
Egg Bomber

From Sonic Retro

(Redirected from Egg Bombers)
Sonic 06 egg bomber 01.jpg
Egg Bomber
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 game)
Affiliation: Eggman Empire
Hits to defeat: 1

The Egg Bomber is a combat automaton constructed by Dr. Eggman, deployed by the mad scientist as robotic troops in and around Soleanna during the 2006 Sonic the Hedgehog game.


The Egg Bomber is a small, crab-like robot that can scurry on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It is equipped with an appendage built specifically for throwing small red exploding bombs at targets, however it can only release one bomb at a time, and requires a few seconds to reload. The Egg Bomber has a poor defence, taking one hit to destroy. They rarely pose much of a threat as their bomb-hurling is both slow and inaccurate. Sonic and Shadow can easily dispatch hordes of these enemies with Homing Attacks, while Silver can sweep them (and their munitions) up with Psychokinesis, and Rouge can take out the wall-mounted Egg Bombers using Heart Mines.

It has two advanced models: a grey model, which is the Egg Sweeper, and a black model, which is the Egg Armor.



Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Sonic 2006 title screen.png

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