
Team Sonic Racing/Achievements

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These are the achievements and trophies for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Steam versions of Team Sonic Racing.

PlayStation 4 version

Icon Description Trophy
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork.png Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Platinum
Collect all Trophies.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement YoureFired.png You're Fired Bronze
Cause an opponent to spin-out using a Red Burst.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement QuickOffTheMark.png Quick Off The Mark Bronze
Perform a maximum Start Line Boost.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement LetMeIntroduceMyself.png Let Me Introduce Myself Bronze
Finish an online race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TheTauntingTanuki.png The Taunting Tanuki (secret) Bronze
Complete Chapter 1 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement DimensionalRift.png Dimensional Rift (secret) Bronze
Complete Chapter 2 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement DarkArrival.png Dark Arrival (secret) Bronze
Complete Chapter 3 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CheatersNeverWin.png Cheaters Never Win (secret) Bronze
Complete Chapter 4 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement BetweenZavokAndAHardPlace.png Between Zavok And A Hard Place (secret) Bronze
Complete Chapter 5 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Kidnapped.png Kidnapped! (secret) Bronze
Complete Chapter 6 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TheFinalShowdown.png The Final Showdown (secret) Silver
Complete Chapter 7 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement RoadsideAssistance.png Roadside Assistance Bronze
Perform a Skimboost on a slow-moving Teammate.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TwinkleTwinkle.png Twinkle Twinkle Bronze
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 1.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Starry-eyed.png Starry-eyed Bronze
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 2.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ReachForTheStars.png Reach For the Stars Silver
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 3.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement StarlightStarBright.png Starlight, Star Bright Silver
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 4.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement StarPower.png Star Power Silver
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 5.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Celestial.png Celestial Silver
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 6.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Supernova.png Supernova Silver
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 7.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CanYouFeelTheSunshine.png Can You Feel The Sunshine? Gold
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Cagophilist.png Cagophilist Silver
Collect all of the Team Adventure Mode Keys.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement GoHardOrGoHome.png Go Hard Or Go Home Silver
Complete all possible events on hard in any Team Adventure Mode chapter.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WellThatWasntSoHard.png Well, That Wasn't So Hard Gold
Complete all Team Adventure chapters on Hard difficulty.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement AFriendInSpeedIsAFriendIndeed.png A Friend In Speed Is A Friend Indeed Bronze
Beat a friend's leaderboard time in Time Trial mode on any track.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WhoaImGettingDizzy.png Whoa! I'm Getting Dizzy! Bronze
Perform a triple Stunt.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WispYouWereHere.png Wisp You Were Here Bronze
Gain 6 positions by using a single Yellow Drill.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement OnTheSkids.png On The Skids Bronze
Stay in a single Drift for over a minute.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Ringmaster.png Ringmaster Bronze
Collect 20,000 Rings.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SoFarSoJaded.png So Far So Jaded Bronze
Travel 200 meters over slow-down surfaces with a single use of a Jade Ghost.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement APrizeEveryTime.png A Prize Every Time Bronze
Spend 5,000 Credits.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CyanOfTheTimes.png Cyan Of The Times Bronze
Spin out 2 racers with Cyan Laser.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement FreezyPeasy.png Freezy Peasy Bronze
Finish Frozen Junkyard without hitting any hazards or respawning.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement PerformanceEnhancingMods.png Performance Enhancing Mods Silver
Unlock all of the Performance Mods (Except Legendary Mods).
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SpeedPainter.png Speed Painter Bronze
Unlock all of the Vehicle Paint Kits.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThisTimeItsPersonal.png This Time It's Personal Bronze
Modify a vehicle in the Garage.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement AdUltimatum.png Ad Ultimatum Bronze
Perform a Team Ultimate 3 times in a single Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SlingshotPro.png Slingshot Pro Bronze
Perform 100 Team Slingshots. (Across all Game Modes).
TeamSonicRacing Achievement FireTheCatapult.png Fire The Catapult! Bronze
Perform 10 Team Slingshots in a single Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThereIsNoIInTeam.png There Is No "I" In Team... Bronze
Perform Team Item Transfer, Skimboost, Team Slingshot and Team Ultimate in a single Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WhatsMineIsYours.png What's Mine Is Yours Bronze
Send an Item Box to a Teammate 5 times during a Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TargetPractice.png Target Practice Bronze
Land a hit on enemy racers with each use of a x3 Orange Rocket.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThreatNeutralized.png Threat Neutralized Bronze
Use the White Boost to destroy a projectile.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CuttingCorners.png Cutting Corners Bronze
Use the White Boost to avoid being slowed down by terrain.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ViolentVoid.png Violent Void Bronze
Use the Violet Void to absorb a projectile and hit the racer who fired it.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement RoadBlock.png Road Block Bronze
Block an incoming projectile with a Blue Cube.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThornInTheirSides.png Thorn In Their Sides Bronze
Cause 3 opponents to spin-out by shunting them with a Pink Spikes active.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SonicHeroes.png Sonic Heroes Bronze
Complete a Team Race with 2 additional local players on your Team.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Villainy101.png Villainy 101 (secret) Bronze
While playing as Eggman, spin out Sonic 3 times in the same Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ArtfulDodging.png Artful Dodging Bronze
Avoid every hazard created by a Gray Quake.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TheCustomizerIsAlwaysRight.png The Customizer Is Always Right Bronze
Achieve 1st place in a race with a fully customized Vehicle.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Shockproof.png Shockproof Bronze
Avoid the effect of being hit by an Ivory Lightning.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ButThereIsAMe.png But There Is A Me... Bronze
Come first in an online race.

Total: Bronze×40 Silver×9 Gold×2 Platinum×1 

Xbox One version

Icon Description Gamerscore
Notavailable.svg You're Fired
Cause an opponent to spin-out using a Red Burst.
Notavailable.svg Quick Off The Mark
Perform a maximum Start Line Boost.
Notavailable.svg Let Me Introduce Myself
Finish an online race.
Notavailable.svg The Taunting Tanuki (secret)
Complete Chapter 1 of Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg Dimensional Rift (secret)
Complete Chapter 2 of Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg Dark Arrival (secret)
Complete Chapter 3 of Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg Cheaters Never Win (secret)
Complete Chapter 4 of Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg Between Zavok And A Hard Place (secret)
Complete Chapter 5 of Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg Kidnapped! (secret)
Complete Chapter 6 of Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg The Final Showdown (secret)
Complete Chapter 7 of Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg Roadside Assistance
Perform a Skimboost on a slow-moving Teammate.
Notavailable.svg Twinkle Twinkle
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 1.
Notavailable.svg Starry-eyed
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 2.
Notavailable.svg Reach For the Stars
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 3.
Notavailable.svg Starlight, Star Bright
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 4.
Notavailable.svg Star Power
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 5.
Notavailable.svg Celestial
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 6.
Notavailable.svg Supernova
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 7.
Notavailable.svg Can You Feel The Sunshine?
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode.
Notavailable.svg Cagophilist
Collect all of the Team Adventure Mode Keys.
Notavailable.svg Go Hard Or Go Home
Complete all possible events on hard in any Team Adventure Mode chapter.
Notavailable.svg Well, That Wasn't So Hard
Complete all Team Adventure chapters on Hard difficulty.
Notavailable.svg A Friend In Speed Is A Friend Indeed
Beat a friend's leaderboard time in Time Trial mode on any track.
Notavailable.svg Whoa! I'm Getting Dizzy!
Perform a triple Stunt.
Notavailable.svg Wisp You Were Here
Gain 6 positions by using a single Yellow Drill.
Notavailable.svg On The Skids
Stay in a single Drift for over a minute.
Notavailable.svg Ringmaster
Collect 20,000 Rings.
Notavailable.svg So Far So Jaded
Travel 200 meters over slow-down surfaces with a single use of a Jade Ghost.
Notavailable.svg A Prize Every Time
Spend 5,000 Credits.
Notavailable.svg Cyan Of The Times
Spin out 2 racers with Cyan Laser.
Notavailable.svg Freezy Peasy
Finish Frozen Junkyard without hitting any hazards or respawning.
Notavailable.svg Performance Enhancing Mods
Unlock all of the Performance Mods (Except Legendary Mods).
Notavailable.svg Speed Painter
Unlock all of the Vehicle Paint Kits.
Notavailable.svg This Time It's Personal
Modify a vehicle in the Garage.
Notavailable.svg Ad Ultimatum
Perform a Team Ultimate 3 times in a single Race.
Notavailable.svg Slingshot Pro
Perform 100 Team Slingshots. (Across all Game Modes).
Notavailable.svg Fire The Catapult!
Perform 10 Team Slingshots in a single Race.
Notavailable.svg There Is No "I" In Team...
Perform Team Item Transfer, Skimboost, Team Slingshot and Team Ultimate in a single Race.
Notavailable.svg What's Mine Is Yours
Send an Item Box to a Teammate 5 times during a Race.
Notavailable.svg Target Practice
Land a hit on enemy racers with each use of a x3 Orange Rocket.
Notavailable.svg Threat Neutralized
Use the White Boost to destroy a projectile.
Notavailable.svg Cutting Corners
Use the White Boost to avoid being slowed down by terrain.
Notavailable.svg Violent Void
Use the Violet Void to absorb a projectile and hit the racer who fired it.
Notavailable.svg Road Block
Block an incoming projectile with a Blue Cube.
Notavailable.svg Thorn In Their Sides
Cause 3 opponents to spin-out by shunting them with a Pink Spikes active.
Notavailable.svg Sonic Heroes
Complete a Team Race with 2 additional local players on your Team.
Notavailable.svg Villainy 101 (secret)
While playing as Eggman, spin out Sonic 3 times in the same Race.
Notavailable.svg Artful Dodging
Avoid every hazard created by a Gray Quake.
Notavailable.svg The Customizer Is Always Right
Achieve 1st place in a race with a fully customized Vehicle.
Notavailable.svg Shockproof
Avoid the effect of being hit by an Ivory Lightning.
Notavailable.svg But There Is A Me...
Come first in an online race.


Steam version

Icon Description
TeamSonicRacing Achievement YoureFired.png You're Fired
Cause an opponent to spin-out using a Red Burst.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement QuickOffTheMark.png Quick Off The Mark
Perform a maximum Start Line Boost.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement LetMeIntroduceMyself.png Let Me Introduce Myself
Finish an online race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TheTauntingTanuki.png The Taunting Tanuki (secret)
Complete Chapter 1 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement DimensionalRift.png Dimensional Rift (secret)
Complete Chapter 2 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement DarkArrival.png Dark Arrival (secret)
Complete Chapter 3 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CheatersNeverWin.png Cheaters Never Win (secret)
Complete Chapter 4 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement BetweenZavokAndAHardPlace.png Between Zavok And A Hard Place (secret)
Complete Chapter 5 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Kidnapped.png Kidnapped! (secret)
Complete Chapter 6 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TheFinalShowdown.png The Final Showdown (secret)
Complete Chapter 7 of Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement RoadsideAssistance.png Roadside Assistance
Perform a Skimboost on a slow-moving Teammate.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TwinkleTwinkle.png Twinkle Twinkle
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 1.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Starry-eyed.png Starry-eyed
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 2.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ReachForTheStars.png Reach For the Stars
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 3.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement StarlightStarBright.png Starlight, Star Bright
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 4.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement StarPower.png Star Power
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 5.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Celestial.png Celestial
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 6.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Supernova.png Supernova
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode Chapter 7.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CanYouFeelTheSunshine.png Can You Feel The Sunshine?
Earn every star in Team Adventure Mode.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Cagophilist.png Cagophilist
Collect all of the Team Adventure Mode Keys.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement GoHardOrGoHome.png Go Hard Or Go Home
Complete all possible events on hard in any Team Adventure Mode chapter.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WellThatWasntSoHard.png Well, That Wasn't So Hard
Complete all Team Adventure chapters on Hard difficulty.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement AFriendInSpeedIsAFriendIndeed.png A Friend In Speed Is A Friend Indeed
Beat a friend's leaderboard time in Time Trial mode on any track.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WhoaImGettingDizzy.png Whoa! I'm Getting Dizzy!
Perform a triple Stunt.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WispYouWereHere.png Wisp You Were Here
Gain 6 positions by using a single Yellow Drill.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement OnTheSkids.png On The Skids
Stay in a single Drift for over a minute.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Ringmaster.png Ringmaster
Collect 20,000 Rings.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SoFarSoJaded.png So Far So Jaded
Travel 200 meters over slow-down surfaces with a single use of a Jade Ghost.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement APrizeEveryTime.png A Prize Every Time
Spend 5,000 Credits.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CyanOfTheTimes.png Cyan Of The Times
Spin out 2 racers with Cyan Laser.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement FreezyPeasy.png Freezy Peasy
Finish Frozen Junkyard without hitting any hazards or respawning.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement PerformanceEnhancingMods.png Performance Enhancing Mods
Unlock all of the Performance Mods (Except Legendary Mods).
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SpeedPainter.png Speed Painter
Unlock all of the Vehicle Paint Kits.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThisTimeItsPersonal.png This Time It's Personal
Modify a vehicle in the Garage.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement AdUltimatum.png Ad Ultimatum
Perform a Team Ultimate 3 times in a single Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SlingshotPro.png Slingshot Pro
Perform 100 Team Slingshots. (Across all Game Modes).
TeamSonicRacing Achievement FireTheCatapult.png Fire The Catapult!
Perform 10 Team Slingshots in a single Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThereIsNoIInTeam.png There Is No "I" In Team...
Perform Team Item Transfer, Skimboost, Team Slingshot and Team Ultimate in a single Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement WhatsMineIsYours.png What's Mine Is Yours
Send an Item Box to a Teammate 5 times during a Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TargetPractice.png Target Practice
Land a hit on enemy racers with each use of a x3 Orange Rocket.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThreatNeutralized.png Threat Neutralized
Use the White Boost to destroy a projectile.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement CuttingCorners.png Cutting Corners
Use the White Boost to avoid being slowed down by terrain.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ViolentVoid.png Violent Void
Use the Violet Void to absorb a projectile and hit the racer who fired it.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement RoadBlock.png Road Block
Block an incoming projectile with a Blue Cube.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ThornInTheirSides.png Thorn In Their Sides
Cause 3 opponents to spin-out by shunting them with a Pink Spikes active.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement SonicHeroes.png Sonic Heroes
Complete a Team Race with 2 additional local players on your Team.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Villainy101.png Villainy 101 (secret)
While playing as Eggman, spin out Sonic 3 times in the same Race.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ArtfulDodging.png Artful Dodging
Avoid every hazard created by a Gray Quake.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement TheCustomizerIsAlwaysRight.png The Customizer Is Always Right
Achieve 1st place in a race with a fully customized Vehicle.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement Shockproof.png Shockproof
Avoid the effect of being hit by an Ivory Lightning.
TeamSonicRacing Achievement ButThereIsAMe.png But There Is A Me...
Come first in an online race.


Team Sonic Racing
TeamSonicRacing Switch TitleScreen.png

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