
Sonic Adventure AutoDemo/Comparisons/Twinkle Park

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Twinkle Park is one of the stages that crashes in this build when trying to play it, but in 2024 SPEEPS managed to get the stage working after correcting all pointers. While textures for the stage are present, they also don't normally load in-game, requiring further modifications to get them properly displaying. Act 1 also has an invalid object ID 3D, which the download above modifies to replace with a ring to prevent additional crashes.

General Differences
  • There's a camera file called CAM0300.BIN, lacking the character suffix; the used one is CAM0300S.BIN. The unused one is dated July 30, 1998, making it one of the oldest files in the build.
  • The lighting and texture files for the background are missing, though the skybox does exist (not shown in the video due to an incorrect pointer).
  • No objects call any audio functions, and the code that handles loading the background music is missing.
Act 1
  • The LandTable is almost entirely finalized, which means the opening area, track, and ending area are almost identical in structure and layout to the final stage. Nearly all of the textures are also identical.
  • This act's object list is for an even older version of the game and will crash without hacking. Most of the final act's objects are missing from the list, and none of them are placed on the landtable itself.
  • The textures for the floor and ceiling in the starting hallway are different; the textures on the walls and where the wall meets the ceiling are actually the same as the final, but are harder to notice because of the hanging monitors and lamps in the way in the final version of this stage.
  • The ceiling in the middle has its model bugged and hangs down to the floor, though the collision and textures are the same as the final.
  • There is no door that opens up to the track.
  • The camera is also not pulled back while traversing the track, which means it tends to clip through the bottom.
  • The two massive gaps in the track have to be traversed with debug tools, because the jump pads that would send you across are missing.
  • Right before the set of loops, the track has a small (unintentional) gap in it because the track is lower than it should be.
  • The loops are missing their automation triggers too, so they must be traversed manually and without the camera changing angle so you can see where you're going, such as in the below screenshot, showing Sonic entirely obscured by the outside of the loop as he runs through it.
  • The transition to act 2 is less graceful - the loading trigger is too far down in the tube Sonic jumps down, so the camera will clip through the floor and show the outside of the tube before the level switches to act 2.
Act 1 Tokyo International Forums Leftovers
  • While the landtable has no objects placed on it, there are actually many objects placed far from the geometry, including enemies, lines of rings, spikeballs, and a rocket. These match an old layout shown in the Tokyo International Forums unveiling footage. Due to the SET file having a build date of September 9, 1998, it's likely work continued on the old version before being overhauled. Unfortunately, any unique objects it used have already been removed from this build, so it's any guess as to how the stage progressed. Act 1 references an object with the ID of 0x3D, which now crashes the game.
Act 2
  • The landtable for this act is also almost entirely finalized, so much like Act 1, the layout is extremely close to the final. The landtable textures are also identical.
  • There are nearly no placed objects in this act either, including the planters along the sides of the path, enemies, springs, and platforms, save for the trail of rings Sonic falls through when leaving the rollercoaster and the bowling games being set up.
  • The texture for the rollercoaster's trailing light particles are missing, so they are untextured in-game.
  • The first camera angle after the rollercoaster takes off is different, being directly overhead off the drop as opposed to far away and closer to the drop's bottom - the autodemo cuts to an angle similar to the final's after a few seconds as the coaster approaches halfway down the drop.
  • At the bottom of the drop, the camera is farther away from Sonic and the coaster, so its angle doesn't change as quickly as it does in the final when they go by.
  • As Sonic approaches the first spiral, the camera cuts to a different angle, whereas the final has it follow Sonic continuously with no cuts. The autodemo's angle is more directly behind Sonic and to his right, as opposed to slightly above Sonic and to his left.
  • As Sonic finishes ascending into the spiral, another hard camera cut happens.
  • As Sonic turns around the roof of the castle, the camera is much closer to the tracks.
  • There is another hard camera cut as the coaster leaves the turn, and it is above and behind Sonic and to his right, as opposed to aside and behind Sonic and to his left. It quickly moves back to directly behind him as the coaster is about to make the turn past the swinging boat, while in the final it more smoothly holds its current angle.
  • The boats in the courtyard are ships that swing back and forth in an arc (like the real rides) on "ropes" of round lights attached above and have much less detail. The final boats move in circles on mechanical arms and have different and larger models.
  • The hard cut at the start of the last turn is different here too - it is to Sonic's right and right next to the track, as opposed to Sonic's left and farther away.
  • The cut midway through the turn is also different - it is on the inside of the turn and on Sonic's left, instead of being outside the turn and on Sonic's right.
  • There is one final camera cut before the end of the ride, which is directly behind Sonic (and very blinding due to the lights being directly in front of the camera). In the final the camera just smoothly follows Sonic from a distance before he enters the ride's exit.
  • The camera after Sonic leaves the ride is directly centered behind him. In the final, it is at an angle and is above him.
  • Sonic collides with the pins as if it's a solid wall - star particles, voice clip, and the animation of him falling on his butt. In the final, he still comes to an immediate stop, but without the animation or sound effects.
  • The crown object does not drop circles of rings, and the pad it floats over doesn't have its pattern texture, though it does slowly flash green.
  • The lights at the bottom of the crown do not blink. Likewise, the lights surrounding the pad also are not animated - perhaps because of the aforementioned lack of dropping rings, as each segment is initially lit up and then stops glowing every time a circle of rings is dropped in the final game.
  • At the stairs leading up to the carousel, the camera makes a hard cut to be directly behind Sonic, which also means it drags itself up the stairs, colliding with the collision as it goes.
  • The camera exiting the carousel stays farther behind Sonic and to his left, as opposed to more directly behind him. This means it tends to get caught on the left wall opening out into the courtyard.
  • Instead of the springs used to go up and into the castle battlements, the entrance to Amy's area is open! There are no doors outside or inside the hall. (To see differences for this part of the stage, see the Act 3 section below.)
  • Sonic re-enters "his" act in the same area that Amy does when leaving hers (in the final, it's where you can fall when attempting to traverse the castle turrets). Because the load trigger to leave act 3 is farther back in the exit hallway, Sonic loads within the hallway, instead of outside of it like Amy does. Like with the entrance to act 3, there is no door here.
  • Because there are no objects (no springs or floating platforms), the intended way to get to the top of the castle does not exist.
  • The level's one single enemy, a Buyon in the ending area, starts off at the bottom of the stairs instead of at the top of them.
Act 3
  • Act 3 is set to accept all characters, while in the final only Amy can enter it.
  • There is camera data, but it doesn't match at all with the stage layout, being far below and to the right of what it should normally be.
  • Like with the other acts, there are almost no objects here, such as spikeballs, the candles on the walls, and rings.
  • None of the entrances and exits for the halls of mirrors have doors.
  • The level also lacks the fog that cuts down on visibility.
  • The lack of fixed camera angles, the missing fog, and the lack of doors means the halls of mirrors show parts of the level they aren't intended to - for instance, the first hall of mirrors has the geometry for its exit hallway visible in its "reflections".
  • The second hall of mirrors also has the geometry of the its exit hallway, and the next hall of mirrors, visible in the "reflections".
  • The same is also true of the third hall of mirrors.
  • This hall also lacks the "floor" under the traversible level, so it looks like it's just floating in a black void.
  • The hidden trapdoors in the first area are not closed (likely lacking the trapdoor object that covers the pit).
  • The last area actually has a functioning trapdoor and pit here, but doesn't work with the mirror illusion - both sides (behind the mirror and where Sonic is) have a trapdoor object instead of the mirror side lacking one.
  • There is also no door leaving Act 3, so the exit is just a black hole. The loading trigger is farther from the exit than it is in the final.

External Links

  • Twinkle Park - Sonic Adventure Autodemo (SPEEPSHighway): Youtube


Sonic Adventure AutoDemo, prototype version of Sonic Adventure
SA 98 AutoDemo Title.png

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