83 Left Arm
84 Jumpball Effect
85 Homing Attack Trail
86 Head (Without muzzle)
87 Muzzle
88 Right Hand
89 Left Hand
90 Right Foot Heel
91 Left Foot Heel
92 Skating Thrust (Left Toe, Narrow)
93 Skating Thrust (Left Toe, Wide)
94 Skating Thrust (Left Heel, Wide)
95 Skating Thrust (Left Heel, Narrow)
96 Skating Thrust (Right Toe, Narrow)
97 Skating Thrust (Right Toe, Wide)
98 Skating Thrust (Right Heel, Wide)
99 Skating Thrust (Right Heel, Narrow)
100 Flame Ring
101 Chaos Spear
102 Chaos Control Warp Effect (Ring)
103 Light Dash Effect (Unused)
104 LoD1 Root Model
105 LoD1 Root Model 2
106 LoD1 Root Model 3
107 LoD1 Head (Complete)
108 LoD1 Right Eye
109 LoD1 Left Eye
110 LoD1 Head (Complete)
111 LoD1 Right Foot Toe
112 LoD1 Left Foot Toe
113 LoD1 Right Foot Heel
114 LoD1 Left Foot Heel
115 LoD1 Right Hand
116 LoD1 Left Hand
117 LoD1 Right Hand (Rotated down)
118 LoD1 Left Hand (Rotated down)
119 LoD1 Right Foot Toe
120 LoD1 Left Foot Toe
121 LoD1 Right Hand (Rotated weirdly)
122 LoD1 Left Hand (Rotated weirdly)
123 LoD2 Root Model
124 LoD2 Root Model 2
125 LoD2 Root Model 3
126 LoD2 Head (Rotated up)
127 LoD2 Right Eye
128 LoD2 Left Eye
129 LoD2 Head (Rotated Up)
130 LoD2 Right Foot Toe
131 LoD2 Left Foot Toe
132 LoD2 Right Foot Heel
133 LoD2 Left Foot Heel
134 LoD2 Right Hand
135 LoD2 Left Hand
136 LoD2 Right Hand (Rotated down)
137 LoD2 Left Hand (Rotated down)
138 LoD2 Right Foot Toe
139 LoD2 Left Foot Toe
140 LoD2 Right Hand (Rotated weirdly)
141 LoD2 Left Hand (Rotated weirdly)

Knuckles Model IDs

ID Description
142 Model Root
143 Model Root 2
144 Model Root 3
145 Head (Complete)
146 Right eye
147 Left eye
148 Drop Shadow (Head, DC Only)
149 Head (Rotated up)
150 Right Foot
151 Left Foot
152 Right Hand
153 Left Hand
154 Right Arm
155 Left Arm
156 Head (Without muzzle)
157 Muzzle
158 Right Hand
159 Left Hand
160 Head (Without muzzle)
161 Sunglasses
162 Shovel Claw (Right)
163 Shovel Claw (Left)
164 Hammer Gloves (Right)
165 Hammer Gloves (Left)
166 Head (Gliding)
167 Torso
168 Air Necklace
169 LoD Model
170 Drill Dive Effect

Rouge Model IDs

ID Description
171 Model Root
172 Model Root 2
173 Model Root 3
174 Torso
175 Head (Complete)
176 Right eye
177 Left eye
178 Drop Shadow (Head, DC Only)
179 Head (Complete)
180 Right Boot
181 Left Boot
182 Right Hand
183 Left Hand
184 Right Arm
185 Left Arm
186 Head (Without muzzle)
187 Muzzle
188 Right Hand
189 Left Hand
190 Wings
191 Torso
192 Heart Plate (Right Boot)
193 Right Boot
194 Right Boot
195 Iron Boots (Right)
196 Heart Plate (Left Boot)
197 Left Boot
198 Left Boot
199 Iron Boots (Left)
200 Right Boot
201 Pick Nails (Right)
202 Left Boot
203 Pick Nails (Left)
204 Head (Without muzzle)
205 Treasure Scope
206 LoD Model
207 Drill Dive Effect

Tails Model IDs

ID Description
208 Model Root
209 Model Root 2
210 Model Root 3
211 Head (Complete)
212 Right eye
213 Left eye
214 Drop Shadow (Head, DC Only)
215 Head (Complete)
216 Right Foot
217 Left Foot
218 Right Hand
219 Left Hand
220 Right Arm
221 Left Arm
222 Tails (Walking)
223 Position coordinates (tails)
224 Head (Without muzzle)
225 Muzzle
226 Right hand
227 Left hand
228 Tails (Flying)
229 Tails (Idle)
528 Drop shadow model (SA2B Only)
529 Position Coordinates (Drop shadows for tails, SA2B only)

Eggman Model IDs

ID Description
230 Model Root
231 Model Root 2
232 Model Root 3
233 Head
236 Drop Shadow (Body, DC Only)
237 Head
238 Right Foot
239 Left Foot
240 Right Hand
241 Left Hand
242 Right Arm
243 Left Arm
244 Head
246 Right Hand
247 Left Hand
527 Drop Shadow model (SA2B Only)

Mech Eggman Model IDs

ID Description
248 Model Root
249 Model Root 2
250 Eggman
251 Model Root 3
252 Drop Shadow (feet, DC only)
253 Right foot
254 Left foot
255 Drop Shadow (body, DC only)
256 Positioning Coordinates (Lock-on Laser)
257 Positioning Coordinates (Missile Blaster)
258 Missile Blaster
259 Positioning Coordinates (Laser Blaster)
260 Laser Blaster
261 Model Root 3
262 Positioning Coordinates (Large Cannon)
263 Large Cannon
264 Model Root 3
265 Positioning Coordinates (Volkan Cannon)
266 Volkan Cannon
267 Volkan Shot
268 Boxing Glove (with mechanism)
269 Boxing Glove (by itself)
270 Model Root 2
271 Positioning Coordinates (Large Cannon Shot)
272 Large Cannon Shot
273 Right calf and foot
274 Jet Engine (Right)
275 Left calf and foot
276 Jet Engine (Left)
277 Model Root 3
278 Protection Armor
279 Large Cannon Shot (exhaust)
280 Large Cannon Shot (exhaust)
281 Large Cannon Shot (exhaust)
282 Large Cannon Shot (exhaust)
283 Jet Engine Thrust
284 Cockpit Monitor
285 Headlight
286 Brake Lights
287 Power Laser Cannon
288 Power Laser (top layer)
289 Power Laser (bottom layer)
290 Power Laser (top layer thrust)
291 Rocket Launcher
292 Rockets
462 Cockpit Windshield (SA2B Only)
463 Drop shadow model (SA2B Only)

Mech Tails Model IDs

ID Description
267 Volkan Shot
293 Model Root
294 Model Root 2
295 Tails' Model
296 Model Root 3
297 Drop Shadow (feet, DC only)
298 Right foot
299 Left foot
300 Drop Shadow (body, DC only)
301 Drop Shadow (body, DC only)
302 Model Root 3
303 Positioning Coordinates (Missile Blaster)
304 Missile Blaster
305 Positioning Coordinates (Laser Blaster)
306 Laser Blaster
307 Model Root 3
308 Positioning Coordinates (Bazooka)
309 Bazooka
310 Model Root 3
311 Positioning Coordinates (Volkan Cannon)
312 Volkan Cannon
313 Propeller Punch (Main)
314 Propeller Punch (Model only)
315 Model Root 2
316 Positioning Coordinates (Lock-On Laser)
317 Booster Thrust
318 Right calf and foot
319 Booster (Right)
320 Left calf and foot
321 Booster (Left)
322 Power Laser (top layer)
323 Power Laser (bottom layer)
324 Power Laser (top layer thrust)
325 Rocket Launcher
326 Rockets
327 Bazooka Shot
464 Drop shadow model (SA2B Only)

Super Sonic Model IDs

  • Sonic's model data is also found in SSONICMDL.PRS, except it lacks all upgrades, the jump ball, Sonic Wind, the jump/homing attack trails, the warp effect from Sonic vs. Shadow 2, and the Light Dash afterimage. This version of normal Sonic's model is used when Super Sonic dies of ring loss
ID Description
328 Model Root
329 Model Root 2
330 Model Root 3
331 Head (Complete)
332 Right eye
333 Left eye
335 Drop Shadow (Head, DC Only)
336 Head (Complete)
337 Right Foot Toe
338 Left Foot Toe
339 Right Foot Heel
340 Left Foot Heel
343 Right Hand
344 Left Hand
345 Right Arm
346 Left Arm
349 Head (Without muzzle)
350 Muzzle
351 Right hand
352 Left hand

Super Shadow Model IDs

  • Shadow's model data is also found in SSHADOWMDL.PRS, except it lacks all upgrades, the jump ball, Chaos Spear, the jump/homing attack trails, the warp effect from Sonic vs. Shadow 2, and the Light Dash afterimage. This version of normal Shadow's model is used when Super Shadow dies of ring loss
ID Description
355 Model Root
356 Model Root 2
357 Model Root 3
358 Head (Complete)
359 Right Eye
360 Left Eye
362 Drop Shadow (Head, DC Only)
363 Head (Complete)
364 Right Foot Toe
365 Left Foot Toe
366 Right Foot Heel
367 Left Foot Heel
370 Right Hand
371 Left Hand
372 Right Arm
373 Left Arm
376 Head (Without muzzle)
377 Muzzle
378 Right Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
379 Left Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
380 Right Foot Heel
381 Left Foot Heel
382 Skating Thrust (Left Toe, Narrow)
383 Skating Thrust (Left Toe, Wide)
384 Skating Thrust (Left Heel, Wide)
385 Skating Thrust (Left Heel, Narrow)
386 Skating Thrust (Right Toe, Narrow)
387 Skating Thrust (Right Toe, Wide)
388 Skating Thrust (Right Heel, Wide)
389 Skating Thrust (Right Heel, Narrow)

Multiplayer models

  • Note: In the Dreamcast version, all of the multiplayer characters occupy the model slots for their respective main game counterparts (Amy uses Sonic's model structure, for example). The following pertains only to the updated models seen in SA2B unless otherwise specified.
  • Big's model uses Mech Eggman's model numbers, except he lacks all upgrades (barring the permanently-attached Jet Engine parts) and the Boxing Glove is replaced with Froggy

Amy Model IDs

  • SA2 has Amy using Sonic's model numbers, except she lacks all upgrades and the Light Dash afterimage. Her LoD slots are simply copies of her main model
ID Description
19 Jump Aura
20 Homing Attack Trail
391 Head (Without muzzle, DC Only)
393 Head (Without muzzle, DC Only)
395 Model Root
396 Model Root 2
397 Model Root 3
398 Head (Complete)
399 Right Eye
400 Left Eye
401 Jumpball
403 Head (Complete)
404 Right Foot Toe
405 Left Foot Toe
406 Right Foot Heel
407 Left Foot Heel
410 Right Hand
411 Left Hand
412 Right Arm
413 Left Arm
414 Head (Without muzzle)
415 Muzzle
416 Right Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
417 Left Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
504 Storming Heart
505 Amy Flash (Heart)
506 Piko-Piko Hammer

Metal Sonic Model IDs

  • SA2 has Metal Sonic using Shadow's model numbers, except he lacks all upgrades, the jump ball, the Light Dash afterimage, the skating thrust parts, and LoD slots
ID Description
418 Model Root
419 Model Root 2
420 Model Root 3
421 Head (Complete)
422 Right Eye
423 Left Eye
425 Head (Complete)
426 Right Foot Toe
427 Left Foot Toe
428 Right Foot Heel
429 Left Foot Heel
432 Right Hand
433 Left Hand
434 Right Arm
435 Left Arm
436 Jump Aura
437 Homing Attack Trail
438 Head (Without muzzle)
439 Muzzle
440 Right Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
441 Left Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
530 Black Shield (Metal Sonic's Glow)
531 Black Shield

Chao Walker Model IDs

  • SA2 has Chao Walker using Mech Tails' model numbers, except it lacks all upgrades and the Propeller Punch is replaced with Omochao
ID Description
267 Volkan Shot
283 Jet Engine Thrust
442 Model Root
443 Model Root 2
444 Model Root 3
445 Right toe
446 Left toe
447 Floating ball
448 Position Coordinates (Volkan Shot)
449 Position Coordinates (Lock-on Laser)
450 Model Root
451 Omochao (Main)
452 Omochao (Model only)
453 Right foot
454 Left foot
455 Power Laser (top layer)
456 Power Laser (bottom layer)
457 Power Laser (top layer thrust)
458 Rocket Launcher
459 Rockets
460 Cockpit Window

Dark Chao Walker Model IDs

ID Description
267 Volkan Shot
283 Jet Engine Thrust
461 Cockpit Window
465 Model Root
466 Model Root 2
467 Model Root 3
468 Right toe
469 Left toe
470 Floating ball
471 Position Coordinates (Volkan Shot)
472 Position Coordinates (Lock-on Laser)
473 Model Root
474 Dark Omochao (Main)
475 Dark Omochao (Model only)
476 Right foot
477 Left foot
478 Power Laser (top layer)
479 Power Laser (bottom layer)
480 Power Laser (top layer thrust)
481 Rocket Launcher
482 Rockets

Tikal Model IDs

  • SA2 has Tikal using Knuckles' model numbers, except she lacks all upgrades and the Drill Dive afterimage. Her LoD model is a copy of her main model
ID Description
483 Model Root
484 Model Root 2
485 Model Root 3
486 Head (Complete)
487 Right Eye
488 Left Eye
489 Head (Complete)
490 Right Foot
491 Left Foot
492 Right Hand
493 Left Hand
494 Right Arm
495 Left Arm
496 Head (Without muzzle)
497 Muzzle
498 Right Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
499 Left Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
500 Head (Without muzzle)
501 Head (Gliding)
502 Torso
503 Model Root

Chaos Zero Model IDs

  • SA2 has Chaos Zero using Rouge's model numbers, except he lacks all upgrades, the wings, the heart plates, and the Drill Dive afterimage. His LoD model is a copy of his main model
ID Description
507 Model Root
508 Model Root 2
509 Model Root 3
510 Torso
511 Head (Complete)
512 Right Eye
513 Left Eye
514 Head (Complete)
515 Right Foot
516 Left Foot
517 Right Hand
518 Left Hand
519 Right Arm
520 Left Arm
522 Brain
523 Right Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
524 Left Hand (Rotated Weirdly)
525 Body Glow
526 Puddle Form

Node Hierarchy

Most characters in Sonic Adventure 2 share a similar node structure for their models. Below is a general list of what can be found for each player character's node lists.

Speed/Hunting type characters and Tails

  • This list is based on observations when the models are viewed in SAMDL. As such, it's inaccurate for the time being.
ID Description
0 Root node
1 Root node 2 (Main array for the body)
2 Body node (Parent)
3 Body node (Parent 2)
4 Legs + Tail node (Parent)
5 Legs + Tail node (Parent 2)
6 Right Leg (Parent)
7 Right Leg node (hip)
8 Right Leg node (thigh)
9 Right Leg node (knee)
10 Right Leg node (end)
11 Right Foot node (Parent, sometimes contains array)
12 Right Foot node (Parent 2)
13 Right Foot node (Heel)
14 Right Foot node (Toe)
15 Right Foot node (End)
16 Left Leg (Parent)
17 Left Leg node (hip)
18 Left Leg node (thigh)
19 Left Leg node (knee)
20 Left Leg node (end)
21 Left Foot node (Parent, sometimes contains its array)
22 Left Foot node (Parent 2)
23 Left Foot node (Heel)
24 Left Foot node (toe)
25 Left Foot node (end)
26 Tail (Parent)
27 Tail node (base)
28 Tail node (2nd from base)
29 Tail node (2nd from end)
30 Tail node (end)
31 Chest node (Parent)
32 Chest node (middle)
33 Head + Arms node (Parent)
34 Head + Arms node (Parent 2)
35 Left Arm (Parent, contains arm array)
36 Left Arm (Parent 2)
37 Left Arm node (base)
38 Left Arm node (elbow)
39 Left Arm node (wrist)
40 Left hand (Parent)
41 Left hand (Parent 2)
42 Left Hand
43 Face node (Parent)
44 Face node (Parent 2)
45 Face node (Parent 3)
46 Muzzle (Parent)
47 Muzzle (Brain, in Chaos Zero's case)
48 Head (Parent)
49 Head
50 Right eye (Parent)
51 Right eye
52 Left eye (Parent)
53 Left eye
54 Right Arm (Parent, contains arm array)
55 Right Arm (Parent 2)
56 Right Arm node (base)
57 Right Arm node (elbow)
58 Right Arm node (wrist)
59 Right hand (Parent)
60 Right Hand (Parent 2)
61 Right hand


  • This list is based on observations when the models are viewed in SAMDL. As such, it's inaccurate for the time being.
ID Description
0 Root node
1 Root node 2 (Main array for the body)
2 Body node (Parent)
3 Body node (Parent 2)
4 Legs node (Parent)
5 Legs node (Parent 2)
6 Right Leg node (Parent)
7 Right Leg node (hip)
8 Right Leg node (thigh)
9 Right Leg node (knee)
10 Right Leg node (End)
11 Right Foot node (Parent)
12 Right Foot node (calf)
13 Right Foot node (heel)
14 Right Foot node (toe)
15 Left Leg node (Parent)
16 Left Leg node (hip)
17 Left Leg node (thigh)
18 Left Leg node (knee)
19 Left Leg node (end)
20 Left Foot node (Parent)
21 Left Foot node (calf)
22 Left Foot node (heel)
23 Left Foot node (toe)
24 Chest node (Parent)
25 Chest node (middle)
26 Head + Arms node (Parent)
27 Head + Arms node (Parent 2)
28 Left Arm (Parent)
29 Left Arm node (base)
30 Left Arm node (elbow)
31 Left Arm node (wrist)
32 Left Hand node (Parent)
33 Left Hand node (Parent 2)
34 Left Hand
35 Face node (Parent)
36 Face node (Parent 2)
37 Face node (Parent 3)
38 Head
39 Right Arm (Parent)
40 Right Arm node (base)
41 Right Arm node (elbow)
42 Right Arm node (wrist)
43 Right hand node (Parent)
44 Right hand node (Parent 2)
45 Right hand

Mech Eggman/Big

  • This list is based on observations when the models are viewed in SAMDL. As such, it's inaccurate for the time being.
ID Description
0 Root node
1 Mech's Legs node (Parent)
2 Mech's Left Leg node (base)
3 Mech's Left Leg node (calf)
4 Mech's Left Foot node (heel)
5 Mech's Left Foot node (toe)
6 Mech's Right Leg node (base)
7 Mech's Right Leg node (calf)
8 Mech's Right Leg node (heel)
9 Mech's Right Leg node (toe)
10 Mech's Chest node (Parent)
11 Missile/Laser Blaster node
12 Lock-on Laser node
13 Cannon node
14 Pilot's root node
15 Pilot's chest node (Contains array for the body)
16 Pilot's Arms node (Parent)
17 Pilot's Left Arm node (Parent)
18 Pilot's Left Arm node (base)
19 Pilot's Left Arm node (elbow)
20 Pilot's Left Arm node (wrist)
21 Pilot's Left hand node (Parent)
22 Pilot's Left hand
23 Pilot's Right Arm node (Parent)
24 Pilot's Right arm node (base)
25 Pilot's Right arm node (elbow)
26 Pilot's Right arm node (wrist)
27 Pilot's Right hand node (Parent)
28 Pilot's Right hand
29 Pilot's Face node (Parent)
30 Pilot's Face node (Parent 2)
31 Pilot's Head
32 Pilot's Face node (Parent 3)

Mech Tails

  • This list is based on observations when the models are viewed in SAMDL. As such, it's inaccurate for the time being.
ID Description
0 Mech's Root node
1 Mech's Legs node (Parent)
2 Mech's Chest node (Parent)
3 Cannon node
4 Lock-on Laser node
5 Pilot's root node
6 Pilot's Chest node
7 Pilot's Left Arm node (base, contains array for arm)
8 Pilot's Left Arm node (Parent)
9 Pilot's Left Arm node (Armpit)
10 Pilot's Left Arm node (elbow)
11 Pilot's Left Arm node (wrist)
12 Pilot's Left hand
13 Pilot's Right arm node (base, contains array for arm)
14 Pilot's Right arm node (Parent)
15 Pilot's Right arm node (armpit)
16 Pilot's Right arm node (elbow)
17 Pilot's Right arm node (wrist)
18 Pilot's Right hand
19 Pilot's Face node (Parent)
20 Pilot's Face node (Parent 2)
21 Pilot's Face node (Parent 3)
22 Pilot's Right eye
23 Pilot's Left eye
24 Pilot's head
25 Pilot's face node (end)
26 Yoke node
27 Mech's Right foot node (base)
28 Mech's Right foot node (calf)
29 Mech's Right foot node (toe)
30 Mech's Left foot node (base)
31 Mech's Left foot node (calf)
32 Mech's Left foot node (toe)

Chao Walker/Dark Chao Walker

  • This list is based on observations when the models are viewed in SAMDL. As such, it's inaccurate for the time being.
ID Description
0 Root node
1 Mech's Arms + Legs node (Parent)
2 Mech's Right Arm
3 Mech's Left Foot node (base)
4 Mech's Left Foot node (heel)
5 Mech's Left Foot node (toe)
6 Mech's Left Arm
7 Mech's Right Foot node (base)
8 Mech's Right Foot node (heel)
9 Mech's Right Foot node (toe)
10 Mech's Chest node (parent)
11 Lock-on Laser node
12 Floating ball node
13 Cannon shot node
14 Pilot's root node
15 Pilot's chest node
16 Pilot's Arms node (Parent)
17 Pilot's Left Arm node (Parent)
18 Pilot's Left Arm node (base)
19 Pilot's Left Arm node (elbow)
20 Pilot's Left Arm node (wrist)
21 Pilot's Left hand node (Parent)
22 Pilot's Left hand
23 Pilot's Right arm node (Parent)
24 Pilot's Right arm node (base)
25 Pilot's Right arm node (elbow)
26 Pilot's Right arm node (wrist)
27 Pilot's Right hand node (Parent)
28 Pilot's Right hand
29 Pilot's Face node (Parent)
30 Pilot's Face node (Parent 2)
31 Pilot's Head
32 Pilot's Face node (Parent 3)


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Technical information
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Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
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