Add Spin Dash to Sonic 1/Part 3
From Sonic Retro
(Original guide by shobiz)
(Guide updated with GitHub additions by JGMR)
While the end result of following Lightning's (and by extension, DikinBaus') and Puto's guides is a near-perfect Spin Dash in Sonic 1, there are still a few things not right about it, so let's fix those.
Hivebrain's 2005 disassembly
This section is designed for users of the legacy Hivebrain 2005 disassembly of Sonic 1. For users of the GitHub disassembly of Sonic 1, head over to the GitHub section below.
Converting Sonic's art buffer to a DMA queue
This isn't exactly a bug per se, but the method used to port over the DMA queue to Sonic 1 in Puto's guide is slightly hack-ish. In stock Sonic 1, Sonic's sprites are copied over into a RAM buffer at $FFFFC800 before being DMAed to VRAM. This buffer occupies $300 bytes, so if we convert it to a DMA queue, besides getting a proper structure we also save $200 bytes of RAM (some of which will be used later on in this guide).
First, let's modify the actual queue routines to use this RAM space. So go to DMA_68KtoVRAM (which you should already have after following Puto's guide) and replace everything from there till the end of Process_DMA with:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Subroutine to load VDP commands into the DMA transfer queue
; In case you wish to use this queue system outside of the spin dash, this is the
; registers in which it expects data in:
; d1.l: Address to data (In 68k address space)
; d2.w: Destination in VRAM
; d3.w: Length of data
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DMA_68KtoVRAM: ; XREF: LoadSonicDynPLC; LoadDustDynPLC
movea.l ($FFFFC8FC).w,a1
cmpa.w #$C8FC,a1 ; is the DMA queue full?
beq.s DMA_68KtoVRAM_Done ; return if there's no more room in the buffer
; piece together some VDP commands and store them for later...
move.w #$9300,d0 ; command to specify DMA transfer length & $00FF
move.b d3,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9400,d0 ; command to specify DMA transfer length & $FF00
lsr.w #8,d3
move.b d3,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9500,d0 ; command to specify source address & $0001FE
lsr.l #1,d1
move.b d1,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9600,d0 ; command to specify source address & $01FE00
lsr.l #8,d1
move.b d1,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9700,d0 ; command to specify source address & $FE0000
lsr.l #8,d1
move.b d1,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
andi.l #$FFFF,d2 ; command to specify destination address and begin DMA
lsl.l #2,d2
lsr.w #2,d2
swap d2
ori.l #$40000080,d2 ; set bits to specify VRAM transfer
move.l d2,(a1)+ ; store command
move.l a1,($FFFFC8FC).w ; set the next free slot address
cmpa.w #$C8FC,a1 ; has the end of the queue been reached?
beq.s DMA_68KtoVRAM_Done ; return if there's no more room in the buffer
move.w #0,(a1) ; put a stop token at the end of the used part of the buffer
; End of function DMA_68KtoVRAM
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Process all VDP commands and then reset the DMA queue when it's done
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
lea ($C00004).l,a5
lea ($FFFFC800).w,a1
Process_DMA_Loop: ; XREF: Process_DMA
move.w (a1)+,d0 ; has a stop token been encountered?
beq.s Process_DMA_Done ; branch if we reached a stop token
; issue a set of VDP commands...
move.w d0,(a5) ; transfer length
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; transfer length
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; source address
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; source address
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; source address
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; destination
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; destination
cmpa.w #$C8FC,a1 ; has the end of the queue been reached?
bne.s Process_DMA_Loop ; loop if we haven't reached the end of the buffer
Process_DMA_Done: ; XREF: Process_DMA
move.w #0,($FFFFC800).w
move.l #$FFFFC800,($FFFFC8FC).w
; End of function Process_DMA
Next, let's modify Sonic's PLC routine to make use of this routine. Go to LoadSonicDynPLC and replace the entire routine with the Sonic 2 equivalent, slightly modified to make use of Sonic 1's PLC format:
LoadSonicDynPLC: ; XREF: Obj01_Control; et al
moveq #0,d0
move.b $1A(a0),d0 ; load frame number
cmp.b ($FFFFF766).w,d0
beq.s locret_13C96
move.b d0,($FFFFF766).w
lea (SonicDynPLC).l,a2
add.w d0,d0
adda.w (a2,d0.w),a2
moveq #0,d5
move.b (a2)+,d5
subq.w #1,d5
bmi.s locret_13C96
move.w #$F000,d4
move.l #Art_Sonic,d6
moveq #0,d1
move.b (a2)+,d1
lsl.w #8,d1
move.b (a2)+,d1
move.w d1,d3
lsr.w #8,d3
andi.w #$F0,d3
addi.w #$10,d3
andi.w #$FFF,d1
lsl.l #5,d1
add.l d6,d1
move.w d4,d2
add.w d3,d4
add.w d3,d4
jsr (DMA_68KtoVRAM).l
dbf d5,SPLC_ReadEntry ; repeat for number of entries
; End of function LoadSonicDynPLC
Finally, we have to make the game actually use these routines. Firstly, go to loc_CD4 and replace
tst.b ($FFFFF767).w
beq.s loc_D50
lea ($C00004).l,a5
move.l #$94019370,(a5)
move.l #$96E49500,(a5)
move.w #$977F,(a5)
move.w #$7000,(a5)
move.w #$83,($FFFFF640).w
move.w ($FFFFF640).w,(a5)
move.b #0,($FFFFF767).w
jsr (Process_DMA).l
Make similar changes at loc_DAE, loc_EEE and loc_FAE. Secondly, go to loc_D50 and remove these two lines:
move #$83,($FFFFF640).w
jsr Process_DMA
Thirdly, go to Level_ClrVars3 and after the
move.w #$8ADF,($FFFFF624).w
move.w ($FFFFF624).w,(a6)
clr.w ($FFFFC800).w
move.l #$FFFFC800,($FFFFC8FC).w
While not necessary, we can find a similar code under End_ClrRam3:
move.w #$8ADF,($FFFFF624).w
move.w ($FFFFF624).w,(a6)
add this code underneath it as well:
clr.w ($FFFFC800).w
move.l #$FFFFC800,($FFFFC8FC).w
Finally, go to loc_47D4, and after
jsr Hud_Base
clr.w ($FFFFC800).w
move.l #$FFFFC800,($FFFFC8FC).w
After this, the game will use the DMA queue for Sonic's art reloading, and we'll have $200 bytes of free RAM from $FFFFC900 to $FFFFCAFF.
Making the Spin Dash sound rev
This has always annoyed me a lot, but thanks to Xenowhirl's Sonic 2 sound driver disassembly and Tweaker's music guide, we can fix it. We need to use three RAM variables, so we can utilise our newly freed RAM. $FFFFC900 is a flag which is 1 if the Spin Dash sound was the last one played and 0 if it was not. $FFFFC901 is a timer, and $FFFFC902 is the pitch increase value.
First, go to loc_71BC8 and change it from
lea $40(a6),a5
tst.b (a5)
bpl.s loc_71BD4
jsr sub_71C4E(pc)
tst.b ($FFFFC901).w
beq.s @cont
subq.b #1,($FFFFC901).w
lea $40(a6),a5
tst.b (a5)
bpl.s loc_71BD4
jsr sub_71C4E(pc)
Then go to Sound_D1toDF and change if from
tst.b $27(a6)
bne.w loc_722C6
tst.b 4(a6)
bne.w loc_722C6
tst.b $24(a6)
bne.w loc_722C6
movea.l (Go_SoundIndex).l,a0
sub.b #$A1,d7
bra SoundEffects_Common
tst.b $27(a6)
bne.w loc_722C6
tst.b 4(a6)
bne.w loc_722C6
tst.b $24(a6)
bne.w loc_722C6
clr.b ($FFFFC900).w
cmp.b #$D1,d7 ; is this the Spin Dash sound?
bne.s @cont3 ; if not, branch
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.b ($FFFFC902).w,d0 ; store extra frequency
tst.b ($FFFFC901).w ; is the Spin Dash timer active?
bne.s @cont1 ; if it is, branch
move.b #-1,d0 ; otherwise, reset frequency (becomes 0 on next line)
addq.b #1,d0
cmp.b #$C,d0 ; has the limit been reached?
bcc.s @cont2 ; if it has, branch
move.b d0,($FFFFC902).w ; otherwise, set new frequency
move.b #1,($FFFFC900).w ; set flag
move.b #60,($FFFFC901).w ; set timer
move.w (sp)+,d0
movea.l (Go_SoundIndex).l,a0
sub.b #$A1,d7
bra SoundEffects_Common
After this, go to Sound_A0toCF and after
tst.b $24(a6)
bne.w loc_722C6
clr.b ($FFFFC900).w
Then go to loc_7226E and replace
movea.l dword_722EC(pc,d3.w),a5
lea dword_722EC(pc),a5
movea.l (a5,d3.w),a5
Finally, go to loc_72276 and change
move.w (a1)+,8(a5)
move.b #1,$E(a5)
move.w (a1)+,8(a5)
tst.b ($FFFFC900).w ; is the Spin Dash sound playing?
beq.s @cont ; if not, branch
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.b ($FFFFC902).w,d0
add.b d0,8(a5)
move.w (sp)+,d0
move.b #1,$E(a5)
and now the Spin Dash sound revs.
Horizontal scroll delay
Sonic 2's Spin Dash implements a horizontal scroll delay, while the ported one doesn't (yet). The basic idea is to check a certain flag, and if it's non-zero, base scrolling on Sonic's X position a certain number of frames ago rather than his current X position. (Note that this feature can cause some problems with object interaction). So go to loc2_1ACD0 and change
move.w d0,($FFFFEED0).w ; move to $EED0
move.w d0,($FFFFC904).w ; move to $C904
And then go to ScrollHoriz2 and change
move.w ($FFFFD008).w,d0
sub.w ($FFFFF700).w,d0
ScrollHoriz2: ; XREF: ScrollHoriz
move.w ($FFFFC904).w,d1
beq.s @cont1
sub.w #$100,d1
move.w d1,($FFFFC904).w
moveq #0,d1
move.b ($FFFFC904).w,d1
lsl.b #2,d1
addq.b #4,d1
move.w ($FFFFF7A8).w,d0
sub.b d1,d0
lea ($FFFFCB00).w,a1
move.w (a1,d0.w),d0
and.w #$3FFF,d0
bra.s @cont2
move.w ($FFFFD008).w,d0
sub.w ($FFFFF700).w,d0
And then, to fix a bug with backwards horizontal scrolling, go to loc_65F6 and change it from
loc_65F6: ; XREF: ScrollHoriz2
add.w ($FFFFF700).w,d0
cmp.w ($FFFFF728).w,d0
bgt.s loc_65E4
move.w ($FFFFF728).w,d0
bra.s loc_65E4
loc_65F6: ; XREF: ScrollHoriz2
cmpi.w #-$10,d0
bgt.s @cont
move.w #-$10,d0
add.w ($FFFFF700).w,d0
cmp.w ($FFFFF728).w,d0
bgt.s loc_65E4
move.w ($FFFFF728).w,d0
bra.s loc_65E4
to limit the maximum number of pixels the camera can scroll back by in a single frame.
Vertical scroll delay
In stock Sonic 1, the camera scrolls vertically as soon as Sonic looks up or ducks. This can be a bit annoying for the Spin Dash, however, so let's implement the delay present in Sonic 2 by using $FFFFC903 as our delay counter. Firstly, to fix a bit of incorrect code, go to loc2_1AD78 and change
addq.l #4,sp ; Add 4 bytes to the stack return address to skip Sonic_Jump on next rts to Obj01_MdNormal, preventing conflicts with button presses.
cmpi.w #$60,($FFFFEED8).w ; $EED8 only ever seems
beq.s loc2_1AD8C ; to be used in Spin Dash
bcc.s loc2_1AD88
addq.w #4,($FFFFEED8).w
subq.w #2,($FFFFEED8).w
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
move.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w ; reset looking up/down
addq.l #4,sp ; Add 4 bytes to the stack return address to skip Sonic_Jump on next rts to Obj01_MdNormal, preventing conflicts with button presses.
cmpi.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w
beq.s loc2_1AD8C
bcc.s loc2_1AD88
addq.w #4,($FFFFF73E).w
subq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
;move.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w ; reset looking up/down
Then go to Sonic_LookUp and change
btst #0,($FFFFF602).w ; is up being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_Duck ; if not, branch
move.b #7,$1C(a0) ; use "looking up" animation
cmpi.w #$C8,($FFFFF73E).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
addq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
btst #1,($FFFFF602).w ; is down being pressed?
beq.s Obj01_ResetScr ; if not, branch
move.b #8,$1C(a0) ; use "ducking" animation
cmpi.w #8,($FFFFF73E).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
subq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
cmpi.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w ; is screen in its default position?
beq.s loc_12FC2 ; if yes, branch
bcc.s loc_12FBE
addq.w #4,($FFFFF73E).w ; move screen back to default
subq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w ; move screen back to default
btst #0,($FFFFF602).w ; is up being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_Duck ; if not, branch
move.b #7,$1C(a0) ; use "looking up" animation
addq.b #1,($FFFFC903).w
cmp.b #$78,($FFFFC903).w
bcs.s Obj01_ResetScr_Part2
move.b #$78,($FFFFC903).w
cmpi.w #$C8,($FFFFF73E).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
addq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
btst #1,($FFFFF602).w ; is down being pressed?
beq.s Obj01_ResetScr ; if not, branch
move.b #8,$1C(a0) ; use "ducking" animation
addq.b #1,($FFFFC903).w
cmpi.b #$78,($FFFFC903).w
bcs.s Obj01_ResetScr_Part2
move.b #$78,($FFFFC903).w
cmpi.w #8,($FFFFF73E).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
subq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
move.b #0,($FFFFC903).w
cmpi.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w ; is screen in its default position?
beq.s loc_12FC2 ; if yes, branch
bcc.s loc_12FBE
addq.w #4,($FFFFF73E).w ; move screen back to default
subq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w ; move screen back to default
Finally, to make the screen bias gradually reset during rolling, go to loc_131CC and change
move.b $26(a0),d0
jsr (CalcSine).l
cmp.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w
beq.s @cont2
bcc.s @cont1
addq.w #4,($FFFFF73E).w
subq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w
move.b $26(a0),d0
jsr (CalcSine).l
And that's it! Let me know if I made any mistakes, or if there's anything still not covered. Here's a ROM after all these steps have been done, and here's the source code (with Puto's SEGA sound fix implemented instead of Esrael's for ASM68k compatibility).
GitHub disassembly
This section is designed for those using the GitHub disassembly of Sonic 1. It will assume that you have followed DikinBaus' revamped guide and the GitHub version of Part 2 in that order. The following codes are designed for the AS version of the Sonic 1 GitHub disassembly.
Converting Sonic's art buffer to a DMA queue
This isn't exactly a bug per se, but the method used to port over the DMA queue to Sonic 1 in Puto's guide is slightly hack-ish. In stock Sonic 1, Sonic's sprites are copied over into a RAM buffer at v_sgfx_buffer before being DMAed to VRAM. This buffer occupies $300 bytes, so if we convert it to a DMA queue, besides getting a proper structure we also save $200 bytes of RAM (some of which will be used later on in this guide).
First, let's modify the actual queue routines to use this RAM space. So open up "DMA_68KtoVRAM.asm" under _inc (which you should already have after following Puto's guide) and replace everything from there till the end of Process_DMA with:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Subroutine to load VDP commands into the DMA transfer queue
; In case you wish to use this queue system outside of the spin dash, this is the
; registers in which it expects data in:
; d1.l: Address to data (In 68k address space)
; d2.w: Destination in VRAM
; d3.w: Length of data
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DMA_68KtoVRAM: ; XREF: LoadSonicDynPLC; LoadDustDynPLC
movea.l (v_sgfx_buffer+$FC).w,a1
cmpa.w #v_sgfx_buffer+$FC,a1 ; is the DMA queue full?
beq.s DMA_68KtoVRAM_Done ; return if there's no more room in the buffer
; piece together some VDP commands and store them for later...
move.w #$9300,d0 ; command to specify DMA transfer length & $00FF
move.b d3,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9400,d0 ; command to specify DMA transfer length & $FF00
lsr.w #8,d3
move.b d3,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9500,d0 ; command to specify source address & $0001FE
lsr.l #1,d1
move.b d1,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9600,d0 ; command to specify source address & $01FE00
lsr.l #8,d1
move.b d1,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
move.w #$9700,d0 ; command to specify source address & $FE0000
lsr.l #8,d1
move.b d1,d0
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; store command
andi.l #$FFFF,d2 ; command to specify destination address and begin DMA
lsl.l #2,d2
lsr.w #2,d2
swap d2
ori.l #$40000080,d2 ; set bits to specify VRAM transfer
move.l d2,(a1)+ ; store command
move.l a1,(v_sgfx_buffer+$FC).w ; set the next free slot address
cmpa.w #v_sgfx_buffer+$FC,a1 ; has the end of the queue been reached?
beq.s DMA_68KtoVRAM_Done ; return if there's no more room in the buffer
move.w #0,(a1) ; put a stop token at the end of the used part of the buffer
; End of function DMA_68KtoVRAM
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Process all VDP commands and then reset the DMA queue when it's done
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
lea (vdp_control_port).l,a5
lea (v_sgfx_buffer).w,a1
Process_DMA_Loop: ; XREF: Process_DMA
move.w (a1)+,d0 ; has a stop token been encountered?
beq.s Process_DMA_Done ; branch if we reached a stop token
; issue a set of VDP commands...
move.w d0,(a5) ; transfer length
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; transfer length
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; source address
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; source address
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; source address
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; destination
move.w (a1)+,(a5) ; destination
cmpa.w #v_sgfx_buffer+$FC,a1 ; has the end of the queue been reached?
bne.s Process_DMA_Loop ; loop if we haven't reached the end of the buffer
Process_DMA_Done: ; XREF: Process_DMA
move.w #0,(v_sgfx_buffer).w
move.l #v_sgfx_buffer,(v_sgfx_buffer+$FC).w
; End of function Process_DMA
Next, let's modify Sonic's PLC routine to make use of this routine. Open up "Sonic LoadGfx.asm" under _incObj and replace the entire routine with the Sonic 2 equivalent, slightly modified to make use of Sonic 1's PLC format:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sonic graphics loading subroutine
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
moveq #0,d0
move.b obFrame(a0),d0 ; load frame number
cmp.b (v_sonframenum).w,d0 ; has frame changed?
beq.s .nochange ; if not, branch
move.b d0,(v_sonframenum).w
lea (SonicDynPLC).l,a2 ; load PLC script
add.w d0,d0
adda.w (a2,d0.w),a2
moveq #0,d5
move.b (a2)+,d5 ; read "number of entries" value
subq.w #1,d5
bmi.s .nochange ; if zero, branch
move.w #$F000,d4
move.l #Art_Sonic,d6
moveq #0,d1
move.b (a2)+,d1
lsl.w #8,d1
move.b (a2)+,d1
move.w d1,d3
lsr.w #8,d3
andi.w #$F0,d3
addi.w #$10,d3
andi.w #$FFF,d1
lsl.l #5,d1
add.l d6,d1 ; in Sonic 2, this would house Sonic's art tiles
move.w d4,d2
add.w d3,d4
add.w d3,d4
jsr (DMA_68KtoVRAM).l
dbf d5,.readentry ; repeat for number of entries
; End of function Sonic_LoadGfx
Finally, we have to make the game actually use these routines. Firstly, go back to "sonic.asm" and find the label .waterbelow under VBla_08 and replace
tst.b (f_sonframechg).w ; has Sonic's sprite changed?
beq.s .nochg ; if not, branch
writeVRAM v_sgfx_buffer,ArtTile_Sonic*tile_size ; load new Sonic gfx
move.b #0,(f_sonframechg).w
jsr (Process_DMA).l
Make similar changes at VBla_0A, .waterbelow (under VBla_0C) and VBla_16. Secondly, go to .nochg under VBla_08 and remove these two lines:
move.w #$83,(v_vdp_buffer2).w
jsr (Process_DMA).l
Thirdly, go to Level_ClrRam and after the
move.w #$8A00+223,(v_hbla_hreg).w ; set palette change position (for water)
move.w (v_hbla_hreg).w,(a6)
clr.w (v_sgfx_buffer).w
move.l #v_sgfx_buffer,(v_sgfx_buffer+$FC).w
While not necessary, we can find a similar code under GM_Ending:
move.w #$8A00+223,(v_hbla_hreg).w ; set palette change position (for water)
move.w (v_hbla_hreg).w,(a6)
add this code underneath it as well:
clr.w (v_sgfx_buffer).w
move.l #v_sgfx_buffer,(v_sgfx_buffer+$FC).w
Finally, go to loc_47D4, and after
jsr (Hud_Base).l
clr.w (v_sgfx_buffer).w
move.l #v_sgfx_buffer,(v_sgfx_buffer+$FC).w
After this, the game will use the DMA queue for Sonic's art reloading, and we'll have $200 bytes of free RAM from $FFFFC900 to $FFFFCAFF.
Making the Spin Dash sound rev
This has always annoyed me a lot, but thanks to Xenowhirl's Sonic 2 sound driver disassembly and Tweaker's music guide, we can fix it. We need to use three RAM variables, so we can utilise our newly freed RAM. v_sgfx_buffer+$100 at address $FFFFC900 is a flag which is 1 if the Spin Dash sound was the last one played and 0 if it was not. v_sgfx_buffer+$101 at address $FFFFC901 is a timer, and v_sgfx_buffer+$102 at address $FFFFC902 is the pitch increase value.
First, open up "s1.sounddriver.asm" and go to .nonewsound. Change it from
; loc_71BC8:
lea SMPS_RAM.v_music_dac_track(a6),a5
tst.b SMPS_Track.PlaybackControl(a5) ; Is DAC track playing?
bpl.s .dacdone ; Branch if not
jsr DACUpdateTrack(pc)
; loc_71BC8:
tst.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$101).w
beq.s .cont
subq.b #1,(v_sgfx_buffer+$101).w
lea SMPS_RAM.v_music_dac_track(a6),a5
tst.b SMPS_Track.PlaybackControl(a5) ; Is DAC track playing?
bpl.s .dacdone ; Branch if not
jsr DACUpdateTrack(pc)
Then go to Sound_PlayMoreSFX and change it from
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Play extra sound effect
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sound_D1toDF:
tst.b SMPS_RAM.f_1up_playing(a6) ; Is 1-up playing?
bne.w clear_sndprio ; Exit is it is
tst.b SMPS_RAM.v_fadeout_counter(a6) ; Is music being faded out?
bne.w clear_sndprio ; Exit if it is
tst.b SMPS_RAM.f_fadein_flag(a6) ; Is music being faded in?
bne.w clear_sndprio ; Exit if it is
movea.l (Go_ExtSoundIndex).l,a0
subi.b #ext__First,d7 ; Make it 0-based
lsl.w #2,d7 ; Convert sfx ID into index
bra.w sfx_common
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Play extra sound effect
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sound_D1toDF:
tst.b SMPS_RAM.f_1up_playing(a6) ; Is 1-up playing?
bne.w clear_sndprio ; Exit is it is
tst.b SMPS_RAM.v_fadeout_counter(a6) ; Is music being faded out?
bne.w clear_sndprio ; Exit if it is
tst.b SMPS_RAM.f_fadein_flag(a6) ; Is music being faded in?
bne.w clear_sndprio ; Exit if it is
clr.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$100).w
cmp.b #sfx_SpinDash,d7 ; is this the Spin Dash sound?
bne.s .sfx_notSDash ; if not, branch
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$102).w,d0 ; store extra frequency
tst.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$101).w ; is the Spin Dash timer active?
bne.s .sfx_timeractive ; if it is, branch
move.b #-1,d0 ; otherwise, reset frequency (becomes 0 on next line)
addq.b #1,d0
cmp.b #$C,d0 ; has the limit been reached?
bcc.s .sfx_limitreached ; if it has, branch
move.b d0,(v_sgfx_buffer+$102).w ; otherwise, set new frequency
move.b #1,(v_sgfx_buffer+$100).w ; set flag
move.b #60,(v_sgfx_buffer+$101).w ; set timer
move.w (sp)+,d0
movea.l (Go_ExtSoundIndex).l,a0
subi.b #ext__First,d7 ; Make it 0-based
lsl.w #2,d7 ; Convert sfx ID into index
bra.w sfx_common
After this, go to Sound_PlaySFX and after
tst.b SMPS_RAM.f_fadein_flag(a6) ; Is music being faded in?
bne.w clear_sndprio ; Exit if it is
clr.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$100).w
Then go to .sfxoverridedone and replace
movea.l SFX_SFXChannelRAM(pc,d3.w),a5
lea SFX_SFXChannelRAM(pc),a5
movea.l (a5,d3.w),a5
Finally, go to .clearsfxtrackram and change
move.w (a1)+,SMPS_Track.Transpose(a5) ; load FM/PSG channel modifier
move.b #1,SMPS_Track.DurationTimeout(a5) ; Set duration of first "note"
move.w (a1)+,SMPS_Track.Transpose(a5) ; load FM/PSG channel modifier
tst.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$100).w ; is the Spin Dash sound playing?
beq.s .cont ; if not, branch
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$102).w,d0
add.b d0,8(a5)
move.w (sp)+,d0
move.b #1,SMPS_Track.DurationTimeout(a5) ; Set duration of first "note"
and now the Spin Dash sound revs.
Horizontal scroll delay
Sonic 2's Spin Dash implements a horizontal scroll delay, while the ported one doesn't (yet). The basic idea is to check a certain flag, and if it's non-zero, base scrolling on Sonic's X position a certain number of frames ago rather than his current X position (Note that this feature can cause some problems with object interaction). So open up "Sonic Spindash.asm" under _incObj and find the label Sonic_UpdateSpindash. Change this line
move.w d0,($FFFFEED0).w ; move to $EED0
move.w d0,(v_sgfx_buffer+$104).w ; move to $C904
And then open up "DeformLayers (JP1).asm" (or "DeformLayers.asm" if you have selected REV00 revision) and go to MoveScreenHoriz. Change
move.w (v_player+obX).w,d0
sub.w (v_screenposx).w,d0 ; Sonic's distance from left edge of screen
move.w (v_sgfx_buffer+$104).w,d1
beq.s .cont1
sub.w #$100,d1
move.w d1,(v_sgfx_buffer+$104).w
moveq #0,d1
move.b (v_sgfx_buffer+$104).w,d1
lsl.b #2,d1
addq.b #4,d1
move.w (v_trackpos).w,d0
sub.b d1,d0
lea (v_tracksonic).w,a1
move.w (a1,d0.w),d0
and.w #$3FFF,d0
bra.s .cont2
move.w (v_player+obX).w,d0
sub.w (v_screenposx).w,d0 ; Sonic's distance from left edge of screen
And then, to fix a bug with backwards horizontal scrolling, go to SH_BehindMid and change it from
add.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
cmp.w (v_limitleft2).w,d0
bgt.s SH_SetScreen
move.w (v_limitleft2).w,d0
bra.s SH_SetScreen
cmpi.w #-$10,d0
bgt.s .cont
move.w #-$10,d0
add.w (v_screenposx).w,d0
cmp.w (v_limitleft2).w,d0
bgt.s SH_SetScreen
move.w (v_limitleft2).w,d0
bra.s SH_SetScreen
to limit the maximum number of pixels the camera can scroll back by in a single frame.
Vertical scroll delay
In stock Sonic 1, the camera scrolls vertically as soon as Sonic looks up or ducks. This can be a bit annoying for the Spin Dash, however, so let's implement the delay present in Sonic 2 by using v_sgfx_buffer+$103 at address $FFFFC903 as our delay counter. Firstly, to fix a bit of incorrect code, go to Sonic_Spindash_ResetScr and change
addq.l #4,sp ; increase stack ptr
cmpi.w #(224/2)-16,($FFFFEED8).w ; $EED8 only ever seems to be used in Spin Dash
beq.s loc_1AD8C
bhs.s +
addq.w #4,($FFFFEED8).w
+ subq.w #2,($FFFFEED8).w
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
move.w #$60,(v_lookshift).w ; reset looking up/down
addq.l #4,sp ; increase stack ptr
cmpi.w #(224/2)-16,(v_lookshift).w
beq.s loc_1AD8C
bhs.s +
addq.w #4,(v_lookshift).w
+ subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
Then open up "Sonic Move.asm" under _incObj, go to Sonic_LookUp and change
btst #bitUp,(v_jpadhold2).w ; is up being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_Duck ; if not, branch
move.b #id_LookUp,obAnim(a0) ; use "looking up" animation
cmpi.w #$C8,(v_lookshift).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
addq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
btst #bitDn,(v_jpadhold2).w ; is down being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_ResetScr ; if not, branch
move.b #id_Duck,obAnim(a0) ; use "ducking" animation
cmpi.w #8,(v_lookshift).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
cmpi.w #$60,(v_lookshift).w ; is screen in its default position?
beq.s loc_12FC2 ; if yes, branch
bcc.s loc_12FBE
addq.w #4,(v_lookshift).w ; move screen back to default
subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w ; move screen back to default
btst #bitUp,(v_jpadhold2).w ; is up being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_Duck ; if not, branch
move.b #id_LookUp,obAnim(a0) ; use "looking up" animation
addq.b #1,(v_sgfx_buffer+$103).w
cmp.b #$78,(v_sgfx_buffer+$103).w
bcs.s Sonic_ResetScr_Part2
move.b #$78,(v_sgfx_buffer+$103).w
cmpi.w #$C8,(v_lookshift).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
addq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
btst #bitDn,(v_jpadhold2).w ; is down being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_ResetScr ; if not, branch
move.b #id_Duck,obAnim(a0) ; use "ducking" animation
addq.b #1,(v_sgfx_buffer+$103).w
cmpi.b #$78,(v_sgfx_buffer+$103).w
bcs.s Sonic_ResetScr_Part2
move.b #$78,(v_sgfx_buffer+$103).w
cmpi.w #8,(v_lookshift).w
beq.s loc_12FC2
subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
; ===========================================================================
move.b #0,(v_sgfx_buffer+$103).w
cmpi.w #$60,(v_lookshift).w ; is screen in its default position?
beq.s loc_12FC2 ; if yes, branch
bcc.s loc_12FBE
addq.w #4,(v_lookshift).w ; move screen back to default
subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w ; move screen back to default
Finally, to make the screen bias gradually reset during rolling, open up "Sonic RollSpeed.asm" under _incObj, go to loc_131CC and change
move.b obAngle(a0),d0
jsr (CalcSine).l
cmp.w #$60,(v_lookshift).w
beq.s .cont2
bcc.s .cont1
addq.w #4,(v_lookshift).w
subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
move.b obAngle(a0),d0
jsr (CalcSine).l
And that's it! Let me know if I made any mistakes, or if there's anything still not covered. Here's a ROM after all these steps have been done.
Final code
Here is the final Spin Dash code for reference:
Hivebrain 2005 disassembly
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Subroutine to make Sonic perform a spindash
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tst.b $39(a0) ; already Spin Dashing?
bne.s loc2_1AC8E ; if set, branch
cmpi.b #8,$1C(a0) ; is anim duck
bne.s locret2_1AC8C ; if not, return
move.b ($FFFFF603).w,d0 ; read controller
andi.b #$70,d0 ; pressing A/B/C ?
beq.w locret2_1AC8C ; if not, return
move.b #$1F,$1C(a0) ; set Spin Dash anim (9 in s2)
move.w #$D1,d0 ; spin sound ($E0 in s2)
jsr (PlaySound_Special).l ; play spin sound
addq.l #4,sp ; Add 4 bytes to the stack return address to skip Sonic_Jump on next rts to Obj01_MdNormal, preventing conflicts with button presses.
move.b #1,$39(a0) ; set Spin Dash flag
move.w #0,$3A(a0) ; set charge count to 0
cmpi.w #$C,($FFFFFE14).w ; check air remaining
bcs.s loc2_1AC84 ; if he's drowning, branch to not make dust
move.b #2,($FFFFD1DC).w ; Set the Spin Dash dust animation to $2.
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.b #$1F,$1C(a0) ; fixes the animation bug when spin-dashing near a monitor
move.b ($FFFFF602).w,d0 ; read controller
btst #1,d0 ; check down button
bne.w loc2_1AD30 ; if set, branch
move.b #$E,$16(a0) ; $16(a0) is height/2
move.b #7,$17(a0) ; $17(a0) is width/2
move.b #2,$1C(a0) ; set animation to roll
addq.w #5,$C(a0) ; $C(a0) is Y coordinate
move.b #0,$39(a0) ; clear Spin Dash flag
moveq #0,d0
move.b $3A(a0),d0 ; copy charge count
add.w d0,d0 ; double it
move.w Dash_Speeds(pc,d0.w),$14(a0) ; get normal speed
move.w $14(a0),d0 ; get inertia
subi.w #$800,d0 ; subtract $800
add.w d0,d0 ; double it
andi.w #$1F00,d0 ; mask it against $1F00
neg.w d0 ; negate it
addi.w #$2000,d0 ; add $2000
move.w d0,($FFFFC904).w ; move to $C904
btst #0,$22(a0) ; is sonic facing right?
beq.s loc2_1ACF4 ; if not, branch
neg.w $14(a0) ; negate inertia
bset #2,$22(a0) ; set unused (in s1) flag
move.b #0,($FFFFD1DC).w ; clear Spin Dash dust animation.
move.w #$BC,d0 ; spin release sound
jsr (PlaySound_Special).l ; play it!
bra.s loc2_1AD78
; ===========================================================================
dc.w $800 ; 0
dc.w $880 ; 1
dc.w $900 ; 2
dc.w $980 ; 3
dc.w $A00 ; 4
dc.w $A80 ; 5
dc.w $B00 ; 6
dc.w $B80 ; 7
dc.w $C00 ; 8
; ===========================================================================
loc2_1AD30: ; If still charging the dash...
tst.w $3A(a0) ; check charge count
beq.s loc2_1AD48 ; if zero, branch
move.w $3A(a0),d0 ; otherwise put it in d0
lsr.w #5,d0 ; shift right 5 (divide it by 32)
sub.w d0,$3A(a0) ; subtract from charge count
bcc.s loc2_1AD48 ; ??? branch if carry clear
move.w #0,$3A(a0) ; set charge count to 0
move.b ($FFFFF603).w,d0 ; read controller
andi.b #$70,d0 ; pressing A/B/C?
beq.w loc2_1AD78 ; if not, branch
move.w #$1F00,$1C(a0) ; reset spdsh animation
move.w #$D1,d0 ; was $E0 in sonic 2
move.b #2,($FFFFD1DC).w ; Set the Spin Dash dust animation to $2.
jsr (PlaySound_Special).l ; play charge sound
addi.w #$200,$3A(a0) ; increase charge count
cmpi.w #$800,$3A(a0) ; check if it's maxed
bcs.s loc2_1AD78 ; if not, then branch
move.w #$800,$3A(a0) ; reset it to max
addq.l #4,sp ; Add 4 bytes to the stack return address to skip Sonic_Jump on next rts to Obj01_MdNormal, preventing conflicts with button presses.
cmpi.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w
beq.s loc2_1AD8C
bcc.s loc2_1AD88
addq.w #4,($FFFFF73E).w
subq.w #2,($FFFFF73E).w
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
;move.w #$60,($FFFFF73E).w ; reset looking up/down
; End of subroutine Sonic_SpinDash
GitHub disassembly
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Subroutine to check for starting to charge a spindash
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tst.b spindash_flag(a0) ; already Spin Dashing?
bne.s Sonic_UpdateSpindash ; if set, branch
cmpi.b #id_Duck,obAnim(a0) ; is anim duck?
bne.s return_1AC8C ; if not, return
move.b (v_jpadpress2).w,d0 ; read controller
andi.b #btnB|btnC|btnA,d0 ; pressing A/B/C ?
beq.w return_1AC8C ; if not, return
move.b #id_Spindash,obAnim(a0) ; set Spin Dash anim (9 in s2)
move.w #sfx_SpinDash,d0 ; spin sound ($E0 in s2)
jsr (PlaySound_Special).l ; play spin sound
addq.l #4,sp ; increment stack ptr
move.b #1,spindash_flag(a0) ; set Spin Dash flag
move.w #0,spindash_counter(a0) ; set charge count to 0
cmpi.w #12,(v_air).w ; check air remaining
blo.s + ; if he's drowning, branch to not make dust
move.b #2,(v_spindust+obAniDust).w ; set Spin Dash dust anim to 2
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
; End of function Sonic_SpinDash
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Subroutine to update an already-charging spindash
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
move.b #id_Spindash,obAnim(a0) ; set Spin Dash anim to fix the monitor bug
move.b (v_jpadhold2).w,d0 ; read controller
btst #bitDn,d0 ; check down button
bne.w Sonic_ChargingSpindash ; if set, branch
; unleash the charged spindash and start rolling quickly:
move.b #$E,obHeight(a0) ; obHeight(a0) is height/2
move.b #7,obWidth(a0) ; obWidth(a0) is width/2
move.b #id_Roll,obAnim(a0) ; set animation to roll
addq.w #5,obY(a0) ; add the difference between Sonic's rolling and standing heights
move.b #0,spindash_flag(a0) ; clear Spin Dash flag
moveq #0,d0
move.b spindash_counter(a0),d0 ; copy charge count
add.w d0,d0 ; double it
move.w SpindashSpeeds(pc,d0.w),obInertia(a0) ; get spindash speed
; Determine how long to lag the camera for.
; Notably, the faster Sonic goes, the less the camera lags.
; This is seemingly to prevent Sonic from going off-screen.
move.w obInertia(a0),d0 ; get inertia
subi.w #$800,d0 ; $800 is the lowest spin dash speed
add.w d0,d0 ; double it
andi.w #$1F00,d0 ; This line is not necessary, as none of the removed bits are ever set in the first place
neg.w d0 ; negate it
addi.w #$2000,d0 ; add $2000
move.w d0,(v_sgfx_buffer+$104).w ; move to $C904
btst #0,obStatus(a0) ; is sonic facing right?
beq.s + ; if not, branch
neg.w obInertia(a0) ; negate inertia
bset #2,obStatus(a0) ; set unused (in s1) flag
move.b #0,(v_spindust+obAniDust).w ; clear Spin Dash dust anim
move.w #sfx_Teleport,d0 ; spindash zoom sound
jsr (PlaySound_Special).l ; play it!
bra.s Sonic_Spindash_ResetScr
; ===========================================================================
dc.w $800 ; 0
dc.w $880 ; 1
dc.w $900 ; 2
dc.w $980 ; 3
dc.w $A00 ; 4
dc.w $A80 ; 5
dc.w $B00 ; 6
dc.w $B80 ; 7
dc.w $C00 ; 8
; ===========================================================================
Sonic_ChargingSpindash: ; If still charging the dash...
tst.w spindash_counter(a0) ; check charge count
beq.s + ; if zero, branch
move.w spindash_counter(a0),d0 ; otherwise put it in d0
lsr.w #5,d0 ; shift right 5 (divide it by 32)
sub.w d0,spindash_counter(a0) ; subtract from charge count
bcc.s + ; ??? branch if carry clear
move.w #0,spindash_counter(a0) ; set charge count to 0
move.b (v_jpadpress2).w,d0 ; read controller
andi.b #btnB|btnC|btnA,d0 ; pressing A/B/C?
beq.w Sonic_Spindash_ResetScr ; if not, branch
move.w #(id_Spindash<<8)|(id_Walk<<0),obAnim(a0) ; reset spindash animation
move.w #sfx_SpinDash,d0 ; was $E0 in sonic 2
move.b #2,(v_spindust+obAniDust).w ; set Spin Dash dust anim to 2
jsr (PlaySound_Special).l ; play charge sound
addi.w #$200,spindash_counter(a0) ; increase charge count
cmpi.w #$800,spindash_counter(a0) ; check if it's maxed
blo.s Sonic_Spindash_ResetScr ; if not, then branch
move.w #$800,spindash_counter(a0) ; reset it to max
addq.l #4,sp ; increase stack ptr
cmpi.w #(224/2)-16,(v_lookshift).w
beq.s loc_1AD8C
bhs.s +
addq.w #4,(v_lookshift).w
+ subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bsr.w Sonic_LevelBound
bsr.w Sonic_AnglePos
; End of function Sonic_UpdateSpindash
There is one final part added by Mercury that addresses some final camera bugs.
|Add Spin Dash to Sonic 1/Part 3]]