Main Page
From Sonic Retro
Welcome to Sonic Retro, the largest ad-free collaborative online encyclopedia for all things Sonic the Hedgehog. We currently are working on 7,367 articles and have many more that are requested to be worked on.
While this wiki is designed to help the community by being the most comprehensive collection of Sonic information on the Internet, it's nothing without the community behind it. Anyone who registers an account can edit the wiki, and help to make it the best it can be. As you feel more comfortable with the site, please feel free to make any changes or additions that you feel necessary.
Projects: Sonic Community Hacking Guide | SCHG How-to:Guide | Hidden Content | Game Development | Sonic Physics Guide
Games, prereleases, and more
From the original Sonic the Hedgehog to Sonic Frontiers and beyond, we focus on where it all began: the video games. We also cover the many game prototypes that have to come to light over the years. But we don't stop there. All things Sonic have a place within, including comics, TV shows, books, music... and the cookbook.Artwork archive
Sonic Retro is home to one of the largest collections of official Sonic the Hedgehog series artwork, with nearly 6,000 official drawings, illustrations, desktop wallpapers and pieces of concept art. All our artwork is conveniently sorted by game, character and official source it originates from. Check out our artwork archive to browse around.Interviews and magazines
Our collection of interviews is conveniently available both for archival purposes and to have an easy-to-reach place for reading comments and thoughts by those involved in all aspects of the Sonic universe. Even more are available over at Sega Retro, from members of Sonic Team and beyond! In addition, we host a variety of magazine articles and print advertisement for your viewing pleasure. And if you have something we don't, let us know!
Today in History
July 23 (add)
- 1994 — Issue #31 of Sonic the Comic is released in the United Kingdom.
- 1997 — Issue #109 of Sonic the Comic is released in the United Kingdom.
- 2003 — Sonic X Vol. 1, a VHS and DVD, is released alongside a Hi-Spec DVD version of Vol. 1 in Japan.
- 2008 — Issue #35 of the Sonic X comic series is released in North America.
- 2009 — Sonic X is made available to rent from the Tokyo Movie Online service in either individual episode or 26 episode batches in Japan.
- 2015 — "Two Good to Be True", the 35th episode of Sonic Boom, airs in North America.
- 2019 — Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 3: Battle For Angel Island, the third trade paperback of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series by IDW Publishing is released in North America.