
Chaos Control

From Sonic Retro

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Chaos Control
First seen: Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)
Users: Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Metal Overlord, Black Doom, Silver the Hedgehog
Type: Warping time/space

Chaos Control (カオスコントロールMedia:SonicAdventure2 DC JP manual.pdf[1]) is an ability that uses the Chaos Emeralds, or other gemstones with the same properties, to warp time and space.[2][3] Since its first introduction in Sonic Adventure 2 as simple teleportation trick for Shadow the Hedgehog, the it has evolved into something of a catch-all term for any supranatural manipulation of reality conducted through the power of the Emeralds. Chaos Control powers energy based attacks such as Chaos Spear and Chaos Blast, and can even allow travel through time and between dimensions.

It is not necessary to be in physical possession of a Chaos Emerald to induce Chaos Control as the power of the Emeralds can be harnessed within a certain proximity. Furthermore the power of Chaos Control is amplified with every Emerald in the user's possession, until reaching full power with all seven.


Five characters are confirmed to have the ability to use Chaos Control:

Dr. Eggman also harnesses the power of the Emeralds using machines, with his splitting of the world in Sonic Advance 3 specifically referred to in the manual as Chaos Control.Media:SonicAdvance3 GBA US manual.pdf[5] Also, in Sonic and the Black Knight, Shadow's Arthurian counterpart Sir Lancelot uses a Soul Surge which is very similar to Chaos Control, although no Emeralds seem to exist in the Grand Kingdom. Knuckles and Tikal's manipulation of the Master Emerald may be analogous to Chaos Control, as might Blaze's abilities using the Sol Emeralds.

Game appearances

Sonic Adventure 2

Chaos Control was first used in Sonic Adventure 2, with five instances in this game. The first was during Shadow's meeting with Sonic (where the Ultimate Lifeform used it twice). The second time was to (very reluctantly) save Rouge the Bat from the Prison Island base, and the third was when Sonic used Chaos Control to escape from the falling capsule. Fourth was in Sonic and Shadow's final duel, and fifth was to save the world from the collision of Finalhazard and the Space Colony ARK.

Shadow the Hedgehog

In this game, Shadow can charge up either a Hero meter (by defeating the villainous Black Arms and sometimes Eggman's robots) or a Dark meter (by attacking the good guys, GUN). A full Dark meter enables his Dark Shadow state, while a full Hero meter enables his Hero Shadow state. On his Hero state, Shadow can use a variation of Chaos Control. During stages, this move allows Shadow to automatically fly through the level until the ability is canceled or the Hero meter is emptied (having a similar effect to the original slow-time teleportation from Sonic Adventure 2, while also resembling the Boost, which would only officially appear in future games). During bosses, this move instead slows down time (more alike to the Chaos Control from previous games). Using this skill is actually required to progress through the level in some sections of The Last Way.

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

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Shadow Generations

In this game, Shadow can utilize Chaos Control during normal gameplay (unlike in most previous titles), using it to stop time for a limited duration, freezing obstacles, enemies, and even preventing certain hazards from causing damage.

While the ability is active, a green filter covers the environment and the in-game timer stops. Chaos Control is required to pass certain level sections in this game and sometimes allows for different routes to be explored. Using this ability also enables Shadow to ride in some Dash Rail-like paths of energy (only visible while the move is in effect) to skip sections of the levels. Chaos Control will often be used in QTE cutscenes as well.

To use Chaos Control, Shadow must fully charge its Chaos Control meter, which can be achieved by beating enemies or by collecting the respective Item Boxes (in Shadow Generations, the Boost gauge is exclusively fueled by Ring energy). Using it will consume the meter (the move cannot be interrupted before the meter empties). However, collecting a Chaos Control Item Box during the move will cause the meter to fill up right after the move completes, causing Shadow to be able to trigger it right away.

In other media

Sonic X

The interdimensional Chaos Control explosion in Chaos Control Freaks.

In Sonic X, an accident with one of Eggman's machines induces a vast Chaos Control explosion, which initially teleports Sonic and his friends to Earth.[6] Later in the series it also transports Angel Island and other lifeforms from Sonic's world to Chris Thorndyke's planet.[7] During Super Sonic's battle with Dark Oak, the hedgehog used Chaos Control to send the seven Emeralds to different planets across the galaxy.[8]

Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics)

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Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW comics)

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Sonic Prime

Shadow the Hedgehog found the green Chaos Emerald in Green Hill and used Chaos Control to teleport around while fighting Sonic.[9] He later used Chaos Control to save himself during the destruction of the Paradox Prism.[10] After he entered the Shatterverse, Shadow lost his Chaos Emerald in a void and can no longer preform Chaos Control without it.[11]

Sonic the Hedgehog (film series)

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