Sonic X
From Sonic Retro
If anyone wants a task
There are a frightening amount of Sonic X DVD scans here, covering all sorts of regions. Covers, discs and other garbage, most of which just needs copying over. The above site doesn't have the best quality control in the world - some are labeled wrongly or are of second-class quality, but it's better than nothing. It's unlikely you'll see better Swedish scans on the net.
-Black Squirrel 16:13, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
Episode names
So every episode of Sonic X is named incorrectly on Sonic Retro - they're literal translations of the Japanese titles, and that won't do. They need to be listed under their English names, or, if we hate that for some reason, proper romanisations of those Japanese names.
These are the Japanese names:
- 超音速ヒーロー登場!
- 潜入! エリア99
- Dr.エッグマンの野望
- カオスエメラルドを手に入れろ!
- 激突!! ソニックVSナックルズ
- 熱戦! スクール・ウォーズ
- 大混戦! クリスのホームパーティ
- 緊急発進! Xトルネード
- 渚のエミー
- 激闘! ソニック野球軍
- 美しき怪盗ルージュ
- エッグマン基地 総攻撃!(前編)
- エッグマン基地 総攻撃!(後編)
- 英雄ソニックを追え!
- 移動要塞エッグフォート襲来!
- 目指せ! 南海の沈没船
- ナックルズ! 怒りの鉄拳
- サバンナの大決闘!
- 古城の亡霊キングブーブ
- 出撃! エッグフォートII
- スピード勝負! ソニックVSサム
- 夏休み・チャオ〜な観察日記
- 大混乱! 6カオスエメラルド
- 暴走ソニック! 捕獲大作戦
- 最後のカオスエメラルド
- 誕生! スーパーソニック
- 災いのはじまり
- 謎の生命体カオス
- 囚われのエミー
- エッグキャリアの戦い
- さすらいのガンマ
- パーフェクトカオスの叫び
- プロジェクト・シャドウの謎
- 逃亡者ソニック
- プリズンアイランドからの脱出
- 宇宙からの脅迫
- スペースコロニー・アークの戦い
- マリアの願い、みんなの願い
- カオティクス探偵事務所
- エッグマン株式会社
- 光をわれらに!!
- エミー愛の逃避行!?
- 家電大パニック!!
- おかしなおかしなスパイ大作戦
- ソニックバトル・開催!!
- ソニックバトル・決勝!!
- 緯度0大決戦!!
- ソニック対地底怪獣
- 世界が静止する日
- 別れの朝
- クリスの長い旅
- 風の思い出
- 流星雨の使者
- 宇宙船ブルータイフーン号
- 水の惑星ハイドー
- Dr.エッグマン参戦!
- アイスパレスの戦い!
- 乙女のジャングルトラップ
- カオティクス、宇宙へ行く
- シャドウ・リバース
- メタレックス戦艦襲来!
- 地下渓谷の秘密
- 宇宙要塞メタルプラント
- 激突! ソニックVSシャドウ
- カオティクス 電撃ラブラブ大作戦
- 銀河回廊をわたれ!
- ブラック・トラップ
- こわれた星の上で
- お願いマルモリン!
- エッグマン艦隊現る!
- カフェ・カオティクス
- メタレックスの正体!?
- 暗殺者シャドウ!
- ロスト・プラネット
- 森化の日
- 決戦! ダーク・オーク
- 君のためにできること
- 星の生まれるところ
a session with Google translate:
- Chou Onsoku Hero Toujou!
- Sennyuu! Area 99
- Dr. Eggman no Yabou
- Chaos Emerald o Te ni Irero!
- Gekitotsu!! Sonic vs Knuckles
- Nessen! School Wars
- Daikonsen! Chris no Home Party
- Kinkyuu Hasshin! X Tornado
- Nagisa no Amy
- Gekitou! Sonic Yakyuu Gun
- Utsukushiki Kaitou Rouge
- Eggman Kichi Sou Kougeki! (Zenpen)
- Eggman Kichi Sou Kougeki! (Kouhen)
- Eiyuu Sonic o Oe!
- Idou Yousai Egg Fort Shuurai!
- Mezase! Nankai no Chinbotsusen
- Knuckles! Ikari no Tekken
- Savanna no Daikettou!
- Koujou no Bourei King Buubu
- Shutsugeki! Egg Fort II
- Speed Shoubu! Sonic vs Sam
- Natsuyasumi chao-na Kansatsu Nikki
- Daikonran! 6 Chaos Emerald
- Bousou Sonic! Hokaku Daisakusen
- Saigo no Chaos Emerald
- Tanjou! Super Sonic
- Wazawai no Hajimari
- Mii no Seimeitai Chaos
- Toraware no Amy
- Egg Carrier no Tatakai
- Sasurai no Gamma
- Perfect Chaos no Sakebi
- Project Shadow no Mii
- Toubou-sha Sonic
- Prison Island Kara no Dasshutsu
- Uchuu Kara no Kyouhaku
- Space Colony Ark no Tatakai
- Maria no Negai, Minna no Negai
- Chaotix Tantei Jimusho
- Eggman Kabushiki Gaisha
- Hikari o Warera ni!!
- Amy ai no Touhikou!?
- Kaden Dai Panic!!
- Okashina Okashina Spy Daisakusen
- Sonic Battle Kaisai!!
- Sonic Battle Kesshou!!
- Ido 0 Daikessen!!
- Sonic Tai Chitei Kaijuu
- Sekai ga Seishi Suru Hi
- Wakare no Asa
- Chris no Nagai Tabi
- Kaze no Omoide
- Ryuusei Ame no Shisha
- Uchuusen Blue Typhoon Gou
- Mizu no Wakusei Haidou
- Dr. Eggman Sansen!
- Ice Palace no Tatakai!
- Otome no Jungle Trap
- Chaotix, Uchuu e Iku
- Shadow Rebirth
- Metarex Senkan Shuurai!
- Chika Keikoku no Himitsu
- Uchuu Yousai Metal Plant
- Gekitotsu! Sonic vs Shadow
- Chaotix Dengeki Love Love Daisakusen
- Ginga Kairou o Watare!
- Black Trap
- Kowa Reta Hoshi no Ue De
- Onegai Marmolin!
- Eggman Kantai Genru!
- Cafe Chaotix
- Metarex no Shoutai!?
- Assassin Shadow!
- Lost Planet
- Morika no Hi
- Kessen! Dark Oak
- Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru Koto
- Boshi no Umareru Tokoro
English titles (double check):
- Chaos Control Freaks
- Sonic to the Rescue
- Missile Wrist Rampage
- Chaos Emerald Chaos
- Cracking Knuckles
- Techno Teacher
- Party Hardly
- Satellite Swindle
- The Last Resort
- Unfair Ball
- Fly Spy
- Beating Eggman, Episode 1
- Beating Eggman, Episode 2
- That's What Friends Are for
- Skirmish in the sky
- Depths of Danger
- The Adventures of Knuckles & Hawk
- The Dam Scam
- Sonic's Scream Test
- Cruise Blues
- Fast Friends
- Little Chao Lost
- Emerald Anniversary
- How to Catch a Hedgehog
- A Dastardly Deed
- Countdown to Chaos
- Pure Chaos
- A Chaotic Day
- A Robot Rebels
- Heads Up, Tails!
- Revenge Of The Robot
- Flood Fight
- Project: Shadow
- Shadow Knows
- Sonic's Big Break
- Shadow World
- Robotnik's Revenge
- Showdown In Space
- Defective Detectives
- Sunblock Solution
- Eggman for President
- A Date to Forget
- Mean Machines
- Sewer Search
- Prize Fights
- A Wild Win
- Map Of Mayhem
- The Volcanic Venture
- Beginning Of The End
- Running Out Of Time
- Friends 'Till The End
- A New Start
- A Cosmic Call
- Cosmic Crisis
- H2Whoa
- An Enemy In Need
- A Chilling Discovery
- Desperately Seeking Sonic
- Galactic Gumshoes
- Trick Sand
- Ship of Doom
- An Underground Odyssey
- Station Break-in
- A Metarex Melee
- Mission: Match-Up
- Clash in the Cloister
- Teasing Time/Testing Time
- A Revolutionary Tale
- The Planet of Misfortune
- Terror on the Typhoon
- Hedgehog Hunt
- Zelkova Strikes Back
- The Cosmo Conspiracy
- Eye Spy
- Agent of Mischief
- The Light in the Darkness
- A Fearless Friend
- So Long Sonic
of course, all languages are treated equally so all the other translations need accounting for. And we need production credits for each one. Possibly even title cards - better to have too much stuff than too little.
-Black Squirrel (talk) 15:06, 9 August 2018 (CDT)
- I think the English titles for the episodes have the most familiarity among the general Western communities, so IMO they're probably the best choices.
- And additionally, "The Last Resort" is shared with episodes from AoStH and Sonic Underground, and as such I went and changed that redirect to a disambiguation page, so one will have to be careful and rename Amy on the Beach to "The Last Resort (Sonic X episode)". --BSonirachi (talk) 15:52, 9 August 2018 (CDT)
- I've started work on preparing the Sonic X episode pages to be moved to their official English titles, and at the time of writing to this talk page I am merely one sixth of the way there. I have also taken the time to double-check all the English titles in the list above and correct them all accordingly:
- Chaos Control Freaks
- Sonic to the Rescue
- Missile Wrist Rampage
- Chaos Emerald Chaos
- Cracking Knuckles
- Techno Teacher
- Party Hardly
- Satellite Swindle
- The Last Resort
- Unfair Ball
- Fly Spy
- Beating Eggman, Part 1
- Beating Eggman, Part 2
- That's What Friends Are For
- Skirmish in the Sky
- Depths of Danger
- The Adventures of Knuckles and Hawk
- The Dam Scam
- Sonic's Scream Test
- Cruise Blues
- Fast Friends
- Little Chao Lost
- Emerald Anniversary
- How to Catch a Hedgehog
- A Dastardly Deed
- Countdown to Chaos
- Pure Chaos
- A Chaotic Day
- A Robot Rebels
- Head's Up, Tails!
- Revenge of the Robot
- Flood Fight
- Project: Shadow
- Shadow Knows
- Sonic's Big Break
- Shadow World
- Robotnik's Revenge
- Showdown In Space
- Defective Detectives
- Sunblock Solution
- Eggman for President
- A Date to Forget
- Mean Machines
- Sewer Search
- Prize Fights
- A Wild Win
- Map of Mayhem
- The Volcanic Venture
- The Beginning of the End
- Running Out of Time
- Friends 'Til the End
- A New Start
- A Cosmic Call
- Cosmic Crisis
- H2 Whoa
- An Enemy in Need
- A Chilling Discovery
- Desperately Seeking Sonic
- Galactic Gumshoes
- Trick Sand
- Ship of Doom
- An Underground Odyssey
- Station Break-In
- A Metarex Melee
- Mission: Match Up
- Clash in the Cloister
- Teasing Time
- A Revolutionary Tale
- The Planet of Misfortune
- Terror on the Typhoon
- Hedgehog Hunt
- Zelkova Strikes Back
- The Cosmo Conspiracy
- Eye Spy
- Agent of Mischief
- The Light in the Darkness
- A Fearless Friend
- So Long Sonic
- --BSonirachi (talk) 14:59, 11 July 2019 (EDT)