
Sonic Adventure - NPC Script (Gamma)

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[after defeating E-101 Beta]
Station Square, Day
Station Area

Two station workers are standing in front of the train station's entrance.

We'll fight 'til we drop!

Did the government send you
agents out to supress us?

Well don't bother.

We won't give in to
threats and violence.

Oh, are you a customer?

We're on strike.

We're protesting for
better working conditions.

It's probably gonna be a
long battle.

Purple girl, right of train station's entrance:

Wow, it's a robot.
What? A frog?

Well, come to think of it,

I think I saw one back at
the hotel.

Businessman, along coastline, near hotel entrance:

Aagh! Please!
Don't kill me!

What? A f-frog?

I... I saw him going into
that hotel! Yeah...

Owner of Cyber-Net Inc.:

What's this?
Is it Dr. Robotnik's robot?

Help! Police!

Newsstand Saleswoman:

And here's today's top
story. The papers say:

"Transportation screeches
to a halt because of strike!

Quick settlement demanded".

Know what I think?

They're just holding out
for more, if you ask me.

Hipster strolling around perimeter:

Central Station by the sea!

Twinkle Park -
Fun for all seasons!

And a hotel with a pool
near a casino.

Talk about a fantastic
vacation spot.

City Hall

Statue Girl strolling around perimeter (She will always appear in City Hall and her script will stay the same, however, the script is different for each player character. To prevent redundancy she won't be listed again for the rest of this article.) :

Did it fool ya?

It's just the statue in
front of the Burger Shop.

Supposedly he's the
one who came up

with that secret recipe.

Hat woman strolling around perimeter:

This is the first time I've
seen the trains on strike.

It's a pain for everybody!
Why are they doing this?

Businessman walking around perimeter:

Hey! What are you?

Is there some kind of
costume party

going on at Twinkle Park?

You must be burning up
in there...

'Bout how much do you get
paid for wearing that?

Owner of antique shop:

Check out that weird
looking customer.

May I help you?

Take your time. Look around.

Shy businesswoman, inside the Burger Shop, standing towards the right side:

Wha... what are you?

Please don't bug me.

I'm right in the middle
of a big decision.

Just go for it, girlfriend.

Male Burger Shop worker:

Hi, sir!

I wonder who has enough
money to afford sending

a robot to shop for him?

Hotel Manager:

Hello. You're looking
for... a Mr. Frog?

I'm afraid that I don't
see anyone with that name

staying at the hotel.

Spiffy, standing in between the left elevator and the pool's doorway:

My company is on strike, so I
can't go to work. Hee hee!

What a bummer... NOT!

Pool Area

Twin females, blue swimsuits


I saw him hopping toward
the beach.

A big cat was looking for
him, too.

What? The frog again?

You're the second person
asking about a frog.

Mr. Know-It-All:

I'm Mr. Know-It-All.
Lemme clue you in.

You shouldn't just go
button mashing,

pressing the action button
as fast as you can.

Hold it down and aim.
Then let go.

If you aim at several
targets at once,

you'll earn extra time, too.

Did you know that?

[after completing Stage 2, Emerald Coast]
The Past, Day

Various tribesmen circling around the shrine, 20 in all, one assigned for each script:

A good offense is the
best defense!

Full steam ahead!


Hey! Look out!
Get out of the way!

Hit 'em when they least
expect it! That's my motto.

Is this life a dream?
Or is it reality?

I like fighting!
Actually, I love fighting!

I think, therefore I am.

I've never been scared of
anything my whole life!

Is there anyone or
anything capable

of making me feel scared?

Just watch...
I'll get them all!

Life is always changing,
and is never permanent.

But our prosperity will
never end.

Miracles come from within!

Move! MOVE IT!
Everyone, stand back!

Never gloat in victory.

We must proceed discreetly.

But we always do
just the opposite!

We're too hyper!

Well, well, well!

Well... I...
I just can't sit still!

You have no idea what
fighting is all about.

You just attack!

Yo-ho! Yo-ho!

Tribesman, on the second floor, west of the shrine:

The Chief's daughter
always seems to be hanging

around the altar.

Perhaps she knows how to

through the sacred barrier?

A tribesman also on a second floor, west of the shrine, facing the wall:

Chao? Sacred power?

No way! I don't buy it.
We're goin' in to get

those special stones.

Tribesman, on the second floor, east of the shrine:

These strange creatures seem
to be living near the altar.

They're small and... well,
it's hard to describe...

My grandma called
them "Chao."

Tribesman, on the first floor, north of the shrine:

There's an altar in front
of the gate.

The 7 Emeralds are there.

With those 7 Emeralds...

all our dreams will come true.

[after returning to the present, defeating Sonic, and abandoning the Egg Carrier]
Mystic Ruins, Day
Main Area

Man with binoculars, in front of station:

[first time]

We're just exploring
the ruins.

W-Who are you?

[after first time]

We're just exploring
the ruins.

H-Help us!

Backpacker, looking toward the blocked off West Cave:

Wow, cool costume!

Where'd you get it?
The city?

Mustache, glasses, by hut:

I moved the stone because
the wind was getting strong.

Just don't put in back in
the caves, okay?

Mustache, glasses, by hut, while holding the Wind Stone:


Didn't I tell you to
leave that alone?


Backpacker, eastern edge:


I found this big footprint
the size of a sink!

I bet there's a big,
mysterious creature living

around here!

And strange robots, too!

Backpacker, southern edge:

I have entered the jungle
that never ends.

But I come across something
new every day.

Like you, for instance.

Man with binoculars, approximately southeastern of level map:

I've been foraging in the
jungle for months.

Oh, how I miss my wife back
in Station Square.

I've been seeing things,
like robots, lately.

I'd rather be seeing my
wife, though....

Mustache, glasses, about northeastern of level map:

I've been an explorer for
25 years!

And I've seen a lot of that
doesn't sit well with me.

And you are?

Man with binoculars, south of map, on the path east from the pyramid:

The jungle that never ends!
I keep going, and going...

When I first entered the

I was so sure I saw it...

Wherever could those
ruins be?

Station Square, Day
Station, Upper Deck
Station worker:

The talks went well, and
now I wanna get back to work.

Thanks for taking the train!

Station, Main Deck

Spiffy, right wall:

If the strike's over...

I gotta go back to work,
don't I? I guess I'll go.

Station Area

Businesswoman, along coastline, near hotel entrance:

My husband's an adventurer.

He's probably still in
the Mystic Ruins.

I wonder if he's found
any artifacts yet?

Purple girl, right of train station's entrance:

I've been waiting a long
time for my dad to come home.

Dad! Dad! This is great.

Purple girl's dad, beside her:

This is my beautiful daughter.

She keeps me young and

no matter how old I get.

Owner of Cyber-Net Inc.:

It's Dr. Robotnik's robot!

Help! Police!

Hipster strolling around perimeter:

[same as previous]

Hat woman strolling around perimeter:

I still can't believe
I saw a flying ship,

let alone one falling out
of the sky!

This is really freaking
me out.

Newsstand Saleswoman:

Did you see it?
Did you see it?

Robotnik's flying ship
crashed into the ocean.

"The Threat is Over"

How's that for a headline?

City Hall

Mother and Son, left of the level map, standing on the sidewalk

Son (left):
Wow! Cool!

How do you get your armor
to shine so bright?

Mother (right):
I'm broke.

Guess I'll call it a night.

Owner of antique shop:

You know... there seem to
be a lot of people

around looking for stuff
they lost.

Shy businesswoman, inside the Burger Shop, standing towards the right side:

Oh, uh, well, uh...

No, I can't do it.
I can't even talk.

Male Burger Shop worker:


You don't really see a lot
of customers who are

too nervous to order.

Hotel Manager:


I'm afraid no weapons are
allowed inside here.

Pool Area

Twin females, blue swimsuits

Station Square's pretty

I gotta go home soon, but I
really hope I can come back.

This was fun relaxing at
the resort...

Ships falling from the sky,
robots walking everywhere...

Ahhhh! A robot!
Get away from me!

[after completing Stage 3, Windy Valley]
Mystic Ruins, Sunset
Main Area

[west cave explode-opens]

Man with binoculars, in front of station:

We're the exploration party
searching for the ruins.

That was a landslide.
It was awful.

Backpacker standing outside of the now-opened West Cave:

The rocks crumbled
and revealed the entrance

to a cave.

Somebody's sending us a
message: "Come on in."

Mustache, glasses, by hut:

I wonder how the second
party's doing?

Come on guys!

We're all hoping to
hear some good news.


Backpacker, eastern edge:

Hey! You wouldn't believe
the size of this footprint

I found!

A big, mysterious

Wonder if I should name
him "Bigfoot?"

Backpacker, southern edge:

I appear to have entered
a jungle that never ends.

Oh, I'm deeply moved.

Everything is so amazingly
beautiful at sunset!

Man with binoculars, approximately southeastern of level map:

For several months now, I
have been in this jungle.

Seperated from my lovely [sic]
wife in Station Square.

I miss her so much that
lately I've been

hallucinating about a

It seemed so real.

Mustache, glasses, about northeastern of level map:

I've been an explorer for
25 years!

If I run into a machine
like that...

Should I play dead, or what?

Man with binoculars, south of map, on the path east from the pyramid:

The jungle just seems
to go on and on...

It's getting dark...
Better watch your step.

Station Square, Sunset
Station Area

Purple girl, right of train station's entrance:

What? What happened?

Just when my dad came home...

Purple girl's dad, beside her:

This is my beautiful daughter.

She keeps me young and

no matter how old I get.

Nothing's gonna stop me
from enjoying life...

Except maybe that missile!

Hipster strolling around perimeter:

[same as previous]

Businesswoman, along coastline, near hotel entrance:

A m-m-missile just appeared
out of nowhere and...


Owner of Cyber-Net Inc.:

Not again!
It's Dr. Robotnik's robot!

Help! Police!

Newsstand Saleswoman:

I... I thought I saw a huge

I must be seeing things, huh?
Ha ha ha...

City Hall

Mother and Son, left of the level map, standing on the sidewalk

Son (left):
My mom's been depressed
since yesterday.

I'm kinda blue, too.

Mother (right):
That's it! I'm never
goin' to that casino again.

Arrgh... And I mean it
this time.

Owner of antique shop:

It's a pretty quiet shop.
Not many people come in.

That's cool.
That's the way I like it.

Shy businesswoman, inside the Burger Shop, standing towards the right side:

Oh, uh, well, uh...

No, I can't do it.
I can't even talk.

Ugh, I'm still not getting
any closer, am I?

Male Burger Shop worker:

What's wrong with her?

You don't often see a lot
of customers who are

too nervous to order.

She's been like that
since yesterday.

Hotel Manager:

You're not a bad person,
are you?

I can tell. I've been in
this business a long time.

Pool Area

[no one there]

Station, Main Deck

Hat woman, standing towards the left, near the station's entrance:

Being here in Station
Square's like a, uh...

A dream come true for me...

But it's probably time
for me to head home.

I had some serious fun
here though.

I'm coming back for sure.

Station, Upper Deck

Twin Pinkies, towards the left of the balcony

I saw it! I saw it!

I gotta get the heck out
of this scary city!


They said a missile fell
around here somewhere.

Gotta get home?!

That kinda stuff shouldn't
happen here, should it?

Station worker:

I love my work.

Thanks for taking the train!

[after completing Stage 4, Red Mountain]
Mystic Ruins, Night
Angel Island

[nothing; you're just dropped off here after Red Mountain completion]

Main Area

Man with binoculars, in front of station:

We're the exploration party
searching for the ruins.

That ship, floating in the
ocean over there,

looks a lot like the ship
we saw flying around earlier.

Backpacker standing outside of now-opened the West Cave:

What's with the costume?

You gotta be sweating
like crazy.

Mustache, glasses, by hut:

We're here to search the

But I saw a plane crash
into the ocean.

I wanna go see that, too!


Backpacker, eastern edge:

Hey! I found a really
massive footprint!

But I can't tell anyone while
I'm stuck in this jungle.

Backpacker, southern edge:

I seem to have entered a
jungle that never ends.

Ya' know, I get pretty
scared at night.

I wish I had a light like

Man with binoculars, approximately southeastern of level map:

I've been in the jungle
for months...

My wife is back in Station

I wonder what she is doing
these days?

Mustache, glasses, about northeastern of level map:

I've been an explorer
for 25 years!

And I've been lost in this
jungle for all 25 of them...

Guess I'm not so good at
this, huh?

Man with binoculars, south of map, on the path east from the pyramid:

No matter how far you go,
the jungle just never ends.

I should probably set up
camp soon.

Station Square, Night
Station, Upper Deck

Twin Pinkies, towards the left of the balcony

Oh no...

I can't move!

She said to hurry up and
get outta here.

And now she's frozen with

Station worker:

The trains were
overflowing with people

trying to evacuate Station

It's calmed down now, though...

Station Area

Businesswoman, along coastline, near hotel entrance:

The missile hasn't
exploded yet...

But what's gonna happen now?

Why isn't he here now
when we need him?

Owner of Cyber-Net Inc.:

Not again!
It's Dr. Robotnik's robot!

Well, today I'm a little
more worried about that


Hipster strolling around perimeter:

[same as previous]

Mature girl strolling around perimeter:

I'm pretty mature for my age,
so I can stay out late.

Hey, put that away!
It's dangerous!

If you wear that at night,
somebody's gonna think

you're one of
Robotnik's robots.

Newsstand Saleswoman:

Some people ran off when
they saw the missile,

some hid in their homes...

The whole place is
deserted now.


It won't help to worry now.
Whatever happens, happens.

City Hall

Shy businesswoman, standing beside Burger Shop:

And once again, I can't
even say one word to him!

I'm a wimp!
I'm such a coward!

That's it! I will talk
to him tomorrow for sure!

Male Burger Shop worker:

What's with that girl?

She walks in, hangs around,
 and mumbles.

She never orders anything.

She's pretty cute, though.

Owner of antique shop:

Why worry about it now?

My mind's clear as a bell...

Hotel Manager:

I heard something from one of
our customers about a missile.

But I can't leave here,
no matter what.

[100% Clear, after completing Stage 5, Hot Shelter and after defeating the final boss, E-101mkII]
Station Square, Night
Station Area

Businesswoman, along coastline, near hotel entrance:

You can still see Robotnik's
crashed ship in the ocean.

It hasn't sunk. It's
just floating out there.

Hipster strolling around perimeter:

[same as previous]

Owner of Cyber-Net Inc.:

Three things will always
stand tall: the city,

the building, and ME!

Strange things don't
happen around here very often.

Newsstand Saleswoman:

Get up, read the paper,
go to bed.

When you think about it,
normal life's underrated.

Don't you agree?

City Hall Area

Owner of antique shop:

It's a pretty quiet shop.
Not many people come in.

That's cool.
That's the way I like it.

Shy businesswoman, standing beside Burger Shop:

That's it! I'm gonna
talk to him today.

No more wimping out.

Male Burger Shop worker:

What's with that girl?

She walks in, hangs around,
 and mumbles.

She never orders anything.

She's pretty cute, though.

Station, Upper Deck
Station worker:

No problems and right on

That's the way I like it.

Hotel Manager:

Hi! How's your Chao?
Are they growing?

They're so cute.

Pool Area

[no one there]

Mystic Ruins, Night

[all script is the same as previous]

Sonic Adventure / Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
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