

Sonic the Hedgehog CD/File Locations

From Sonic Retro

(Redirected from SCHG:Sonic CD/File Locations)
SCHG: Sonic the Hedgehog CD
Main Article
File Locations
File Locations
Art Editing
Editing Art
Nemesis Format Art
Palmtree Panic MMDs
Collision Chaos MMDs
Tidal Tempest MMDs
Quartz Quadrant MMDs
Wacky Workbench MMDs
Stardust Speedway MMDs
Metallic Madness MMDs
MMD Tweaking
Tweaking MMDs
Maximum rings allowed
Minimum rings for Giant Ring
Rings given by ring
Rings given by Ring Monitor
Invincibility duration
Super Sneakers duration
Regular speed stats
Super Sneakers speed stats
RAM Editing
RAM Editing

European Sonic CD (Non-File Data)

In order of offset appearance

Data Name Offsets "From - To (Padded Up To)" Description
CD Header 0x00000000 - 0x000001FF Header Data containing the game/console name and other information
Security Code 0x00000200 - 0x000007FF "Produced by" screen (required for BIOS to accept)
IP Program 0x00000800 - 0x00000835 (0x00000FFF) Initial program loaded into RAM and run on the MainCPU
SP Program 0x00001000 - 0x000031D6 (0x00007FFF) Initial program loaded to $6000 of the PRAM and run on the SubCPU
Volume Descriptor 0x00008000 - 0x00008371 (0x00008FFF)
ISO-9660 Directory Table 0x0000A000 - 0x0000B7FF Table containing the file names, their offset, size and file flags

European Sonic CD (File Data)

In filename alphabetical order

Filename Offsets "From - To (Padded Up To)" Description
ABS.TXT 0x06B51000 - 0x06B51015 (0x06B517FF) Abstract File Identifier
ATTACK.BIN 0x013EB000 - 0x013EB8FD (0x013EBFFF)
ATTACK.MMD 0x013CB000 - 0x013EAFFF (0x013EAFFF)
BADEND.BIN 0x0425D800 - 0x0425DA7F (0x0425DFFF)
BADEND.STM 0x02218800 - 0x042527FF (0x042527FF)
BIB.TXT 0x06B51800 - 0x06B51800 (0x06B51FFF) Bibliograph File Identifier
BRAMINIT.MMD 0x01403000 - 0x014057B3 (0x014057FF)
BRAMMAIN.MMD 0x02150800 - 0x02157EA1 (0x02157FFF)
BRAMSUB.BIN 0x01405800 - 0x0140621F (0x014067FF)
COME__.MMD 0x02141800 - 0x02143AF7 (0x02143FFF)
CPY.TXT 0x06B50800 - 0x06B5080E (0x06B50FFF) Copyright File Identifier
DEMO11A.MMD 0x02158000 - 0x02197FFF (0x02197FFF) Demo Data for Palmtree Panic Zone Act 1 Present
DEMO43C.MMD 0x02198000 - 0x021D7FFF (0x021D7FFF) Demo Data for Tidal Tempest Zone Act 3 Good Future
DEMO82A.MMD 0x021D8000 - 0x02217FFF (0x02217FFF) Demo Data for Metallic Madness Zone Act 2 Present
DUMMY0.MMD 0x06B23800 - 0x06B278FF (0x06B27FFF)
DUMMY1.MMD 0x06B28000 - 0x06B2C0FF (0x06B2C7FF)
DUMMY2.MMD 0x06B2C800 - 0x06B308FF (0x06B30FFF)
DUMMY3.MMD 0x06B31000 - 0x06B350FF (0x06B357FF)
DUMMY4.MMD 0x06B35800 - 0x06B398FF (0x06B39FFF)
DUMMY5.MMD 0x06B3A000 - 0x06B3E0FF (0x06B3E7FF)
DUMMY6.MMD 0x06B3A000 - 0x06B3E0FF (0x06B3E7FF)
DUMMY7.MMD 0x06B3A000 - 0x06B3E0FF (0x06B3E7FF)
DUMMY8.MMD 0x06B3A000 - 0x06B3E0FF (0x06B3E7FF)
DUMMY9.MMD 0x06B3A000 - 0x06B3E0FF (0x06B3E7FF)
ENDING.MMD 0x04252800 - 0x0425D403 (0x0425D7FF)
GOODEND.BIN 0x02218000 - 0x0221827F (0x022187FF)
GOODEND.STM 0x0425E000 - 0x062E2FFF (0x062E2FFF)
IPX___.MMD 0x013FD800 - 0x013FE7FF (0x013FE7FF)
MDINIT.MMD 0x013C9000 - 0x013CAD59 (0x013CAFFF)
NISI.MMD 0x06B1A800 - 0x06B1E8FF (0x06B1EFFF)
OPEN_M.MMD 0x01406800 - 0x01408F23 (0x01408FFF)
OPEN_S.BIN 0x01409000 - 0x0140924D (0x014097FF)
OPN.STM 0x01409800 - 0x021417FF (0x021417FF)
PLANET_D.BIN 0x013FB800 - 0x013FD6DB (0x013FD7FF)
PLANET_M.MMD 0x013EC000 - 0x013F175F (0x013F17FF)
PLANET_S.BIN 0x013F1800 - 0x013FB32F (0x013FB7FF)
PTEST.BIN 0x06B1A000 - 0x06B1A11D (0x06B1A7FF)
PTEST.MMD 0x06B17000 - 0x06B19995 (0x06B19FFF)
PTEST.STM 0x062E3000 - 0x06B16FFF (0x06B16FFF)
R11A__.MMD 0x001DC000 - 0x0021BFFF (0x0021BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 1 Present
R11B__.MMD 0x0021C000 - 0x0025BFFF (0x0025BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 1 Past
R11C__.MMD 0x0025C000 - 0x0029BFFF (0x0029BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 1 Good Future
R11D__.MMD 0x0029C000 - 0x002DBFFF (0x002DBFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 1 Bad Future
R12A__.MMD 0x002DC000 - 0x0031BFFF (0x0031BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 2 Present
R12B__.MMD 0x0031C000 - 0x0035BFFF (0x0035BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 2 Past
R12C__.MMD 0x0035C000 - 0x0039BFFF (0x0039BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 2 Good Future
R12D__.MMD 0x0039C000 - 0x003DBFFF (0x003DBFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 2 Bad Future
R13C__.MMD 0x003DC000 - 0x0041BFFF (0x0041BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 3 Good Future
R13D__.MMD 0x0041C000 - 0x0045BFFF (0x0045BFFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Act 3 Bad Future
R31A__.MMD 0x0045C000 - 0x0049BFFF (0x0049BFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 1 Present
R31B__.MMD 0x0049C000 - 0x004DBFFF (0x004DBFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 1 Past
R31C__.MMD 0x004DC000 - 0x0051BFFF (0x0051BFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 1 Good Future
R31D__.MMD 0x0051C000 - 0x0055BFFF (0x0055BFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 1 Bad Future
R32A__.MMD 0x0055C000 - 0x0059BFFF (0x0059BFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 2 Present
R32B__.MMD 0x0059C000 - 0x005DBFFF (0x005DBFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 2 Past
R32C__.MMD 0x005DC000 - 0x0061BFFF (0x0061BFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 2 Good Future
R32D__.MMD 0x0061C000 - 0x0065BFFF (0x0065BFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 2 Bad Future
R33C__.MMD 0x0065C000 - 0x0069BFFF (0x0069BFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 3 Good Future
R33D__.MMD 0x0069C000 - 0x006DBFFF (0x006DBFFF) Collision Chaos Zone Act 3 Bad Future
R41A__.MMD 0x006DC000 - 0x0071BFFF (0x0071BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 1 Present
R41B__.MMD 0x0071C000 - 0x0075BFFF (0x0075BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 1 Past
R41C__.MMD 0x0075C000 - 0x0079BFFF (0x0079BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 1 Good Future
R41D__.MMD 0x0079C000 - 0x007DBFFF (0x007DBFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 1 Bad Future
R42A__.MMD 0x007DC000 - 0x0081BFFF (0x0081BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 2 Present
R42B__.MMD 0x0081C000 - 0x0085BFFF (0x0085BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 2 Past
R42C__.MMD 0x0085C000 - 0x0089BFFF (0x0089BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 2 Good Future
R42D__.MMD 0x0089C000 - 0x008DBFFF (0x008DBFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 2 Bad Future
R43C__.MMD 0x008DC000 - 0x0091BFFF (0x0091BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 3 Good Future
R43D__.MMD 0x0091C000 - 0x0095BFFF (0x0095BFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Act 3 Bad Future
R51A__.MMD 0x0095C000 - 0x0099BFFF (0x0099BFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 1 Present
R51B__.MMD 0x0099C000 - 0x009DBFFF (0x009DBFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 1 Past
R51C__.MMD 0x009DC000 - 0x00A1BFFF (0x00A1BFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 1 Good Future
R51D__.MMD 0x00A1C000 - 0x00A5BFFF (0x00A5BFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 1 Bad Future
R52A__.MMD 0x00A5C000 - 0x00A9BFFF (0x00A9BFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 2 Present
R52B__.MMD 0x00A9C000 - 0x00ADBFFF (0x00ADBFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 2 Past
R52C__.MMD 0x00ADC000 - 0x00B1BFFF (0x00B1BFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 2 Good Future
R52D__.MMD 0x00B1C000 - 0x00B5BFFF (0x00B5BFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 2 Bad Future
R53C__.MMD 0x00B5C000 - 0x00B9BFFF (0x00B9BFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 3 Good Future
R53D__.MMD 0x00B9C000 - 0x00BDBFFF (0x00BDBFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Act 3 Bad Future
R61A__.MMD 0x00BDC000 - 0x00C1BFFF (0x00C1BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 1 Present
R61B__.MMD 0x00C1C000 - 0x00C5BFFF (0x00C5BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 1 Past
R61C__.MMD 0x00C5C000 - 0x00C9BFFF (0x00C9BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 1 Good Future
R61D__.MMD 0x00C9C000 - 0x00CDBFFF (0x00CDBFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 1 Bad Future
R62A__.MMD 0x00CDC000 - 0x00D1BFFF (0x00D1BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 2 Present
R62B__.MMD 0x00D1C000 - 0x00D5BFFF (0x00D5BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 2 Past
R62C__.MMD 0x00D5C000 - 0x00D9BFFF (0x00D9BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 2 Good Future
R62D__.MMD 0x00D9C000 - 0x00DDBFFF (0x00DDBFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 2 Bad Future
R63C__.MMD 0x00DDC000 - 0x00E1BFFF (0x00E1BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 3 Good Future
R63D__.MMD 0x00E1C000 - 0x00E5BFFF (0x00E5BFFF) Wacky Workbench Zone Act 3 Bad Future
R71A__.MMD 0x00E5C000 - 0x00E9BFFF (0x00E9BFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 1 Present
R71B__.MMD 0x00E9C000 - 0x00EDBFFF (0x00EDBFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 1 Past
R71C__.MMD 0x00EDC000 - 0x00F1BFFF (0x00F1BFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 1 Good Future
R71D__.MMD 0x00F1C000 - 0x00F5BFFF (0x00F5BFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 1 Bad Future
R72A__.MMD 0x00F5C000 - 0x00F9BFFF (0x00F9BFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 2 Present
R72B__.MMD 0x00F9C000 - 0x00FDBFFF (0x00FDBFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 2 Past
R72C__.MMD 0x00FDC000 - 0x0101BFFF (0x0101BFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 2 Good Future
R72D__.MMD 0x0101C000 - 0x0105BFFF (0x0105BFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 2 Bad Future
R73C__.MMD 0x0105C000 - 0x0109BFFF (0x0109BFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 3 Good Future
R73D__.MMD 0x0109C000 - 0x010DBFFF (0x010DBFFF) Stardust Speedway Zone Act 3 Bad Future
R81A__.MMD 0x010DC000 - 0x0111BFFF (0x0111BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 1 Present
R81B__.MMD 0x0111C000 - 0x0115BFFF (0x0115BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 1 Past
R81C__.MMD 0x0115C000 - 0x0119BFFF (0x0119BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 1 Good Future
R81D__.MMD 0x0119C000 - 0x011DBFFF (0x011DBFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 1 Bad Future
R82A__.MMD 0x011DC000 - 0x0121BFFF (0x0121BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 2 Present
R82B__.MMD 0x0121C000 - 0x0125BFFF (0x0125BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 2 Past
R82C__.MMD 0x0125C000 - 0x0129BFFF (0x0129BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 2 Good Future
R82D__.MMD 0x0129C000 - 0x012DBFFF (0x012DBFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 2 Bad Future
R83C__.MMD 0x012DC000 - 0x0131BFFF (0x0131BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 3 Good Future
R83D__.MMD 0x0131C000 - 0x0135BFFF (0x0135BFFF) Metallic Madness Zone Act 3 Bad Future
SNCBNK1B.BIN 0x0000B800 - 0x00040B09 (0x00040FFF) Palmtree Panic Zone Sound Driver (Past Music)
SNCBNK3B.BIN 0x00041000 - 0x0007C3A4 (0x0007C7FF) Collision Chaos Zone Sound Driver (Past Music)
SNCBNK4B.BIN 0x0007C800 - 0x000ADB59 (0x000ADFFF) Tidal Tempest Zone Sound Driver (Past Music)
SNCBNK5B.BIN 0x000AE000 - 0x000DE97A (0x000DEFFF) Quartz Quadrant Zone Sound Driver (Past Music)
SNCBNK6B.BIN 0x000DF000 - 0x0011416D (0x001147FF) Wacky Workbench Zone Sound Driver (Past Music)
SNCBNK7B.BIN 0x00114800 - 0x001487A0 (0x001487FF) Stardust Speedway Zone Sound Driver (Past Music)
SNCBNK8B.BIN 0x00148800 - 0x0017E070 (0x0017E7FF) Metallic Madness Zone Sound Driver (Past Music)
SNCBNKB1.BIN 0x0017E800 - 0x001AAE1A (0x001AAFFF) Contains PCM Data
SNCBNKB2.BIN 0x001AB000 - 0x001DB808 (0x001DBFFF) Contains PCM Data
SOSEL_.MMD 0x0135F800 - 0x013628FF (0x01362FFF)
SPEEND.MMD 0x06B1F000 - 0x06B230FF (0x06B237FF)
SPMM__.MMD 0x01363000 - 0x01369CFF (0x01369FFF)
SPSS__.BIN 0x0136A000 - 0x013B9FFF (0x013B9FFF)
SPX___.BIN 0x013FE800 - 0x01402BFF (0x01402FFF)
STSEL_.MMD 0x0135C000 - 0x0135F0FF (0x0135F7FF)
THANKS_D.BIN 0x0214A000 - 0x02150217 (0x021507FF)
THANKS_M.MMD 0x02144000 - 0x02148E9D (0x02148FFF)
THANKS_S.BIN 0x02149000 - 0x0214993D (0x02149FFF)
TITLEM.MMD 0x013BA000 - 0x013C0A8D (0x013C0FFF)
TITLES.BIN 0x013C1000 - 0x013C2F99 (0x013C2FFF)
VM____.MMD 0x013C5000 - 0x013C8D9D (0x013C8FFF)
WARP__.MMD 0x013C3000 - 0x013C4C49 (0x013C4FFF)


Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
Move to Sega Retro
Number Systems (or scrap) | Assembly Hacking Guide | 68000 Instruction Set | 68000 ASM-to-Hex Code Reference | SMPS Music Hacking Guide | Mega Drive technical information