
Category talk

Sonic Mania screenshots

From Sonic Retro


I have undertaken the painstaking task of going through the pit of uncategorised files and given many homeless files a category, among most of them being screenshots from Sonic Mania. Trouble is that there's a truckload of screenshots to find, most of which are poor quality screenshots taken before the PC version came out. There's a mix of:

  • Screenshots of poor quality.
  • Screenshots that are not used on any pages.
  • Duplicate screenshots.
  • Possibly others.

A cleanup would be in order to weed out the poor quality screenshots and even delete/replace them if necessary (check which pages are using them though). Most screenshots that I have found that are dupes, I have marked for deletion, but some are still out there. There are also more screenshots that I haven't categorised, but at this point I am absolutely burned out from having gone through hundreds of those uncategorised files. --BSonirachi (talk) 17:42, 24 February 2018 (CST)