

SCHG:Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles/Object Editing/Pointer List 2

From Sonic Retro

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SCHG: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Main Article
Art Editing
Editing Art
Uncompressed Art
Nemesis Format Art
Kosinski Format Art
Palette Editing
Palette Locations
Pattern Load Requests
Object Editing
Editing Objects
Object Pointers
Object Pointer List #1
Object Pointer List #2
Objects not in either list
Sprite Mappings
Dynamic PLCs
Level Editing
Editing Levels
Object Placement
Ring Placement
Level Layout
16x16 Block Mappings
128x128 Block Mappings
Music Editing
Editing Music
Pointer Format
Header Format
DAC Samples
Universal Voice Bank
Music Pointers (Sonic & Knuckles)
Music Pointers (Sonic 3)
RAM Editing
Editing RAM
Main System Memory Locations
Object Status Table Format
Sonic & Knuckles Collection
Sonic & Knuckles Collection
Music and sound effects
ID # Description Code Mappings Subparameters
00 Ring $1A51A $1A99A
01 Monitor $1D566 $1DBA2
  • $00 - Static (harms character)
  • $01 - 1-up
  • $02 - Robotnik
  • $03 - Super Ring
  • $04 - Speed Shoes
  • $05 - Fire shield
  • $06 - Lightning shield
  • $07 - Bubble shield
  • $08 - Invincibility
  • $09 - S monitor
  • $0A - Broken
02 Collision plane switcher $1CCAE $1D05A
03 C-shaped vine which twists player around from MHZ $3DC9C None (part of level art)
04 Crumbling platforms from AIZ and ICZ $204FE
  • $21E6C8 (AIZ 1)
  • $21E7AC (AIZ 2)
  • $21F2F2 (ICZ)
05 Rock from AIZ, LRZ and EMZ $1F9E0
  • $21DCDC (AIZ 1)
  • $21DD64 (AIZ 2)
  • $203D8 (LRZ 1)
  • $2047A (LRZ 2)
  • $21DDEC (EMZ)
06 Pulley lift from MHZ $3E23E $3E720
07 Spring $22D06
  • $2375C (red spring)
  • $23904 (red spring in 2P mode)
  • $23772 (yellow spring)
  • $23912 (yellow spring in 2P mode)
The upper nybble determines the orientation:
  • $0 - facing up
  • $1 - facing to the side
  • $2 - facing down
  • $3 - facing diagonally up and to the right
  • $4 - facing diagonally down and to the right

The lower nybble determines the colour:

  • $0 - red
  • $2 - yellow
08 Spikes $23F84 $24456 The upper nybble determines size and orientation. Size varies from $0 (smallest) to $3 (largest), and if bit 2 of this nybble (bit 6 of the entire byte) is set, the spike is vertical. The lower nybble determines the spike type. 0 means static, 1 means it moves up and down, 2 means it moves sideways, and 3 means it's pushable
09 Uncurling bridge from MHZ $3E836 $3EA4C
0A Vine which sticks to player and pulls him back from MHZ $3EA56 $3ED10
0B Horizontal swing bar from MHZ $3ED1A $3F04A
0C Vertical swing bar from MHZ $3F05A $3F360
0D Breakable wall $2131C
  • $21FD52 (AIZ)
  • $21FFD8 (HCZ)
  • $21FF18 (MGZ)
  • $21ABA (CNZ, SOZ)
  • $22005E (LBZ)
  • $21BCE (MHZ)
  • $21C1E (LRZ)
0E Ridge from AIZ, MHZ, SOZ and LRZ which launches player up and forces twirl $24D68 None (part of the level art)
0F Collapsing platform/bridge/ledge $20630
  • $21EA1A (HCZ)
  • $21EE68 (MGZ)
  • $21F2F2 (ICZ)
  • $21E896 (LBZ collapsing bridge)
  • $21E992 (LBZ collapsing ledge)
  • $2108E (FBZ)
  • $2127A (SOZ)
  • $20F0E (LRZ)
  • $20FCE (HPZ)
10 Swinging bar and vine from MHZ $225D0 $22B9E
11 Mushroom platform from MHZ $3F370 $3F44A 0 means it doesn't fall, 1 means it falls
12 Mushroom parachute from MHZ $3F4B0 $3F852
13 Mushroom launcher from MHZ $3F868 $3FB70
14 Wind tunnel from MHZ $3FB90 None (not displayed)
15 Vertical cylinder from LRZ 1 on which you go round and round $4224E None (part of level art)
16 Tunnel in LRZ in which player twirls and then is launched out onto a launch ridge $4254A None (not displayed)
17 Sinking rock from LRZ $4279E $42834
18 Falling ceiling spike from LRZ $4285A $42920
19 Door from LRZ $4292A $429DA Serves as an index number into the level trigger flags data. Used to associate the door with its button
1A Big door from LRZ which blocks path $42A18 $42B24
1B Fireball launcher from LRZ $42BB8 $42CB2
1C Button from LRZ $42CD6 $42D7C Serves as an index number into the level trigger flags data. Used to associate the button with the actual door
1D Projectile shooting wall-opening trigger from LRZ $42DBE $42F06 The upper nybble controls how often the trigger shoots projectiles. The lower nybble serves as an index number into the level trigger flags data, and is used to associate the trigger with the actual door
1E Elevator from LRZ which you have to Spin Dash on to make it move $42F1A $43096
1F Lava fall from LRZ $43698 $43782 Controls how often the lava falls
20 Rotating spiked ball and chain from LRZ $43502 $43666 (act 1)/$4367E (act 2) The number of links which make up the chain - 1
21 Smashing platform from LRZ with spikes at the bottom $430EA $4324A
22 Spiked ball from LRZ $4379E $43A8E
23 Mushroom cap from MHZ which bounces player up $3E018 $3E1FE
24 Looping pipes from LBZ/pipes from LRZ which eject the player out at high speed $295D0 None (part of level art)
25 Platform chain from LRZ $4A644 $4A980
26 Alternate collision plane switcher. Not sure how this differs from the normal one, but it always seems to be placed at tunnel entrances/exits $1E7E2 $1D05A
27 Leftover lava collision marker (object $31) from Sonic 2 (unused) $1EB36 $1EBBC (when not in debug)/$1EBC4 (when in debug) Can be set from 0 to 2, and determines the width of the marker
28 Invisible barrier (the GTGT blocks in debug mode) $1EC18 $1ECC6
29 Flame thrower from LRZ $43D68 $4408A
2A Breakable floor piece from various levels $2A3D0
  • $229B60 (AIZ 1)
  • $229BD4 (AIZ 2)
  • $229C48 (CNZ)
  • $229CE0 (ICZ)
  • $229EE8 (LBZ)
  • $2A920 (FBZ)
2B Spiked ball which orbits around a pillar in LRZ $43B3A $43D24
2C Spiked ball which orbits around a horizontal cylinder in LRZ $43C2C $43D24
2D Platforms from LRZ $2582E $259C4 The upper nybble determines appearance - 0 is normal, 1 is decorated at the bottom. The lower nybble determines platform behaviour:
  • 0 - stationary
  • 1 - moves left and right
  • 2 - moves left and right over a larger range
  • 3 - moves left and right over an even larger range
  • 4 - moves up and down
  • 5 - moves up and down over a larger range
  • 6 - moves up and down over an even larger range
  • 7 - moves left and right over a very large range
  • 8 - moves up and down over an extremely large range
2E Solid rock from LRZ which moves up and down depending on its trigger flag (unused, but viewable in debug mode) $440F2 $44286 The upper nybble determines rock characteristics: if bit 3 of this nybble is set, the rock's travelling span is doubled, and if bit 2 of this nybble is set, the rock starts off placed down instead of up. The lower nybble is an index number into the level trigger flags data, used to choose the correct flag to check for motion
2F Various non-animated still sprites from levels. Includes stuff like bridge posts from AIZ, waterfalls from HCZ, mini-towers from LBZ, etc $2B928 $2BA9A The mapping frame to display
30 Various animated still sprites from levels. Includes stuff like fire pieces from AIZ 2, the rotating pieces on which bricks travel in SOZ, special lava pieces from LRZ, etc $2BF20 $2BFDA The animation number to use
31 Collapsing rocks from LRZ $39C50 $39E7A
32 Sprites on horizontal turbines from LRZ 2 $4429C $445A6 (ladder)/$445B0 (spikes) 0 signifies ladder, 1 signifies spikes
33 Button $2C518
  • $2C71E (AIZ/FBZ)
  • $22BD1A (HCZ)
  • $22BD4A (CNZ)
  • $2C748 (LRZ)
  • $22BD7A (2P mode)
34 Starpole $2CFA8 $2D348 The designation number of the star pole, from $00-$09. Used to determine order - if you hit pole $04 before you've hit $03, the game will behave as if you did hit $03, even if you never actually go near it
35 Plants in foreground in AIZ 1 $2C1F0 $22B8EC
36 Breakable bar from HCZ $1ED26 $21CDCA
37 Spiked ball launcher from LRZ $44826 $449BC
38 Sand falls and quicksand from SOZ $3FCD4 None (part of level art) Of the format TTSSSSSS. TT is the type of object:
  • 00 - vertical sand fall which transports player up
  • 01 - sand which hugs ceilings and walls and transports player along it
  • 10 - vertical sand fall which twirls player and transports him up
  • 11 - quicksand

SSSSSS is the vertical radius of the object, divided by 8

39 Object which spawns sand blocks in SOZ $40276 $4043A
3A Special pathswapper from SOZ, used in the double loops $1D106 $1D05A
3B Special pathswapper from SOZ 2, used just below the springs at the end of the double loops to allow Sonic to travel through them $4044A None (not displayed)
3C Door (used in HCZ, CNZ and DEZ) $30E24 $30F86
3D Spring from FBZ 2 which moves up and down. Only used once in entire game $239E4
  • $2375C (red spring)
  • $23772 (yellow spring)
3E Pushable rock from SOZ $40546 $40776
3F Vine from SOZ which you push back against to make it spring you $40786 $40B0C
40 Rising sand wall from SOZ $40B16 $40D10
41 Light switch from SOZ $40E5C $41090
42 Floating pillar from SOZ $41176 $412E0 The upper nybble determines size and appearance - 0 is normal, 1 means it has spikes on the top, and 2 means it has spikes on the bottom. The lower nybble determines behaviour:
  • 0 - stationary
  • 1 - moves left and right
  • 2 - moves left and right over a larger range
  • 3 - moves left and right over an even larger range
  • 4 - moves up and down
  • 5 - moves up and down over a larger range
  • 6 - moves up and down over an even larger range
43 Swinging platform from SOZ $4143C $416C6 The upper nybble determines behaviour - 0 means it swings continuously, 1 means it swings only when the player stands on it. The lower nybble is the number of spheres in the chain connecting the platform to its holder
44 Breakable sand rock from SOZ $41702 $4182E
45 Pushing switch from SOZ 2 $4187E $41B56 Serves as an index number into the level trigger flags data. Used to associate the switch with the sand door it controls
46 Sand door from SOZ 2 $41B70 $41C72 Serves as an index number into the level trigger flags data. Used to associate the sand door with its controlling switch
47 Cork plug from SOZ 2 which when broken causes sand to start rising $41CC2 $41EAE
48 Wire which you hang onto and use to descend in SOZ $4A9A8 $4B1D0
49 Miscellaneous solid non-animated sprites from SOZ $41F44 $41FC8 0 means 2x3 block with decorations on it, 1 means small ledge from which rope is often suspended
4A Floating platform from DEZ $25A30 $25ACA Determines platform behaviour:
  • 0 - stationary
  • 1 - moves left and right
  • 2 - moves left and right over a larger range
  • 3 - moves left and right over an even larger range
  • 4 - moves up and down
  • 5 - moves up and down over a larger range
  • 6 - moves up and down over an even larger range
  • 7 - moves left and right over a very large range
  • 8 - moves up and down over an extremely large range
4B Tilting bridge from DEZ $46D9E $46F7A
4C Carrier from DEZ which you hang onto $46F84 $4717E
4D Missile launcher embedded in walls from DEZ $4719A $472A8
4E Swinging platform from DEZ $47378 $47614
4F Staircase from DEZ $4763E $46F7A
50 Conveyor belt from DEZ $47816 None (part of level art)
51 Floating platform $25506
  • $256A2 (AIZ)
  • $25688 (HCZ)
  • $25654 (MGZ)

The upper nybble determines size - 0 is for MGZ, 1 is for HCZ and 2 is for AIZ. The lower nybble determines platform type:

  • 0 - stationary
  • 1 - moves left and right
  • 2 - moves left and right over a larger range
  • 3 - moves up and down
  • 4 - moves up and down over a larger range
  • 5 - moves diagonally up and to the right
  • 6 - moves diagonally down and to the right
  • 7 - moves up as far as possible when player stands on it
  • 8-B - move around clockwise in the shape of a rectangle. The size of the rectangle increases from 8 to B
  • C - moves left and right over a very large range
52 Lightning from DEZ $47892 $4792E
53 Moving conveyor belt from DEZ $47966 $47C08
54 Air-bubble emitting object $2F938 $2FCB2
55 Energy bridge from DEZ $47E2E $47FF8
56 Curved energy bridge from DEZ $47EFC $48038
57 Light tunnel launcher from DEZ $481F2 $48424
58 Gravity-reversal switch from DEZ 2 $48AAA $48BEA
59 Gravity-reversing long vertical tunnel from DEZ 2 $48C16 None (part of level art)
5A Tunnels from DEZ inside which player twirls $48EAE None (part of level art)
5B Gravity-reversal object placed inside horizontal tunnels in DEZ $491F4 None (not displayed)
5C Tunnel junction from DEZ $492B2 None (part of level art)
5D Retracting spring from DEZ $4808E $481B6
5E Machine from DEZ which causes player to hover above it $4945C $495D8
5F Object from DEZ 1 which controls player movement in the special engine room in DEZ 1 $49602 None (not displayed)
60 Bumpers in engine room from DEZ 1 $49766 $498C2
61 Main puzzle bumper in engine room in DEZ 1 $498D2 $49A6C
62 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
63 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
64 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
65 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
66 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
67 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
68 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
69 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
6A Invisible horizontal block which hurts player $1F3F8 $1ECC6
6B Invisible vertical block which hurts player $1F5A0 $1ECC6
6C Bridge which sags when you walk across it $38688 $38FF2 (HCZ/LRZ)/$38FBA (ICZ)
6D Invisible horizontal block which hurts player, but is nullified by lightning shield $1F3EA $1ECC6
6E Invisible horizontal block which hurts player, but is nullified by fire shield $1F3F2 $1ECC6
6F Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
70 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
71 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
72 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
73 Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
74 Retracting spring from SSZ $46426 $46D20
75 Rotating spiked platform from SSZ $460D8 $46ADA
76 Rotating conveyor belt from SSZ $45DAE $46CE8
77 Retracting bridge from SSZ at the very beginning of the act $44F52 $46958
78 Object which launches player forward in FBZ and DEZ $3B934 $3BA8A
79 Teleporter from HPZ and SSZ $45528 $46B3C
7A Bar from SSZ which you hang on to and it takes you up $4536C $46ADA
7B Diagonal collapsing bridge from SSZ $44D60 $46958
7C Horizontal collapsing bridge from SSZ $44C44 $46958
7D Bouncy cloud from SSZ $450A4 $46A44
7E Collapsing grey column from SSZ $44AE0 $46900
7F Floating platform from SSZ $44A68 $46900
80 Hidden monitors which bounce out when the starpost touches them $836E0 $1DBA2
81 Egg capsule $86540 $86BFC
82 All appearences of Knuckles as a bad guy or as a non-controllable character $61D4C Varies depending on appearance (aka I'm lazy)

Determines behaviour:

  • 00 - Knuckles at the start of AIZ 1
  • 04 - Knuckles at the end of AIZ 2
  • 08 - Knuckles at the end of HCZ 2
  • 0C - Knuckles in the middle of CNZ 2
  • 10 - Knuckles at the end of CNZ 2
  • 14 - Knuckles from LBZ 1
  • 18 - Knuckles from LBZ 2
  • 1C - Knuckles from MHZ 1
  • 20 - Knuckles from MHZ 2
  • 24 - Knuckles at the end of LRZ 2
  • 28 - Knuckles boss from HPZ
  • 2C - Knuckles from SSZ
  • 30 - Knuckles in the MHZ 1 intro (only in S&K alone)
83 Buttons used by Knuckles $65BD4 $2C71E
84 Sonic during the AIZ intro sequence $67472 $146620
85 Giant ring $6166A $619E0 (normal)/$61B28 (flash)
86 Gumball level from gumball bonus stage. Also initializes all other sprites $60C56 $6148A
87 Springs on the sides of the gumball bonus stage $60F2E $6148A
88 Special breakable floor from CNZ 2 which causes a water level rise when broken $65D16 None (not displayed, spawns a normal breakable floor object)
89 Button which switches the lights on again in CNZ 2 $65D6E $2C71E
8A Doors and insides of windows in the cutscene at the end of FBZ 2 $86CF6 $86D2A
8B Sprite which performs some sprite masking. Not sure what effect this achieves $862AE $18595E
8C Madmole badnik from MHZ $8D580 $8D9F2
8D Mushmeanie badnik from MHZ $8DAF6 $8DCF8
8E Dragonfly badnik from MHZ $8DD32 $8DFDA
8F Butterdroid badnik from MHZ $8E09E $8E12E
90 Cluckoid badnik from MHZ $8E17E $8E546
91 Tree which MHZ 1 miniboss chops down $75A84 $186A88
92 Miniboss from MHZ 1 $751CA $186168
93 Boss from MHZ 2 $75F50 $6820C
94 Skorp badnik from SOZ $8E650 $186C84
95 Sandworm badnik from SOZ $8EA66 $186D10
96 Walking rock badnik from SOZ $8EDA0 $8F086
97 Miniboss from SOZ 1 $76A12 $774A6
98 Boss from SOZ 2 $7764E $6820C
99 Fireworm badnik from LRZ $8F750 $8FA5C
9A Exploding rock from LRZ $8FAE6 $8FC90
9B Toximister badnik from LRZ $8FD30 $9008E
9C Drilling machine from LRZ $900F0 $186D6A
9D Miniboss from LRZ 1 $784F0 $186EC8
9E Torpedo launcher from LRZ 3 $78F56 $1876B2
9F Ring (unused slot) $1A51A $1A99A
A0 Egg Robo badnik from SSZ $91518 $184F34
A1 Green Hill Mecha Sonic boss from SSZ $7A20E $6820C
A2 Metropolis Mecha Sonic boss from SSZ $7A6A6 $6820C
A3 Mecha Sonic boss from SSZ $7B288 $1853AA
A4 Spikebonker badnik from DEZ $919EC $184E5C
A5 Chainspike badnik from DEZ $91C3C $184E8A
A6 Miniboss from DEZ 1 $7DDB4 $184FBA
A7 Boss from DEZ 2 $7F06C $185B82
A8 Object which forces Sonic and Tails into a crouch at the beginning of MHZ 1 $62CA4 None (not displayed)
A9 Button from MHZ 1 which opens/closes door. Also spawns Knuckles object $62E28 $2C71E
AA Ghosts from SOZ $8F0B8 $1872B6
AB Object which manages art loading for the ghost egg capsule in SOZ 2 $8F390 None (not displayed)
AC Egg capsule containing ghosts from SOZ 2 $8F3F6 $86BFC
AD Platforms, both stationary and moving, from LRZ 3 $79C52 $1874B4
AE Object which locks controls and spawns Knuckles and rock object at the end of LRZ 2 $63B22 None (not displayed)
AF Button which Knuckles uses to open bridge at the beginning of SSZ 1 $659B6 $2C71E
B0 Master Emerald from HPZ $906A0 $91006
B1 Object which changes HPZ's palette midway through the act $656A8 None (not displayed)
B2 Egg Robo who comes to grab Knuckles at the beginning of SSZ 2 $7CA1C $6820C
B3 Object which changes the current level when player comes in contact with it $863EC None (not displayed) The overall act number to change to (for example, HPZ is zone $16 act $1, so to change to that the subtype would be $16 * 2 + 1 = $2D)
B4 Super Emeralds from HPZ $90774 $91006
B5 Object which initializes all objects in HPZ special stage portal $90964 None (not displayed)
B6 Boss ship from DDZ $817DA $832E2
B7 Asteroid from DDZ $821DE $832E2
B8 Missile from DDZ $81FEE $832E2