
Egg Hammer

From Sonic Retro

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Heroes EggHammer.PNG
Egg Hammer
Games: Sonic Heroes, Sonic Rush, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic Colours (Nintendo DS)
Affiliation: Eggman Empire
Hits to defeat: 30 (Heroes), 3 (other games)
Points: 500 (Heroes)
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The Egg Hammer is one of Eggman's robot enemies that are first found in Sonic Heroes.

Egg Hammers resemble the Egg Pawns. Except they are twice the size and are colored black. They also have a meaner expression on their face. Their weapon of choice, as their name implies, is a giant hammer. They can only be destroyed by Knuckles, Omega, Big, Vector, or with a Team Blast. But the can be stunned temporarily by Thunder Shoot.

Egg Hammers are the slowest enemies in the game. They mainly rely on their brute strength. They use two different kinds of attack methods. If the player approaches them from the front, they will slam their hammer on the ground in front of them a couple of times. If the player is behind them or circling them, the will use a spinning hammer attack. This attack tends to be their downfall because they become dizzy after using it. They can be knocked over either by Fire Dunk or Thunder Shoot.

Egg Hammers always have a random Power Core not of the leader's type inside them and one will be rewarded after they are destroyed.

There is an upgraded version of the Egg Hammer known as the Heavy Egg Hammer.

Egg Hammers return in Sonic Rush with a small redesign, and are found in Mirage Road Zone and Dead Line Zone. Usually they appear in sections where the rooms are sealed, usually the last ones to appear in waves of enemies, sometimes in pairs. They move slowly and their attack pattern consists of basically attacking the player with their hammers. As they are more powerful enemies than ordinary Egg Pawns, 3 hits are required to destroy one of them.

They return in the Nintendo DS version of Sonic Colours with the same function and design as in Sonic Rush, and just like in that game, they need to be hit three times to be destroyed. They appear in Sweet Mountain and Asteroid Coaster.

Appearances in other games

In other media

Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW comics)

  • They appear as antagonists in Issue #1 of the IDW Sonic comic in the form of a quartet that was terrorizing a city and its citizens until Sonic and Tails appeared and solved the problem.

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Sonic Colours (Nintendo DS)
Sonic Colours DS Title Screen.png

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