


From Sonic Retro

File Date Source Title and comments
Segaretro-round.svg This template has been manually copied from Sega Retro, specifically Template:Magtable
Technical restrictions prevent this template from being shared across multiple wikis. In the medium term, any changes should be made to the Sega Retro variant first, before manually copying the contents back here. As this is not an automatic process, this version of the template might also be out of date.


| file=
| page=
| cover=
| date=
| issueno=
| title=
| comment=
  • file - PDF or JPEG file.
  • page - Page where the article starts in the PDF file (n.b. may not match the page number of the scanned content).
  • cover - Set as "yes" to show a thumbnail of the publication's cover next to the article thumbnail, if the article is a cover story.
  • issueno - Identifier for the publication.
  • source - Name and issue number of the publication.
  • title - Title of the article.
  • comment - General overview of the article.