
Sonic Adventure AutoDemo/Comparisons/Characters

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  • Characters don't have any idle animations aside from those for standing still. They also don't talk after standing still for long periods of time.
  • While all characters have the pushing action implemented, Sonic is the only character who can do so for an extended period of time; everyone else will briefly push and then stop. Sonic is also the only character who actually has a moving sound implemented when pushing something as well.
  • Picking up objects is largely rough (if it doesn't outright crash the game, like listed below). Primarily, the game has problems choosing which object to pick up if there are multiple items nearby.
  • Sonic and Big are the only characters who can put down a held item without throwing it instead.
  • Held items cannot be shaken.


  • His standing pose is less close to the ground than it is in the final (his knees are less bent). This is especially obvious in the cutscene where he is squaring off against E-102 Gamma. This old version of the pose actually makes it into the final in some of its cutscenes.
  • Sonic's idle standing animation is faster than in the final.
  • Sonic can actually lean left or right when standing on sloped surfaces, as well as forward and backward. In the final, he only leans forward or backward on slopes.
  • Sonic has a far different version of the Light Speed Attack in this build. Before each attack, he will crouch (an animation never used outside of this version of the Light Speed Attack) and a blue sphere will rotate under the next target. When the action button is pressed, Sonic will hit that target, and then crouch again (even in midair), and process continues; when the B button is pressed, it becomes a normal Homing Attack. The system is really finicky - oftentimes the game will try to target thin air, and if there are no more targets in the area, Sonic will fly a very long distance. In the final, the Light Speed Attack autotargets and immediately hits a chain of nearby enemies when the player releases the action button after charging it.
  • The blue glow around Sonic when he uses one of the Light Speed skills has less green in it and is more translucent than in the final. It also has some intense flickering (though this could be due to quirks in emulation).
  • The targeting for the Homing Attack regarding springs is inconsistent in this build - sometimes it fails to lock onto them.
  • Some of Sonic's voice clips are of different - and more Engrishy - takes than in the final. For instance, his voice clip for clearing a level.
  • Sonic's death scream when falling into a pit kicks in so late that it plays while he's respawning at a checkpoint.
  • The numbered jump pads exclusive to Sonic's levels have a few differences:
    • An additional pad type exists that is not present in the final - a pad that isn't numbered but has the star texture that the springs have. It is used to denote the final pad in a sequence, where Sonic lands after successfully completing the entire sequence. In the final, none of these are present, so the area where Sonic lands after ending the sequence is just normal ground.
    • The pads themselves are less flat and more blocky. While in the final, the orange cover is recessed behind the edges of the pad, the pads in this build have the orange portions extending all the way to the edge of the model.
    • The numbers inside the pads are mapped differently than in the final - they are much larger and sometimes off-center, like in the case of the "1" numbered pad as seen in gameplay.
    • There is no "shockwave" animation effect when Sonic lands on a pad.


  • Tails' idle standing animation loops faster than in the final, especially for his tails.
  • Tails' "tired" animation when flying is broken - he just stands while he falls. He also has a different voice take than the final.
  • Tails is missing his animation for jumping while carrying an object.
  • Tapping the action button repeatedly will have Tails continuously spin-attack, complete with the dance animations like when he has the Rhythm Badge upgrade. In the final, his spinning is much more spaced out until you get this upgrade, which allows you to spin repeatedly by holding the action button down.
  • Tails has no sound effects for spin-attacking.
  • Tails' textures for his mouth, nose, and eyes keep disappearing and reappearing during cutscenes.
  • Sonic's voice clips for racing Tails don't seem to be implemented yet - for instance, in the Icecap demo for Tails, no clips are played.
  • The texture file for the Eggman that Tails races in Speed Highway has a trailing _1 in its filename (MRACE_EGGMOBILE_1.PRS) that is not in the final version. The textures in this build have minor differences from the final ones used.


  • Knuckles has a large amount of unused combat animations in this build, including some seen in pre-release footage and screenshots. They seem to be axed by this point, as Knuckles doesn't use any of these extra animations while attacking in the demo or if the player is playing as him via hacking.
  • Knuckles can dig without the Shovel Claw upgrade.
  • The sound effect for gliding takes a bit longer to kick in - roughly a full second - after the gliding animation starts, and doesn't fade out.
  • Stars appear if Knuckles glides into a boundary. In the final, no particles like this are generated.
  • Trying to pick something up as Knuckles crashes the game.
  • Occasionally, punching Rhinotanks as Knuckles will also crash the game.


  • Amy's hammer isn't visible when she runs at top speed.
  • Amy's hammer animations lack the trailing hearts.
  • Amy's hammer attacks have no sound effects.
  • Amy's falling animation has her skirt flip up all the way to her chest. In the final, it doesn't go up nearly as much and she leans forward.
  • Amy crashes the game when certain actions are attempted by the player. These actions are:
    • Attempting the hammer backflip (attack button while running) outside of one of the game's demos.
    • Attempting to use the hammer in midair.
    • Attempting to shake one of the trees in a Chao garden.
    • Attempting to pick something up. She also lacks an animation for jumping while holding an object, likely because of this.
  • The question and exclamation marks above Zero's head look different and far blockier from the final.
  • Zero's targeting reticule is a solid triangular prism - in the final, it's a triangular wireframe.
  • Amy makes a sound when targeted by Zero that is not present in the final.
  • Zero is using entirely different sound effects - for instance, using constant "swishing" noises while using its targeting laser (in the final, it's a high pitched squeal similar to Gamma's).
  • Zero doesn't seem to have sound effects for it hitting its hands together while chasing Amy.


  • Big's idle standing animation is rougher than in the final - he bobs more prominently, his ears don't move, and the animation loop is much faster.
  • Big has a voice clip that plays alongside his jump noise during every jump. In the final, he just has the jump noise when he jumps.
  • If the player has control of Big (as opposed to being in a demo), pressing the action button at any time will cause a crash.
  • The UI that shows up when Big has his line out is rougher:
    • The text (Line [x]m) isn't vertically centered and the black area around it lacks rounded corners on the right side.
    • The line meter is placed in the middle relative to the text (in the final is to the right), and the UI itself is vertically centered on the screen instead of being in the bottom right corner.
    • The line meter doesn't change color according to how close the line is to breaking (it just stays the same shade of light blue the entire time), and the meter itself is visibly shorter than in the final.
  • Big's HUD is also different:
    • The weight value does not use darkened numbers. In this build, his weight is also hard-coded to be set to 12345g.
    • While there is a ring count icon, no numbers (not even zeroes) are populated.
    • The HUD has the LEVEL item noted above, and it still serves no purpose here.
    • There isn't the standard lives counter in the bottom left - instead there are lure icons in the top right to denote lives.
  • As seen above, Big's mission graphic for catching Froggy says "Go fishing for your friend frog" - in the final it says "Fish for and catch Froggy!". "Your friend frog" is a direct translation of Froggy's Japanese name, kaeru-kun (literally "frog" with the "-kun" honorific added).
  • When Big hooks something, the "HIT!" text does not appear and the "And...Fish Hits!" track does not play, though the track is present in the build's files (see above). No voice clip plays when Big hooks Froggy.
  • Froggy's tail is much more visibly separate from the rest of his body than in the final.
  • Froggy has no struggling animations when hooked by Big - he just lazily swims along while hooked.
  • Big's catch animation loop (when he holds Froggy/the fish he caught over his head) is much faster than in the final and seems to have fewer frames of animation. No voice clip plays when he catches Froggy.
  • The Get Chaos Emerald jingle from Sonic 2 plays when he starts his victory dance (in the final it plays a ring sound when the weight gets added to the total), and the camera does not zoom in to him like it does in the final.
  • The build is set to load an additional binary file (SAKANA.BIN) if a certain test stage is loaded. This binary file contains object code for fish, and was likely used in a test map to test his fishing mechanics.

E-102 Gamma

  • Gamma's theme in cutscenes starts at what is the midpoint of the song in the final version of the game.
  • Gamma is the only character in this build that actually has a visible upgrade item in gameplay - the Jet Booster. In cutscenes it will also sporadically appear (see below).
  • Gamma will quickly go into his gun-holding idle pose if he comes to a stop. This can also briefly be seen in one of his cutscenes (see below).
  • When Gamma "runs" (crouching down and using the wheels on the back of his feet), there is a very loud high-pitched noise.
  • Gamma's jumping noise is different from the final.
  • Gamma can jump when in propeller mode (when he gets near a body of water). In the final, he just hovers - pressing the jump button does nothing.
  • Animals used in raising Chao can be targeted and shot at. The wireframe targeting icons and blasts fired at them persist forever, even after being picked up and held by Gamma, and they can't be targeted again in this state. Trying to give an animal that has a blast fired at it to a Chao will harm the Chao.
  • Gamma's "shaking tree" animation completely clips through the tree he is trying to shake.
  • Gamma has no voice clips when breaking item boxes.
  • Gamma's gun has textures in a separate file in this build (E102ITEM.PRS). In the final, they are included in his character texture file instead.


  • Despite not appearing in any of the autodemo's cutscenes, her textures are present in the build.


Sonic Adventure AutoDemo, prototype version of Sonic Adventure
SA 98 AutoDemo Title.png

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