
Sonic Universe Sagas (graphic novel series)

From Sonic Retro

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Sonic Universe Sagas (graphic novel series) was a planned line of trade paperbacks that would reprint issues from the Sonic Universe series. The collected issues would have begun after the Super Genesis Wave story line had occurred in Sonic the Hedgehog 252 (Archie), as issues from before that event were subjected to litigation over royalty rights of Ken Penders' characters at the time. Neither release of Sonic Universe Saga ever came to market, however.

Back issues

SonicUniverseSagas Book 01.jpg
Sonic Universe Sagas 1: Pirate Plunder Panic
SonicUniverseSagas Book 02.jpg
Sonic Universe Sagas 2: Shadow Fall

See also


Sonic Universe
SonicUniverse Comic 01 digital.jpg

Main page (Graphic Novels|Sagas)



  • 2009-2011
  • 2011-2013
  • 2013-2015
  • 2015-2017
  • Graphic Novel Series
  • Unreleased
Archie Comics ongoing series
Stand alone specials
Free Comic Book Day issues
Crossover issues
Digests & Compilations
Single Compilations & Digital Exclusives