

Sonic the Hedgehog CD/Art Editing/MMDs, A-P

From Sonic Retro

(Redirected from SCHG:Sonic CD/Art Editing/MMDs, A-P)
SCHG: Sonic the Hedgehog CD
Main Article
File Locations
File Locations
Art Editing
Editing Art
Nemesis Format Art
Palmtree Panic MMDs
Collision Chaos MMDs
Tidal Tempest MMDs
Quartz Quadrant MMDs
Wacky Workbench MMDs
Stardust Speedway MMDs
Metallic Madness MMDs
MMD Tweaking
Tweaking MMDs
Maximum rings allowed
Minimum rings for Giant Ring
Rings given by ring
Rings given by Ring Monitor
Invincibility duration
Super Sneakers duration
Regular speed stats
Super Sneakers speed stats
RAM Editing
RAM Editing

ATTACK.mmd - Time Attack Screens

Offset Description
$0033CC Main patterns
$0039C6 Additional art for zone select screen
$003DBA Additional art for main screen
$003FE4 Additional art for special stage select screen
$0044FC Zone titles on main screen
$004808 Special Stage names
$004ABE Zone titles on records screen
$00512A Numbers (1-7)
$0055B8 Numbers (time)
$00566A Font
$005952 Single 8x8 tile
$0105B0 Special stage 1 icon
$0119BA Special stage 2 icon
$0127D0 Special stage 3 icon
$01390C Special Stage 4 icon
$0147C6 Special stage 5 icon
$015A8E Special stage 6 icon
$016CD2 Special stage 7 icon
$017FC4 Palmtree Panic icon
$018844 Collision Chaos icon
$019046 Tidal Tempest icon
$01A244 Quartz Quadrant icon
$01B11C Wacky Workbench icon
$01BABE Stardust Speedway icon
$01D23C Metallic Madness icon
$01DC32 Exit icon

BRAMINIT.mmd - BRAM Initialisation Screen

Offset Description
$001EB4 Robotnik's upper body (above text box)
$002098 Box and text

BRAMMAIN.mmd - RAM Data Screen

Offset Description
$0049BE Single transparent 8x8 tile
$0049C6 Font
$004B18 Main patterns
$0053E4 Background
$005908 Mini Sonic
$00617C Additional background
$0067C8 Sonic head icon
$006858 Text

COME__.mmd - Coming Soon Screen

Offset Description
$0002DE Main patterns

DEMO11A.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 1 Present Demo

Offset Description
$00DB72 Giant ring flash
$0315C4 Points
$031628 Seed Pod
$031CD0 Giant ring
$0320DA Goal post
$03229A End sign
$032876 Clear screen
$033580 Main title card patterns
$03460C Diagonal spring
$034918 Vertical and horizontal springs
$034B3A Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$03513E Explosions
$035626 Rings
$035C9A HUD
$035DC6 Continue post
$035E9A Unused
$035EC0 Unused
$035F4E Flowers
$0361D4 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$0362FE Collapsing platform
$0364C2 Boulder
$0365D0 Hidden platform
$0366B6 Wheel
$03676C Rotating platform
$036812 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$03695A More water splashes from speed tunnel
$036AFE Spin tube doors
$036B98 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$036E46 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$03702A Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037378 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$037642 Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$037950 Motorized beetle enemy
$037DC6 Spring pole
$037EFE Button
$038018 Spikes
$03806E Swinging platform
$0381CO Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03837E Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$03846C Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03AC08 Sonic shaped hole from speed tunnel exit
$03AC7A Star shaped bush
$03AE02 Large fan
$03B0A8 16x16 mappings
$03C4EE Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F2A6 Amy Rose

DEMO43C.mmd - Tidal Tempest Zone 3 Good Future Demo

Offset Description
$00A6A6 Giant ring flash
$00DB72 Giant ring flash
$03416C Points
$0341D0 Seed pod
$034878 Giant ring
$034C82 Goal post
$034E42 End sign
$03541E Clear Screen
$036128 Main title card patterns
$0371B4 Diagonal spring
$0374C0 Vertical and horizontal springs
$0376E2 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$037CE6 Explosions
$0381CE Rings
$038842 HUD
$03896E Continue post
$038A42 Water surface and splashes
$038EF8 Flower
$03919C Tidal Tempest title card font patterns
$0392A8 Bubbles and countdown numbers
$039976 16x16 mappings
$03AF18 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03DA76 Dragonfly enemy
$03DD1A Door blocks
$03DE00 Door blocks (Bad Future)
$03DED6 Swinging platform
$03DFE6 Swinging platform
$03E0F6 Two 4x4 blocks
$03E326 Two 4x4 blocks (Bad Future)
$03E5DE Animals (Tropical Fish)
$03E742 Button
$03E794 Robotnik in ship
$03EF62 Bubble ship

DEMO82A.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 2 Present Demo

Offset Description
$00B0B6 Giant ring flash
$01DAAC Flower
$01DD32 Shrinker/expander lasers
$01DE4E Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Giant ring
$02FBCC Goal post
$02FD8C End sign
$030368 Clear screen
$031072 Main title card patterns
$0320FE Diagonal spring
$03240A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03262C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032C30 Explosions
$033118 Rings
$03378C HUD
$0338B8 Continue post
$035E24 16x16 mappings
$036A62 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$039558 Doors
$03962A Spikes
$0396C4 Large piston
$039954 Collapsing platforms
$0399BC Large walking bomb
$039EEC Unused platform
$039FE0 Large seesaw and spike ball
$03A60C Large seesaw and spike ball (Good Future)
$03AC52 Falling spiked platforms
$03AE02 Walking platform
$03AF72 Button
$03AFC4 Wheel
$03B07A Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03B2BE Transport tube door
$03B320 Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03B4B0 Armoured rolling enemy
$03B8A4 Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03B9F0 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03C660 Revolving (plane switching) platform
$03C76C Unused
$03C826 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 1
$03CEA4 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 2
$03D838 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 3
$03D9EE Robotnik's ship and Robotnik in ship
$03F014 Amy Rose

DUMMY0.mmd - MC Sonic Screen

Offset Description
$0002C2 Main patterns

DUMMY1.mmd - Miles Screen

Offset Description
$0002C2 Main patterns

DUMMY2.mmd - Human Sonic Screen

Offset Description
$0002C2 Main patterns

DUMMY3.mmd - Anime Sonic Screen

Offset Description
$0002C2 Main patterns

DUMMY4.mmd - Unknown

Offset Description
$00082C Font and BG (see SOSEL_ 000884)

DUMMY5-9.mmd - Unknown

Offset Description
$00072E Font and BG (see SOSEL_ 000884)

ENDING.mmd - Presented by Sega Screen

Offset Description
$00A99A Main patterns

NISI.mmd - Enjoy, Sega Enterprises Screen

Offset Description
$0002C2 Main patterns

PLANET_D.bin - Little Planet/DA Garden

Offset Description
$000000 Track Title - Boss!!
$00004E Track Title - Collision Chaos
$00010E Track Title - Collision Chaos "B" Mix
$0001FC Track Title - Collision Chaos "G" Mix
$0002E8 Track Title - Final Fever
$00037C Track Title - Game Over
$00040A Track Title - Invincible!!
$0004A0 Track Title - Little Planet
$000546 Track Title - Metallic Madness
$00061C Track Title - Metallic Madness "B" Mix
$000724 Track Title - Metallic Madness "G" Mix
$00082C Track Title - Palmtree Panic
$0008E2 Track Title - Palmtree Panic "B" Mix
$0009C6 Track Title - Palmtree Panic "G" Mix
$000AAC Track Title - Quartz Quadrant
$000B7A Track Title - Quartz Quadrant "B" Mix
$000C78 Track Title - Quartz Quadrant "G" Mix
$000D74 Track Title - Special Stage
$000E1C Track Title - Speed Up!!
$000E96 Track Title - Stardust Speedway
$000F76 Track Title - Stardust Speedway "B" Mix
$001082 Track Title - Stardust Speedway "G" Mix
$001190 Track Title - Title
$0011E2 A jumbled up selection of the above track titles
$00165A Track Title - Tidal Tempest
$001700 Track Title - Tidal Tempest "B" Mix
$0017D6 Track Title - Tidal Tempest "G" Mix
$0018B0 Track Title - Wacky Workbench
$00198C Track Title - Wacky Workbench "B" Mix
$001A9A Track Title - Wacky Workbench "G" Mix
$001BA8 Track Title - Zone Clear
$001C30 Track Title - Sonic ~ You Can Do Anything
$001D54 Track Title - Cosmic Eternity ~ Believe in Yourself

PLANET_M.mmd - Little Planet/DA Garden

Offset Description
$004496 BG Clouds
$00493C Flicky
$004A06 Rotating star
$004B14 Robotnik
$004EE2 UFO
$0050AC Metal Sonic
$00533E Miles in Tornado


Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
Move to Sega Retro
Number Systems (or scrap) | Assembly Hacking Guide | 68000 Instruction Set | 68000 ASM-to-Hex Code Reference | SMPS Music Hacking Guide | Mega Drive technical information